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Everything posted by RattlesnakeBob

  1. surely Ebay is exactly the same as any other market internet based or not???? ..if this fella knows what he can pay for it and still make a profit ???.... .......then he's only doing 'business' the same as say a car dealer down the road offering you 'X' for a car when he knows he can sell it 'X+'..it's business.simple as that . ...after all ...Tescos doesn't sell you a loaf of bread for the bare minimum of what it cost them....there has got to be a profit margin in it..... nothing illegal nor unethical about it . just 'business'. ..........and if he's getting people to pay the amount he wants ??? then fair play to him .
  2. very good question .....looking at the Google map there certainly doesn't seem to be enough concrete left ....so... .the question is .when she does her 'tail up taxi runs' which bit of the old airfield is used??? there doesn't seem to be enough anywhere in the vicinity but.....she manages it somehow....so ?????
  3. I really hope she does take to the sky again............. ...........just out of interest... I watched the old classic 'Dambusters' on TV t'other day and a thought occurred to me...... I know the film was made way back in 1955 only 10 years after the war had ended so.... I guess there were a lot of surplus Lancaster's still lying about....but.... ......it's pretty obvious from the film (very much 'pre CGI' days of course)..that they had quite a few to use in filming ....does anyone know how many they actually had for the filming ??.. ..and even more poignantly.......... what was their fate in the years afterwards???
  4. A Landrover.....that is also a halftrack !!!! now yer talking !
  5. Fair play you got yerself some work for the New Year mate ! Look forward to watching the rebuild :kiss:
  6. that's par for the course Tony.. I had a 'little 2 day job' a few years back that turned into about 6 weeks of work for exactly the same reason....the old water main in a very big factory site had sprung a leak....we fixed it and turned the water back on......less than 8 hours later it sprung again nor more than a 100 yards away from the first leak... Over the next 6 weeks or so as fast as we repaired one burst another appeared..a very old cast iron 12" pipe was the cause.....it had corroded away and the very high pressure was blowing pieces out of it about the size of a matchbox....:-D just in case you're wondering .....the factory was in the stages of closing down so the company didn't want to spend the money on laying in a completely new pipe.....all they had to do was hand the premises back to the Landlord without any leaks :-D.....It all certainly turned into a tidy job for me :cool2::cool2:
  7. She looks great ! .. seeing the size of that body ?...and the fact that you say you were told she was only used once or so a year??..then I'd hazard a guess that she'd been modified for transporting Silage?....In the picture taken in the barn...I can see at the top of the bed on the 'off side'?...that side appears higher than the other with a 'trap board' rigged to trap the Silage as it 'blows' in from the forage harvester........either that or harvesting of some sorts anyways ...grain maybe ??? either way, what a find ! Looking forward to seeing her come back together :-D
  8. IMpressed ........but quite why one should wish to drive through water that deep is a bit of a mystery to me.....I thought that's what boats were invented for :cool2: and come to think of it ......:cool2: ....I'm sure I owned one of those ex army Landrovers.........well....the chassis fell apart as if it had been dunked in seawater anyways !
  9. .........your right of course Tony:-D... .........but to say out loud something along the lines of "hey I got an idea!....lets strap a big bundle of sticks to the front of a tank and have it drop them in a hole and then drive over it !"....???? I can well imagine the eyebrows being raised and the mutterings from certain 'old school' elements of the General Staff back in 1943.........:cool2:
  10. Well despite whatever various factions may say of the DD being a success or failure?... .... I'd lay a good size bet the anyone of those GIs that hit Omaha would have given their backteeth to have a couple of dozen DDs roll in there with them that day.....
  11. and sorry to whoever Mr Straussler was Adrian...I certainly didn't intend to rob anyone of their due credit..:red: ... but if Hobart didn't actually 'come up' with all the ideas.. it was at least him that brought them all together and promoted their development and employment wasn't it??? PS: have just Wikied Mr Straussler ! .....a clever fella for sure !
  12. That's the fella... I couldn't think of where he was
  13. A lot of evidence points to them (despite denials by the US) being launched way beyond the desired distance from the beach....I recall reading many years ago that one of the salvage teams had found a number of tanks at something like a couple of miles or so off the beach .....and these were not as some have since suggested, as a result of their LCTs being sunk....they'd been 'launched' ...it may have been the company owned by the guy who ended up opening the museum with the salvaged sunken tanks in ??? I also recall reading that US Military Investigations which could possibly have lead to charges being brought against the launch crews/teams were considered but the whole idea was quietly dropped....
