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Everything posted by Vulture

  1. Wow, that sounds a right combination ! So what's your current thinking ? Replacement inlet and outlet manifolds ? Also will you need to take the head off to drill the studs out, or do you think you can sort that in-situ... Kind regards Ian
  2. Yeah good thinking Mike. I feel a call to Rex Ward is called for tomorrow. Ian
  3. This is true fortunately !
  4. Gentlemen, I can share with you that when my son and I went out yesterday :drive:morning to visit his grandparents 7 miles away, I hadn't anticipated coming back home with such lack of style.... :blush: :embarrassed: This is what ends up happening when the flexible oil pressure pipe on a CCKW that connects to the oil pressure gauge, decides to split when your not at home... :shocked:
  5. Cubed I've done some measurements... 1. Dipstick tube from sump to top: 342mm 2. Dipstick Low Mark to disc by handle: 490mm 3. Dipstick Low Mark to disc by handle: 471mm Happy to take photos if that would help. Cheers Ian
  6. Cubed, apologies, bit of stressful day (will post pics later) at this end, will try and measure tomorrow. Cheers Ian
  7. Cubed, I'll check this tomorrow for you. Cheers Ian
  8. Cubed, you have my sympathy re your knocking problem. I've been lurking on the other thread following the tale. Kind regards Ian
  9. I assume that's to prevent radio interference then ?
  10. Guys, please excuse me bumping this thread, but what are the two silver boxes fastened to the bulkhead in the photo ?
  11. Wow that conqueror is an impressive beast. Thanks for posting. Showed the photos to my son who asked 'when can we get one Dad?' LOL
  12. Now your getting me started on the JSF and how we have been so screwed by the US: :angry a) not releasing the code so we can do our own mods, upgrades etc b) cancelling the second engine (F136) which means were are now locked into use the F135 Pratt engine. Pratt are an awful awful company to deal with + the fact there is no competition means they can overcharge at will, and the UK loses manufacturing share as Rolls-Royce are cut out completely. Don't get me wrong, generally I'm not a US basher like some, I have lots of US friends, and like the country a lot, but they have not played fair on this one and I'm ashamed the UK got sucked into this program and how the US has behaved.
  13. I was involved with supporting the Harriers for many years. I was totally gutted when it was announced they were to retire them early. Shows what a bad situation the country is in financially, although the savings they said they would make each year from the retirement (approx £500M a year) were in my opinion way over stated :shocked::banghead:
  14. Wow love it !!! :-) Post some more photos please. Ian
  15. Guys, a total noob :n00b: question here in relation to my CCKW... :blush: :embarrassed: I had a bit of time this afternoon, thought I'd put in the new points I recently picked up from Rex Ward. With my older cars I used to turn them over by hand using the fixed fan on the crank, but of course that's not an option here. So I get the starting handle out for the first time, as I know I need to rotate the engine until the the points open. Walk to front of truck with handle.... Ahhhh, bleep bleep winch is in the way, time to check manual... What the **** ? :shocked:Apparently I need to unwind the entire cable (which just know won't go back as tidy) !!! :nut: :mad: Someone, anyone, please tell me there is another way of slowly turning the engine over.... Kind regards to all Vulture
  16. Yes, well done indeed. A good success story after the hours you have put in :-)
  17. Richard What an interesting vehicle, thanks for adding the extra photos. Checked out on U-Tube and found this one: Just brilliant ! Have you tried that many times yourself ? Kind regards Ian
  18. Wow ! That nose art is beautiful :clap: Had a quick look at your web site. You have done some amazing stuff. Thanks for sharing. Ian
  19. Richard Thanks for taking the time to explain a bit about your vehicle, fascinating stuff, I want one !! The ability to take it for a swim in any river you want is just brilliant. Kind regards Ian
  20. An old friend of mine sent me this link: http://www.flamesofwar.com/hobby.aspx?art_id=883 If only conversions in real life were as easy ! :nut: :-D Regards to all Ian
  21. BRDM Driver Just had a look at the photos of your machine in your album. The interior of it looks excellent !! Tells us something info about the vehicle please. Cheers Ian
  22. Not good, not good at all.. :-(
  23. Guys Thank you for your thoughts, this has been an informative thread. The overwhelming consensus appears to be not to over-engineer the activity on such a basic engine ! LOL :n00b: :nut: Must confess I have already applied a dab of high temp grease to each plug. On the basis of what I’ ve read here I probably won’t do that again :red: The debate over what plugs to use is very interesting. I picked up my NGKs from Rex Ward. Paul, I never appreciated that counterfeit parts were such a problem ! :wow: Good pic btw. Kind regards to all, on this depressing overcast autumn day here in the UK. (How I wish it was summer, so much to do, and so little time available) Ian
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