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Everything posted by Markheliops

  1. Hi Dave Top site mate - FV432 is sold and on it's way to New Zealand as we speak - Many thanks for putting on your site. Regards Markheliops
  2. Chop their bloody hands off - I'd gladly to the chopping!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Jeffrey Engineering Berry Court Farm, Smarden, Kent, TN27 8RQ, UK Tel: 01233 770007 Mobile: 07770 836438 This chap rebuilt a Jeep engine that TTM and I pulled out of a Willis at War and Peace 2008. From what I have heard - very good standard of work and not to expensive either. Markheliops
  4. Not really Rambo - I'm sure you can take on my mantle - unless you've been caught as well.
  5. Wow - thankyou for all the kind words - I'm getting all emotional. We are only looking for a house guys - no hat buying yet. I will still be on the forum - so no fears - not letting you all off that easily. We haven't found a pad yet but are looking in Leigh on Sea and crikey - they are expensive. Just want to say I've met some great chaps and chapettes on the forum and made some real friendships which will last longer than our vehicles. It's what this forum is all about - similar people, similar hobby. I will be popping in to the shows during next year and saying hi - may even bring naughty nurse with me. I am of course counting the fact the Ward will sell - strange place to be as don't really want to sell it - but common sense must prevail - for once. Markheliops
  6. Hi all. Thought I would enlighten the forum members as I have received a couple of PM's in relation to my kit up for sale. I have put the Ward La France M1A1, the love trailer, Ben Hur and other bits up for sale as I am currently searching for a property with the lovely Naughty Nurse. Unfortunately, house buying is a ridiculously expensive undertaking and my military kit makes a sizeable chunk of the deposit. It is with a heavy heart I am advertising my pride and joys. I shall still be around the MV scene - all be it from the sidelines and without a vehicle. I shall still bug people on here and see most of you next year around the show circuit and shall pester you for tea and biscuits. Maybe when I am in a better position I will dip my toes in the water again and look for another MV. God knows what, as I am do not think I am going to better the “Rugged Boys.” Anyways - adverts on here, Milweb and the War and Peace web site. Regards Markheliops
  7. Nice little gathering Vince - and for a very worthwhile cause. Be interesting to find out how much your collection gathered. In these times and highened knowledge of what soldiers are actually going through- the cash seems to be flowing in the collection tins - and quite right too. Is that Steves Dodge?
  8. I'd agree with Chris - wait till the better weather. Driving a CVRT or FV432 on the roads when they are wet can be interesting to say the least. FV432's tend to slide on wet roads very easily. I would't even consider taking it out on icy roads. One slide and you've failed due to not having complete control over the vehicle. Markheliops
  9. As a safety precaution, the b posts were cut (ones in the middle). The end result would have been the same regardless but it would have meant the possiblility of uncontrolled bits of car flying around and the end result wouldn't have looked so neat - ie the car spliting in half. Markheliops
  10. No - just leaving to collect his bus pass and pension.
  11. From my experience - stories normally take some time from when they are taken to when they actually get into the magazine.
  12. Yes - I think I am right on this. You can show me pictures of Chieftains with holes but not in the turret area when fitted with Stillbrew armour. Someone prove me wrong - you normally do!!!
  13. I may be wrong on this - but a reliable source in the world of tanks informed me that the latest ammunition has been test fired at Chieftain (stillbrew armour) and nothing has penetrated the turret as yet. Can anyone confirm or deny this information.
  14. I suppose I have to say a Chieftain - It has been described as one of the best and most powerful MBT's of all time. I read a quote off a forum which asked what MBT would you rather go to combat in, regardless of the era. (Can't rememnber where I read it). It was the opinion of the majority the Chieftain came out tops. As an american chap put it: " I don't have to move - I'm big enough to sit here and slug it out with you." Markheliops
  15. Hi Norman. My pedal does exactly the same. If something pulls out on you suddenly and the hit the brake pedal quickly - nothing happens. I have to release the pedal and apply again but under control - then it stops on a sixpence. You can move the brake rod up on the brake application valve lever to a higher hole which did give me better braking. You are right in there is no feel to the brakes when stationary but when moving you can apply the brakes and feel they are stopping you. I think it's a Ward la France thing as I haven't heard of any other type of vehicle which does similar. Regards Markheliops
  16. Wonder if they would consider selling ???????????
  17. Spot on Lee - Can I presume this was what we were talking about last week. Not sure if this is what you may be looking for but: Brockhouse Trailer with Coventry Climax Featherweight pump Complete with tool kit, ladder and suction pipes. Good condition but needs new canvas. Engine last used 3 years ago. £750 ono. 07768 518 770 David Walker Looking forward to seeing how you get on. Markheliops
  18. Agree with Clive on this. I wouldn't want to see too many boards or it will get confusing and I am easily confused!!! Rick W - not really sure of the relevance of your question in relation to costs? All I would say is I'm happy someone (Jack and Mrs Beckett) pays the costs as I couldn't afford it. Many thanks bald one. Back to topic - perhaps with should have a board - "Inappropriate questions and their hidden agenda." Only a thought!!! Markheliops
  19. Ask a question - get an answer. That's what I love about this forum. Many thanks.
  20. Hi all. As some of you know - the lovely Naughty Nurse lives in Leigh on Sea, Essex. (Posh Essex bird) We were having a romantic walk (I know it was romantic as Debbie said it was) along the sea front and came accross this. It is moored (is that the correct term) along the sea front of Old Leigh. I thought it was very interesting and wondered if any of you naval type chaps could identify it or have any knowledge of it. Markheliops
  21. Happy Birthday Paul - have a good one. Markheliops
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