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Adrian Barrell

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Everything posted by Adrian Barrell

  1. Did he drive it with the same 'verve' he drives his LP? :drive:
  2. I think there are more than two types but the main one is the 'Canadian' engine is based on the Windsor car engine and is a 3 7/16" bore. The US engine, T214 is 3 1/4" bore. I'm sure those with more knowlege than me can flesh out the bones better than that though!
  3. Most of the Kirkcudbright targets have a good side and an appalling side! The good side is relative...... They are also much rustier than they appear, all that salt air!
  4. Well there is restoration and there is restoration......... However, you are right, it is not easy at all, especially from a wreck. To my mind, it is better to spend a few years gathering all the parts before sarting the restoration but that is just the way I do it. Other restoration methods are available! Of course, it is not always possible to find everything, it is often a question of compromise..... P.S. I'd like to borrow that travel lock to copy if I may please!
  5. Eddy, here's your Centaur when still a target. I took this is 1992 I think.
  6. Sorry John, my mistake..... I'm surprised it did not feature in the MV press, a new DD sherman would be quite newsworthy, you would think.
  7. The Tank Museum are in no position to restore vehicles from that condition.
  8. It was a DD together with a couple of Churchills and a Cromwell, all turretless. It was hardly a couple of years ago though, more like late 1980s or early 1990s.
  9. Upon further investimagation....... My batteries WD9, are 6V 150 Ah and you need Battery, secondary 6V 115 Ah, so not the same. I would also be interested in seeing a picture of that one.
  10. I have a couple of NOS dry charged WD9 batteries, made in the 1980s but identical to the wartime batteries. These are correct for tanks and larger trucks, not sure about carriers.
  11. The John Frost bridge at Arnhem.
  12. I got my 1945 pixie suit from a friend who was 2 RTR and was issued it in the mid 60s!
  13. Yes but the H licence is for a tracklaying vehicle, steered by its tracks.
  14. All good points and I agree with most of them. I think the living history side has taken over a bit, reading posts on reenacting forums there is a trend amongst some to label vehicle owners who don't dress up as ''MVT types'' and it is said with a definate air of contempt. If I did wear appropriate uniform and was castigated by one of the uniform fascists for having a post-war button (likely), I would find it hard not to point out that as an overweight middle aged man, he is in no position to criticise.... I think you're right about people not caring and to be honest most of the paying public at a show can't tell a Sherman from a Sherpa so wearing uniform for their benefit is wasted effort but the point about visitors getting their moneys worth is a good one. I suppose I tend to go to vehicle shows and not reenacting events so expectations are probably different. Horses for courses!
  15. Churchill definately on Stanford, I have some pics of its final recovery.
  16. Shells are copies of the HE Mk2 with a 244 fuse. They should be, as you say buff with a brass fuse. Shot is APCBC and are painted correctly. It's all sorted now anyway!
  17. Don't get me wrong, if the occasion requires it such as a parade like A&E or if it specifically requested, I'm happy to don suitable kit and I agree, it does look better than jeans and a t-shirt. Having said that, I cannot look like a young soldier, no matter how I am dressed!:blush: I have no problem with others wearing uniform as long as it is not to deceive. I do get a bit fed up of people justifying it by claiming they are only doing it to honour the veterans sacrifice..... Just admit you enjoy it, there is nothing wrong with that! The best way to honour the sacrifices made is to enjoy the freedoms they fought for.
  18. Ooh, they look good, especially the driving bands. But, why are the HE black?
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