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Everything posted by ian2b

  1. I will try and make it this year, would have come last year but was not in a fit state to drive and was passed out till about lunchtime.
  2. I wondered what the hell it was when I first saw it, almost filled it with sand for the kids to play in. Many Thanks for dropping it off Neil.
  3. Hi Roger (118) Welcome to the forum and don't forget your on door duty at the club house.
  4. I think I might book in as an MV owner and enjoy the show as I missed so much this year.
  6. Hi, Well I finally got home Monday at about 08.30pm after packing up my kit and moving my vehicles but it was all worth it. As for the show what can I say other than a massive THANK YOU to everyone that helped out and attended the show without all off you the show would not have been the success it was. I look forward to seeing you all again next year. Dave(118) and Roger(118) did a fantastic job with traffic control and booking in and we owe them a special thanks for what they did. And just to rub it in thanks for the tea and cake Rambo it was delicious. As Lee said, Kyle you did us a massive favour which will not be forgotten, we owe you. It was great to meet more HMVF members and what a nice bunch they are. Here's looking forward to next years show and seeing you all again. Thanks Ian
  7. Not sure he is arriving in the Huey this year but maybe next year :-D.
  8. Happy Birthday John, where ever you are.
  9. Its a good place to be. Be good to see some of your MV show pics posted this year and don't forget your vehicle pics.
  10. Welcome to the forum Puff. Would this be the same puff from the GDSF forum ?
  11. I thought it was removed from the bonnet because lifting with the wheel on there was to heavy for female squaddies (Health & Saftey). ????
  12. Hi John, good to see you on the forum. I am sure you will find some Landrover owners at the Bunker Show who will be able to give you loads of information on Landies. Look forward to meeting you.
  13. I think its going to take a week to dry my jacket out. Rain it felt like someone was chucking stones at my face, still nice and warm now. Next time lets move it when the sun's out :-D
  14. No problems posting the picture and lets hope it sells fast.
  15. This is a picture of Alan (newcomer) Bedford. It looks to be an Ex AFS RL. I am sure someone like Clive can give us alot more details on the vehicle, Reg SXF 333
  16. ian2b

    CMV May 2008

    Dave May in his HMVF overalls and from what I can remember he is in North ESSEX :pfrt: (i hope)
  17. Private 1 - 49 Lance Corporal 50 - 99 Corporal 100 - 149 Sergeant 150 - 199 Colour Sergeant 200 - 299 2nd Lieutenant 300 - 349 Lieutenant 350 - 399 Captain 400 - 449 Major 450 - 499 Colonel 500 - 599 Brigadier 600 - 699 Major General 700 - 799 Lieutenant General 800 - 899 General 900 - 999 Field Marshall 1000
  18. ian2b

    HMVF Statement.

    Thats Coke all round then Jack :-D .
  19. Thank Christ the forum is back I almost started talking to the kids just for something to do.
  20. Leaving the HMVF club house (Camp Beckett)
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