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Everything posted by ian2b

  1. ian2b

    Unknown MV

    Fantastic off road as was demonstrated to me just before I bought mine some years back, now sold. http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i272/ian2b/100_0251.jpg[/img]
  2. I could always upload a picture of your ferret with George sitting in the top taken at coalhouse 2005 but am a little frightend she might hit me.
  3. Hi Lindsey, Very big welcome to the forum and hope you enjoy yourself.
  4. Is this the same large wheel with rockets that Dick Strawbridge recreated in the TV show Crafty Tricks of War. For those that dont know Dick Strawbridge here is his biography http://www.dickstrawbridge.com/biography.php?PHPSESSID=17af1cb2cf3ef7d2b1c0066a44062ed6
  5. Gareth when you see Lindsey don't forget to reminder her to add her own Introduction to the forum. http://www.hmvf.co.uk/index.php?option=com_smf&Itemid=38&board=19.0
  6. Thanks Mark have been told that before :flower: just ashame the cars not better looking
  7. Now that would be funny, would love to see his face.
  8. Show organiser would have a big suprise when you booked your 1968 landie in and turned up in this thing.
  9. Hi Clive, A very big welcome to the forum. What a fantastic collection of vehicles you have. I remember chatting with an MV owner from Ipswich/Colchester at the Gunpowder Mills show a few years back that attended with his Scammell and was towing a Rubery Owens trailer and was saying it took around 4 hours to get there so just wondering if you was this man ??????
  10. Happy Birthday Andy :beer: :beer: :beer:
  11. Nice of you to volunteer Lee, When I get round to replacing the broken windows on the Rubbery Owen trailer I will give you a call and let you give me a demonstration of your cutting skills on the perspex for them :whistle: I can see an HMVF TV clip being made.
  12. Essex Armour & Softskins very own Steve Morris and his Bedford MJ pages 12 - 15. And what a suprise Lee on page 19. Essex Boys..........
  13. Would look great towing these behind the Bedford at W & P.
  14. Mike do you need a certain category on your licence to tow two trailers.
  15. Here is there website http://www.wheatcroftcollection.com/home.html
  16. Remember reading about your fire in the MVT Windscreen mag Mike, looks like you was very lucky you never lost the scammell.
  17. Hi Mike nice to see you have registered hope you enjoy the forum.
  18. ian2b

    MV Clubs

    What you get for your money £25.00 membership....... Four issues of Windscreen Good mags Six copys of the Greensheets Not bad but most of the adverts have already been on Milweb and CMV Access to MVT library Is it finished Yet Reduced MV insurance Dont have to be an MVT member for discount its available to other clubs Access to local MVT meetings If you dont mind feeling alienated for not being WW2 owners Exchange of views and technical know how Get much better advice on HMVF Vehicle verification for unregistered MV vehicles Never had to use this Free admission to MVT organised events on production of your membership card Unless you go to Beaulieu Trucks and Troops The best thing is the Windscreen mags.
  19. Hi Keith, Thanks for the intro and good to see you here and i am sure you will fit right in. We have met before at Pirbright sitting in the beer garden (£1.00 a pint) with Johnathon Catton and the crew and am sure we will meet again. Very good Lee forgot about the Zebra story :rofl: :rofl:
  20. Very true Neil, was just thinking it would give a rough idea of date.
  21. If you have the Army reg you should be able to get an idea from that, I am sure Clive has a list of dates for Army registrations.
  22. Same here Mark, never thought off regular army but was very interested in joining the TA when in my mid twentys but kids came along and things get put off and before you know it its to late and your to old.
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