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Rick W

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Everything posted by Rick W

  1. HMVF workshop overalls, or is that taking things a bit far? ;-)
  2. What sections are you having made Julian, if I were to replace it, I would need to get the complete surround fabricated?
  3. Thanks for that Julian, it seems to have confirmed my suspicions that the drivers side on mine appears to have undergone some modification at some point! I will have to have a think about that. The other photos were handy too, i still need to pop over and pick up the mudwings and rad panel- I havent forgotten! And yes attaching photos is a tricky business!
  4. Thank you all, I dont know why we came to the conclusion it was positive earth. It was probably a combination of 3 head scratchers making 2+2=5. Should have paid more attention to the wiring before dismantling it! I carefully unravelled the loom from the Morris , labelled each wire up with a sticker with a code number for reference and duly wrote them all down on a couple of sheets of paper. Can I find that sheet of paper? Can I b****r! Saw a pic of your Morris on another thread Julian, was that your White next to it? Yes both sides of the windscreen do overlap the middle, but I dont know if you can see from the photo one side seems to have a larger surround than the other side. If it is a running repair, its going to be a bit of a pig to completely refabricate another side from scratch. If I get chance I will take a couple more detailed photos of each side. Thanks all
  5. My nearest and dearest insists on watching it. I use the time constructively. either looking on here/ebay/milweb, or if the weathers ok ,or having a beer in the garden!
  6. Yet another one trying to be sensible.... Buy it..... .........worry about it afterwards! ;-)
  7. ....and wipe your feet on the mat before you come in..... ;-)
  8. Welcome aboard Graham, Im sure you will find the useful and not so useful stuff on here. You will probably find it a bit quiet in the clubhouse this weekeknd as a lot of folk have gone to Uppottery. Would like to see your pics. Got a S3 ambulance myself that now needs to go to a good home if you know of anyone.(See classifieds) ;-)
  9. Thanks Andy PM sent, Thanks for the advice Tony. I think initially I will try and get all the wires in place over the next week and follow your instructions and see where we are at. Fitting an alternator is an interesting idea. The dynamo is run by a chain on the bottom crank. An alternator would need to be run by the fan belt, but there would be no physical room to place the alternator with the bonnet on.
  10. I have emailed him with a request to visit and/or an interview, watch this space. ;-)
  11. When Im not at work earning money, Im an archaeologist in my spare time. Ive been working on a Roman Villa local to me for the past few years. A few years ago we uncovered a skeleton quite by chance. We had a few a few students with us then, training. All was kept quiet about the skeleton until forensics confirmed it wasnt a modern day murder. After being under cover for the night, it was uncovered the following morning to discover someone had stolen its shin bone. Apart from that he was complete. The point I am making is, what is the point? Whats the point in legging it with a panther muzzle brake when chances are they havent got a Panther themselves to put it on? Similar point with leg bone and complete skeleton. I just dont understand the way some peoples mind work sometimes.. :?
  12. This being the voltage regulator that Lee illustrated, there are 2 spring like contacts and its these that have to be kept open? http://i117.photobucket.com/albums/o72/rik242_2006/restoblog003.jpg[/img]
  13. Thanks, 2 things I need to clarify 1)Electrics. Are the regulator points, what I know as the contact points in dizzy. I have converted to Electronic Ignition, will this make any difference? 2) Windscreen picture. can you see the difference between the 2 sides? http://i117.photobucket.com/albums/o72/rik242_2006/morris.jpg[/img]
  14. And they are dropping WW2 from the curriculum....
  15. Great photos, for reference they are invaluable. Will see if I can find anything. Have you tried the archive at Bov?
  16. Thats fantastic. Ibet you were jumping up and down with joy! Start a reso blog if you decide to put it back to original! :-o
  17. Thanks Kyle, will get on to it ASAP.
  18. Further to that the wiring diagram I have for the electrics is for a negative earthed suppressor schedule 2D for wireless vehicle. Now as far as I go with electrics I can wire a plug but no more! We have wired ours up to be positive earth. Is it just a question of where something like the panel lamp grounds to neg on the chassis on the diagram changing it so the feed to something like the panel lamp is negative and then grounds out to + on chassis? Forgive my stupidity, give me a 2,000 year old pot and I could tell you when and where it was made and who by. Electrics is the "Invisible magic" in my world.
  19. id like to see some of those pics. Always liked these and interested in the BEF vehicles as well.
  20. Ive just had a look at the website to see if there is any contact details. Reason being that I thought it wouldnt hurt to ask if maybe a few of us could get to have a nose round. Theres no contact details on there though. If anyone does have any way of contacting him let me know and I will see what I can sort out.
  21. Always good to see photos, nice one.
  22. Landrover military cushion Part number LV/653782937/f These cushions took part in a secret trial called Operation Farmer Giles to assess their capability to be comfortable whilst under enemy fire.Although the trials were hailed as a moderate success, several were lost under battle conditions and 3 had the stuffing knocked out of them. http://i117.photobucket.com/albums/o72/rik242_2006/landcush.jpg[/img]
  23. I think that is the story, it was found, pulled out by some volunteers and REME, the museum came and took some bits off it and the rest of the tank still sits in that field doing nothing apart from rusting. So if you fancy a small project......
  24. from what I know his collection isnt open to the public. But you never know, maybe if someone approached him with a view to have a clamber round them he might be OK with that. You dont know 'til you ask. I dont know where the collection is based though.
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