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Everything posted by martylee

  1. This was a very good idea, although it might become expensive... :-( I read: MMI CMV Mud & Snow (norwegian magazine for the historic military vehicle club) Military Vehicles Magazine (about to run out and won't be renewed!) Marty
  2. Those photos was nice Steve! I visited the plant a few years earlier, but can't find any of my photos from that trip. Which I guess means I will have to go back someday! Marty
  3. The sea hides many treasures. I can't believe that these vehicles are such good condition, when they've been in saltwater that long. Anyway intresting reading! Thanks! Marty
  4. So what can Norway offer? Check out this link and you'll find your way to several national museums. http://www.nasjonalefestningsverk.no/ I will visit a few of these during this fall and will post some photos then. Marty
  5. Nice photos! But I kinda feel you have even more photos laying around!?? Wouldn't mind seeing more! Marty
  6. If you want something original I guess you'd get yourself one of these. http://www.forsvarsbrukt.no/shopexd.asp?id=616 Might be post war for all I know. Marty
  7. This floaty thing does 60 km/h on water and stops from that speed in a couple of meters. Really awsome to ride in. They took everyone that wante for a ride on the lake of Mjosa. They also put on a show coming in toward land real fast firing their guns as well as some flares. Marty
  8. Yes, it sure does. This is the Rheinmetal MG3, which is a later version of the infamous mg42 that we all know. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MG3 Marty
  9. The vehicle you're thinking of is the Hagglund/ Bofors CV 9030N. Powered by a Scania DS12 Turbo diesel 610 hp. Dates back to 1993-98. Norwegian army has about a 100 of these. Armed with a 30 mm cannon and two MG3s. Total 26 tons. Marty
  10. The last one... As you can see the norwegian army knows how to entertain. Marty
  11. Inspired and not wanting to hijack Catweazles navy thread I thought I'd post a few photos from the armed forces day in june. This event arranged in Hamar, which is not a very big place, with only 30 000 inhabitants, was very good. The army put off a very good show, but how could they not with all of those fantastic toys. They served inexpensive food from M-1937s, ran shuttle with BV206s, gave free rides in boats, free facial camoflage paints for children, several different demonstration. And you could enter al vehicles and they told you how the machines worked. Unfortunately no historic MVS, well the SeaKing is from 1972... Marty
  12. Looking good! You're quite handy! Now it's starting to look like a norwegian postwar version. I like your better since you haven't done anything to the chassis or have that ugly cabin. Btw the one photographed was for sale earlier this summer here in norway. Marty
  13. There's also a few photos of other vehicles there, like mine and my dads Dodges with a Starfighter. It's always fun finding your own vehicle on the net. Marty
  14. Thank you for sharing this truely unique experience! Great photos too! Marty
  15. martylee


    Eh... Since this forum has been described as a big happy family, does that mean I've become an uncle??? Marty
  16. I guess I wasn't the most busy one at school. As my reports often said: "he's able, if he wants to..." I once wrote a piece about NATO, I believe it was in my english class. This was in 7th grade I guess. The teacher said that I'd copied it out of a book, which of course was not so. I simply was intrested in the subject and I do believe I wrote pretty well english back then. Some other time we were having a test in history and about ww2... I think I was able to bombard the teacher with facts in the same way that the germans got bombarded themselves. I do believe I got a pretty good grade on that history test. But most of the time I shared the view of mr. Springsteen " We learned more from a three minute record, than we ever learned in school". Marty
  17. Good idea! Perhaps, being such a handy fellow, you might be able to create a backwall like the attached photo. This one is a camper too. If you look closely you'll be able to see that there a door there. Also check out the link in the photo, there's an mv event there in august. Marty
  18. martylee


    Congratulations with the little one! Ours is now 4 months old already. Enjoy! Marty
  19. I've been reading a book about Finlands war against Russia, and can't see much difference between Hitler and Stalin. So I guess the computer game might be right! I've also been thinking a little of what I'd done in 1940 when Norway was invaded. Present I see communism as something, we'd be better off without. With the same thoughts back then, after Norway surrendered and with the German forces fighting against Russian forces, which earlier invaded neighbouring country of ours Finland. And of course without the knowledge of concentration camps and so on. Would I have joined the German army to fight the Russians? A few hundreds actually did! Luckily this is just my mind playing around. I guess I'm too much of a coward to have volentered for the war. :-) Marty
  20. They say it's off a Checz truck ww2 era, that's all I know! And naive as I am, I believe them. Marty
  21. Very nice! It's a good thing that these have been/ are being restored, they and the landing crafts both are pieces of important history. Marty
  22. Very good photos Jack! Must have been an intresting museum to visit. Marty
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