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Everything posted by andym

  1. OK, I've just checked. This is the one that was bought at Beltring, yes? In that case it's an EW-equipped 432, not a 436. Andy
  2. I was driving down the A303 yesterday, so popped into Haynes Motor Museum at Sparkford only to find that their military vehicles have disappeared. :-( Even more interesting, they've apparently been sold. Does anyone know where they might have gone? Andy
  3. Definitely not a 439, looks like a 436 variant to me ... Andy
  4. Well done - hopefully this will solve the intermittent connection problems too? Andy
  5. MOD have specialist firms such as Conway Packaging to do this for them. A re-con distribution box for my Abbot was equally well wrapped except these days they have plastic bags too! Andy
  6. Having experimented with the Android version of Firefox on a Nexus 7, there is a possible issue. The forum software tends to use pop-up windows to select the file you want to upload, and those windows don't tend to be handled well by tablet browsers. I'd second the suggestion that Tapatalk is probably the way to go. Andy
  7. I've reversed a Scorpion into one as an exercise on my H test course. Interesting! :-) By the way, you don't need to be present at a Withams tender to bid, but you obviously end up buying sight unseen. I've bought two re-con FV430 gearboxes without ever leaving my computer, including organising Palletline to pick them up. Andy
  8. I don't have an iFad but see no reason why it shouldn't behave the same as any other device. Click the "Insert Image" icon in your browser and navigate to the location of the image, then just click the "Upload" button. If that doesn't work, try the "Basic Uploader" button at the bottom of the Insert Image pop-up box. But please remember to resize the images to something sensible before uploading! Andy
  9. I noticed last year there seemed to be a move of traders towards "memorabilia" rather than vehicle parts. I'm assuming this is driven by money more than anything else. Andy
  10. I think you may have some odd routing problem, too. I haven't been able to access the forum from my home ADSL (Demon) for the last few days. I'm using a Vodafone 3G dongle to write this post. Both ISPs resolve http://www.hmvf.co.uk as but anything on the ADSL line just times out when I try to connect. Andy
  11. A compulsory driving test every five years would be a lot more helpful! Andy
  12. Actually, having had a quick Google I've just seen a picture of one on eBay that doesn't have fuse carriers. It looks a later model, so perhaps at some point they did away with the fuses? Andy
  13. I don't have an IB2 to hand, but I think you'll find it should have two fuse carriers at the bottom, one of which is a spare. Andy
  14. Excellent - very low radar amd IR signatures ... Andy
  15. Interesting that it hadn't changed much in over 100 years! Andy
  16. The link correctly states "Despite the fact that Sweden has a long-established armaments industry and had been building its own tanks since 1921 it was one of many countries to adopt the British Centurion." Unfortunately it has been incorrectly quoted and seems to have caught the dreaded apostrophe virus ... :-( Andy
  17. Magazine precautions as per the Victorian Palmerston Forts on Portsdown Hill? Andy
  18. Thanks all! Having checked, there was Gold Hermetite (non-setting), Red Hermetite (semi-setting) and Green Hermetite (setting). I hadn't come across the Green version before. Andy
  19. I was wondering that, I can remember yellow and red ... Andy
  20. When I dismantled the Abbot's engine filter housing for cleaning, it had originally been put together with some sort of green coloured sealant that has dried to a consistency somewhere between paint and putty. Any suggestions on what it might be? I've never come across anything of that colour before! Andy
  21. That was very noticeable last year too, methinks. Andy
  22. Just as importantly, what is the state of the public car parks? That'll be the real decider. Andy
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