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Everything posted by Vulture

  1. Lauren Things are looking good for our first meeting tonight. Spoke to the Montague Club a couple of days back to check everything was still fine with them (which it was). If everyone turns up who said they will, we should have about 20 people there tonight Kind regards Ian
  2. Situation normal then ! :yawn: :rofl::rotfl:
  3. Rosie I too am sorry to hear of your loss. Kindest regards Ian
  4. Mike Thanks for your thoughts. :goodidea: about messing with the pipe in the cab (wish I'd thought of that :banghead:). You may be right about the new rubber one, although I feel it will last a few years, as it is hugely over-engineered. The new pipe can take 4200psi. When I've sorted the current list of jobs out, I might revisit it. Kind regards Ian
  5. Awesome !! I really like that look of that.
  6. Hi Gary Yes my loom is looking a bit tired, which might explain three minor electrical snags I'm living with at the moment. I'm going to get into the wiring in the spring, assuming I've sorted the list of other things before then
  7. Thanks Ray. 56 letters of invitation were sent out. It will be interesting to see how many responses I get. Hopefully it will be enough for a viable Area.
  8. Lauren The Montague club is quite a large place with four separate rooms downstairs. One is taken by the bar, another is a pool room, and the remaining two are function rooms. The wargamers occupy the largest one, we will take the smaller one, which can take about 30 people.
  9. A bit of an update for those interested. Arrangements for the inaugural meeting of the Huntingdon & District Area of the MVT have now firmed up, with details as follows: Date: Thursday 12th Jan 2012 Time: 19:30 Location: The Montagu Club, 14 Hartford Road, Huntingdon, CAMBS PE29 3QD Formal letters of invite are being posted out tonight. Kind regards to all Ian
  10. Can't remember if this has been posted here before, but on the off-chance it hasn't, here is the U-Tube clip that has proved such a hit. Made us all smile in the Vulture household :-) - [video=youtube_share;SDZcGz4vmJc] -
  11. Picked mine up today. Love the interior shots, especially the ones with all the ammo in ! :clap: An amazing job ! :bow:
  12. Adrian, I'm looking forward to reading the aricle. I remember playing around on the vehicle when it was just a shell on the Thorpe Arch Trading estate, years and years ago.
  13. Your doing a brilliant job on this Nige, keep posting the pics please, they are fascinating.
  14. Vulture


    Hi RosieBeen v windy up in the Fenlands of Cambridgeshire as well. Glad I stripped the back of the truck down ! I have some doubt the old canvas on the cargo body would have stayed in one piece. Neighbours fence was swaying madly, but amazingly is still standing !
  15. Success ! :yay: Fitted the re-worked hose yesterday, fired the engine up, no leaks :dancinggirls:
  16. Yeah, 79th Armoured sounds good :thumbsup:. When you get the Jeep and Buffalo done you must post vids of them as well please :-)
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