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Everything posted by rambo1969

  1. No loophole i'm afraid. TFL's argument would be that a RB44 is only a military vehcile when it's in service. Mark my words, the london LEZ is just a test to see if the cameras work, when the cameras work, expect london wide congestion charging!
  2. I would say that as its a SHEMAN its tailand
  3. "right lad's, optimus prime is there, go get him!!"
  4. Now now chef ives, you are suppossed to be RESTING!!!!!, not working!
  5. Whilst on the plains tour we visited the museum of army flying. I saw some artefacts and a write up on a zeppelin that crashed during ww1 at great burstead, south green, billericay, essex. The german airmen were buried in south green cemetary which is very close to where I live and this stoked my interest. When I got home I did a bit of research and found this; http://www.northernmemories.co.uk/Cannock/Cannock.htm
  6. All my nieces and nephews love mv's, whenever they come round it's always "uncle dickie, take us out in the landy, pleeeease". What I find is that if you talk to young people as an adult and treat them like an adult, the feedback from them is good. My niece(who's 17 but thinks she's 25!) had 3 of her girlfriends around the other day, my sister phoned me up to ask me to pick her up from the station, so I went in the landy with 4 17 yr old girls in the back screaming and giggling all the way there!
  7. Any single one's there rosie, i'm avaliable and not fussy!!
  8. The shows I go to are down this way(south). Bunker bash war and peace imps show plains tour overlord
  9. I reckon duxford could double this show up with a mv show and it would be superb!
  10. Welcome from a fellow bus jockey. Go Ahead, london.
  11. Me thinks jack is planning something for A+E 2012...........
  12. Must admit, I find very hard to find a decent beer tent at any mv show. By decent I mean; plenty of tables and chairs, proper glasses and sensible music thats not to loud. Me and the boys normally head for a local pub near the site we are staying at. Bletchley park bar was the best.
  13. All in all, a fantastic weekend with no rain and glorious sunshine. The 1 thing that was present all weekend was laughter!, we all had a great time. A big thank you to pete, tony and phil for organising such a brilliant weekend. A big thank you to chef ives for the food as well, sooo nice waking up to a cooked breakfast!, he even made me a big bowl of custard at 11pm! The farmer who let us use his land was brilliant, a big thank you mr farmer. Sadly pete was taken to hospital over the weekend for an operation, hope your bum gets better pete, and don't worry, whats happens on tour, stays on tour!!:nut::-D Roll on next year.
  14. As we headed off the plains we stopped for a pee pee break, so I parked my landy up in the woods for a picture; As I headed into the woods for a pee I founds these!, they were left well alone! Below is some random bloke who lives near by and forages of the land, called yogi I was told, he can be seen looking up at the stars looking for aliens!:-D
  15. We then had a drive around the plains then headed to the ranges for tea and lunch, when we got there the army had dragged a few of the wrecks off the ranges and put then in the car park, as you can imagine, we were all over them! I found this is 1 of them, the date on it is 1977;
  16. A few more; At the local petrol garage en route to the plains; David Ives brought along his daughter who had her 1st ever driving lesson from me in my landy; Entering the plains; We met father christmas at the plains, apperently he was lost!
  17. Left work at 2.30am friday morning and headed of to meet my dad at fleet services. Met up with dad and made our way to the new venue, it was chucking it down with rain until about 10 miles from venue. When we arrived, chef ives was there already and was all set up, so we were met with a very welcome brew. Tent all set up; I then decide to have a little sleep, and when I woke up chef ives, under much duress was thrown out of his kitchen and told to take it easy, much to my amazement, my dad and pete were doing the cooking! It's the 1st time ive ever seen my dad do any cooking! This was tier efforts for fridays dinner, and very nice it was to. A few from the flying museum we visited on saturday; The heuy below was captured during the falklands conflict and used as a medical helicoper;
  18. Certain people in NI also carried the walther ppk.
  19. Quite alot of shows ask you not to leave until late sunday, w+p being one of them. The thing is if you have work monday then you have to leave early to get home.
  20. Finally got my printer working so will be sending off booking form tommorow. Dave, do you know a good greasy spoon cafe nr andover, my and the chaps are comming down early friday and want to stop for brekkie en route.
  21. Dave, why don't you forget about cooking for us all mate, you have just come out of hospital and need to take it easy, just come for the weekend and enjoy it, i'm quite sure we can all fend for ourselves. Besides, I don't fancy giving you mouth to mouth if you get ill again! :shocked::-D
  22. I stopped going years ago, the reason? When the show first started they were happy to have mv's attending, once the show got established they stopped mv's going. It really peeved me and my dad off as we had supported the show from the begining.
  23. As the chief toilet inspector, I would also like to add that there were plenty of toilets and they were cleaned twice daily. Well done IMPS.
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