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Rick W

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Everything posted by Rick W

  1. Calvados! Do you get hairy palms! I would be interested to see any examples, I always had the impression it wasnt the done thing on them. Maybe Im completely wrong, or maybe they laxed the rules just before D Day. Hmmm
  2. If youre not at beltring Jack does that mean the HMVF shop is open for business? My other half is going to a beard and cider festival somewhere down south west, so I may have to do some online shopping while she's away! :-D
  3. Can we have rear car window stickers please for purchase in the shop.?
  4. Now my curiosity was aroused when I saw this pic posted on Ashleys thread on motorbike markings. http://i117.photobucket.com/albums/o72/rik242_2006/scan0001-1.jpg[/img] Firstly because it showed an early Morris 8cwt FFW \pre Dunkirk, and secondly because it has "Explorer" painted on the side. Now Im assuming this wasnt the name of the recce company it was attached to. It strikes me as the vehicles nickname that is painted on the side, but I wouldnt have thought this was the practice in the British Army, (unlike the Americans who painted dancing girls etc on the vehicles!). Can someone explain to me what the "Explorer" nametag refers to and are there any examples of Brit vehicles having a nametag painted on them? :?
  5. Rick W


    Ive hijacked one of your pics to go on another thread, hope you dont mind Ashley. :tup:
  6. Yes please, but you can keep the chocolates. :roll:
  7. Perhaps you should spend this useful time looking for a proper job!.... :whistle:
  8. Add a pink cushion, a gun ring on the drivers side and sell it to some poor unsuspecting Englishman..... :whistle:
  9. Its the same vehicle I take it? I would always go for camo, although deep bronze green gives the vehicle a more "classy" look!
  10. I'll second Joris' comment. A nice small tracked vehicle, thats easily manageable and fits in your garage. Ive always had a soft spot for them, but they do seem a rarity in the UK, but seem to pop up on a regular basis in Australia.
  11. Regimental marking you should be able to find on a regimental website. For example the Royal Artillery website gives regimental history, vehicle markings and where they went. Antother good source would be to find a copy of the MVT's Windscreen magazine, they are invaluable for that sort of info. Landrover markings can be got in stencil form from the EMLRA. If you are painting the symbols, probably the best for period look, use good old masking tape for your straight lines. As for your WD markings, I would either paint them free-hand or make my own stencil. If you cock it up, you can always paitn over it again.
  12. Ok so its not a book, its a DVD, but as we havent a section for DVD's, and as everyones toddled off to Beltring I thought I may as well review it briefly! http://i117.photobucket.com/albums/o72/rik242_2006/tiger_dvd.jpg[/img] As the title suggests its the story of how Tiger 131 ended up at Bovington Museum, and its road to get running again. A well produced DVD, much better than some of those "doubtful" dvd's you can get hold of, of which there seems to be hundreds of, made by someone in their back bedroom with a commentator that sounds like he is on his last mogadon of the night. Tiger 131 has surely got to be one of the most well known Tigers around today, especially as it is the only one in the world which runs. It has featured on the front of CMV magazine and made its maiden voyage (since rebuilding) at Tankfest. I was not among the lucky few to see it in action, but maybe next time! http://i117.photobucket.com/albums/o72/rik242_2006/4621_e_1_sm.jpg[/img] The story starts with how the Tiger was found in the deserts of North Africa, and was one of the first examples of its marque being captured more or less intact. In fact the only reason the crew seem to have abandoned it was because an anti-tank shell had got lodged between the hull and the turret ring! The main feature is about 45 minutes long with extra bonus features, and at £14 odd pounds is a good buy. Its one thing to see the "beast" close up and touch and feel the history, but it was only when I watched the dvd after that I appreciated the work and above all the history behind the men and the machine.
  13. Someone needs to get a new hang up card of Big D peanuts for behind the bar, we are nearly down to the waistline...(way hay!).. http://i117.photobucket.com/albums/o72/rik242_2006/_38741227_bigdruth150.jpg[/img]
  14. Welcome,Im sure you will find plenty of like-minded "foreign" vehicle owners here! ;-) :-D What colour is YOUR cushion? :whistle:
  15. Thanks, i was coming to that opinion myself. ps. Im sure my other half will be very pleased as well! ;-)
  16. Is it actually worth getting, considering I need some armour plating?(Especially after a trip to Bovington, again). I know the bins are hard to come by and its got no cylinder head, but am I asking for a heap load of trouble? I'm after a bargain bit of heavy metal, and may have to part with the ambulance before registration, but dont want to but a complete dogs dinner! (Before arecent trip to Bov, my better half stated that we were only going there if there wasnt anything for sale- I wish!) :roll:
  17. I seem to live in a black hole where people have a like-minded interest, I would like to get something together for this area, even if its only a yearly bash at a local fete or too. So dont get too dispondent all! If anyone lives in the North Bucks/South Northants area give me a shout.
  18. Thanks, glad you are on the mend John, should be picking up the mudwings and a NOS front rad grill soon. Family, work, etc permitting!
  19. Great bit of video lee. on family holiday down in Swanage so wont be there this year. On the brighter side we did get to go to Bovvy, had a look round , and saw some heavy metal on the ranges. have a good weekend all!
  20. Hello, and good to see some people who know about GMC's on here :-D
  21. I think you should post pics of your vehicles and introduce yourself and the " ;-)heavy metal family!"
  22. Despite all best efforts, we have been too busy at work to crack onwith it. Beltring next year! Progress has been very slow recently, especially with house move,etc. I have a large new garage now to make the wooden back body. Its just the fabrication of the cab which will take the time.
  23. Thanks, is there any particular things I need to fill out on the form?
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