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Everything posted by Vulture

  1. Yeah, I'm aware of the what the TM says, BUT, having put 6 new six tyres on mine just over a hundred mile ago it is obvious, I mean really obvious that at 50psi on the rears, only about 60% of the tyre is making any meaningful contact with the road. I'll post a photo when I get home. The outer part of the tyre is still shinny with a glazed surface. Surely the tyre pressure should be set at a figure where the width of the tread footprint has an equal pressure exerted over it, to ensure the best grip, and equal wear across the surface ? I mean is this not how the tyres on a CCKW are meant to operate ? Classic symptoms of overinflation are excessive wear in the tyre centre and conversly under inflation is excessive wear on the shoulders. Are we saying here that the correct running form for an unladed CCKW running on tarmac is to prematurely wear your tyres out ? Kind regards to all Vulture
  2. CCKW Tyre Pressures Guys, what pressure do you run the front and back tyres at on your CCKW when it is unloaded ? Spoken to several people, and had varying answers, which range from: 1. 50lb all round. 2. 50lb on the front 45 on the back. 3. 50lb on the front 40 on the back. 4. 40lb all round. What’s the consensus here on the HMVF ? Kind regards to all Vulture
  3. Ahhhhhh, a covert operation...
  4. Deadline I've started downloading the Army Motors but couldn't see a Sep 42 edition.... I'll get to grips with the issue with the bows and what type I have over the coming couple of weeks, your post of the types out there looks v informative. I'm about to be distracted by a bad earth/starter issue that flared up yesterday, so the bows will now have to take a back seat for a short while... Kind regards Vulture
  5. N.O.S. Thanks for that advice, I'll give Allied Forces a call later today. If you do have some spare screws that would be great Kind regards Vulture
  6. Chaps I have a few bits I'm after and I wondered if anyone can suggest a supplier (in the UK). My normal contact Rex Ward doesn't have any, and doesn't plan to stock any in the future. 1) A complete set of Leather straps for the bows. 2) About a dozen of the large screws that fix into the bows 3) About a dozen of the round headed bolts and nuts that keep the metal/woodwork on the seats together. Kind regards Vulture
  7. Yes, absolutely Decided to avoid the issue of taking off the hose and then having to trek round local supplies to find something suitable, so I swung by to see Rex Ward last Wednesday and he (unsurprisingly) had some that is man enough for the job Whilst I was there I also picked up some new brake bleed nipples as well. Kind regards Vulture
  8. Cubed Okay, thanks for the tips there Picking up on a bit Roxie posted "collecting a new engine", have you been and sourced a new engine for your truck ? Tell all... :-) Kind regards Vulture
  9. Hey N.O.S. Accomplished one one my four missions on Thursday replacing out the hose down to the Hydrovac. Here it is in situ And with it removed, you can clearly see the cracking Which on inspection is about 2/3 of the way through the pipe :shocked: This ended up being one of the jobs where I feared it was going to be a complete pig, and in fact it was straightforward with the hose coming off relatively easy, and the replacement going on after just a small struggle Next job, the brake hoses... Kind regards Vulture
  10. Cubed Did you take any photos whilst doing this ? Anything spring related makes me shudder, after a narrow escape I had with a coiled spring some years ago. Vulture
  11. Steve Thanks for sharing your activities and photos. All good stuff, and quite inspiring. Kind regards Vulture
  12. Welome along Doug. You should find lots to interest you on here Kind regards Vulture
  13. There is nothing good about any of that, especially the £80 fine which is outrageous !
  14. I'm insured through Adrian Flux for my GMC 352. £120 fully comp, restricted mileage of 3,000 miles, three named drivers.
  15. Tony, I had a problem with Charging as well last year. This thread might be useful for you: http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?25897-Charging-problem&p=276178#post276178 Regards Vulture
  16. :rotfl:Your right about that N.O.S. ! :rolleyes: :-D Currently messing with the metal work in the cargo seats at the moment in the garage, prior to refitting. Top 4 jobs to do after that are (in no particular order) now the weather is getting better: 1. Check the timing. 2. Check the valve clearances. 3. Replace the 5 remaining flexible brake pipes. 4. Replace the rubber hose on the the pipe down to the hydrovac. Keep well Vulture
  17. Hi Andy Welcome along to the forum Kind regards Vulture
  18. Here in Cambridgeshire it started raining hard about 10:00. Got petty wet walking the dog at lunchtime, then it turned to snow... HUGE flakes came down for about 2 hours. Its turned back to rain now :-|
  19. Awesome ! When's it being released ? Vulture
  20. Spitty Thanks for posting the latest photos and keeping us updated Kind regards Vulture
  21. Deadline, thanks for that. It doesn't feel like there is a spring there, as there is no 'sprung' feel to the primer arm at all. I'm away from home at the moment, but at the weekend I'll investigate. Kind regards Vulture
  22. Journeyman, Cubed, Big Ray and Tony B Cleaning round the fuel pump today and thinking about the advice given, I suddenly realised the problem :idea: was there right in front of me ! :blush::blush::blush::blush::blush::blush::blush::blush: Ahhhhh.. When I used the primer lever yesterday (prior to starting the engine for the first time), the lever stayed up.. (deep sigh) :embarrassed::embarrassed::embarrassed: which of course starved the carb of fuel !! Such a stupid mistake :n00b: !! Putting the primer lever down, when I cranked the engine over it started straight away ! :dancinggirls: Hey ho, not a mistake I'll make again.... (I hope). :nut: Kind regards to all Vulture
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