  14. I would have to say the DD tanks on the whole were in an incredible success..don't forget the Americans were very skeptical of the DDs worth and were rather reluctant to deploy them at all ....subsequently of course they did indeed pay a very heavy price for not having enough Armour on that particular beach that morning.. It's without doubt that the disaster at Omaha was partly down to the DDs having been 'launched' from way too far off the beach but also that they were launched into a 'swell' that was far too high for their 'freeboard'...this matter had been clearly expressed to the US units and had indeed been rehearsed before D Day and should have been obvious to those ordering the tanks into the water..... ........There was also apparently a secondary problem in that the current (coming from the West) when approaching Omaha was a lot stronger than they were expecting and a lot of the landing craft and the DD tanks were being swept way off their intended landing areas.......whilst the barges could attempt to turn 'against' this current and endeavour to land where they were supposed to...... when the DDs tried to do the same, many were lost because the waves/swell was coming against them obliquely instead of from behind.......... Personally I believe Major Hobart was a genius .......alongside the DD don't forget he invented the Mine Flail tank and also the Fascine Bundle tank for crossing ditches .....
  15. Not my 'favourite' of Jeeps...it's the high bonnet I guess..... to me it always looks a bit too 'agricultural' and somehow throws the proportions out .....but!... .......all the same I'd certainly have one if the chance arose!!.... Well done to you for finding and saving it anyway and I'll very much look forward to seeing it returned to glory !
  16. so were they Czech or DDR or Yugoslav manufactured post WW2? or......old 'Nazi Germany' stock?
  17. 'Scamming the Scammers' is now an accepted pastime and very amusing too .. when you've got the time , have a look at this website.. there are some hilarious tales on here of how folk have 'reversed' a scam back onto the person from whence it came.. http://www.419eater.com/ Of particular excellence is the one in the 'history' section from a fella that managed somehow to get some chap in Africa to read the entire 'A Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy' book onto cassette tapes for him ... ...I'm telling you ....it's awesome stuff
  18. crikey does make you ponder just how much WW2 era kit of all sorts is still out there languishing in various government stores across the world?? ....also makes you wonder....'who' actually sold the Egyptians and the Jordanians etc etc all that kit ??? Yes we know it originated in Germany but....was Germany still under the Allies jurisdiction at the time of the sales so did we oversee and broker the deals?...... or.... did the fledgling German government sell it as soon as they had regained sort of 'control' over their country?... ....I only ask because...if it was sold by the Germans after the Allies had 'left them to it'.... how come the kit was still lying about somewhere for them to sell?......obviously this was 'new unused stock' of the former German Armed Service.... and as such , how come it wasn't either destroyed by the Allies during their 'reign' or confiscated & brought to the UK or taken to the US or France or the Soviet Union?? Brings to mind the question ....did we even know about it or it's whereabouts ?????....intriguing ....
  19. agree with all above....... ....HMS Ark Royal (proper!) was an awesome old ship....why she wasn't preserved is a matter that only those in the highest portals of office could answer .......and they never will.... Am I right in saying that is the US Nimitz moored alongside of her in the photo link?.... ....I guess we ( or certainly I ) always thought Ark Royal was 'big'?...she's rather dwarfed next to Nimitz though ! :shocked: PS: Edit ! I really ought to read the full info on the photo before posting .:red:...yep it is the mighty Nimitz Double PS: and hey Wattie!.....I posted a review of that book you mentioned quite a while back .I thought it was an incredibly eye opening and also disturbing book.....but the MODS didn't agree or not at least publicly ...
  20. My Dad was a young lad in those days Ray and he well recalls the big US army camp that was in the woods at the end of the road where I now live..At Xmas 1943 the GIs threw a big party for all the kids in the village and had them into one of the biggest huts in the camp to give them a film show of cartoons and the slap up tea of donuts and cakes and 'soda'.... ... the kids in this area , which in those days was a big coalfield / mining area , had never seen the like of such goodies and they were all sent home with a big bag of 'candy' too. Dad has very fond memories of 'the Yanks' despite the fact that they weren't exactly thought well of by the local miners who were in 'reserved occupations' on poor miners wages whilst the Yanks were , in comparison ,staggeringly wealthy PS.....My Dad was crafty with them because he came from a very big family and was often asked "Hey Kid! got any sisters?" In reply Dad would say "Yeah I got seven sisters!" (which was true) the GI would get all excited and give him some smokes or candy and say "Well go get one of them for me to talk to !" At that point Dad would say " Can't !....only one of them lives at home now and she's only 13 !" He said it only worked for a few weeks 'til they got wise to him .....
  21. In the right hands they are absolutely incredible off road .... there were a couple in the All Wheel Drive Club over 20 years ago and one in particular that had ( I think?) a Volkswagen car engine transplanted in....with just the addition of a set of dumper tyres that little truck was amazing.
  22. I particularly like your attitude towards your neighbours mate.....:-).. ...lets face facts.such folk are only jealous of all your lovely possessions..well.... .....that's the way I look at it
  23. All the same .....there's still gonna be a lot of floating fish afterwards if they do blow her up
  24. what a beauty ! bit of work to be sorted ...I don't like the look of the rust nibbling away at the roof skin! :undecided: but .... ........... well done !
  25. Crikey!!!.:shocked: I don't know what nature of rigmarole it would be to 'export' them from there nor to 'import' them to this country ?.... but fair play....there's some serious moneys worth in Jeeps alone scattered about there.... never mind starting on the bigger stuff
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