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Everything posted by montie

  1. Couldn't resist to add these pics to the gallery!:cool2: Two into one and was used in a movie! Cheers, Monty.
  2. Sir, It will be one heck of a job! You will need to keep the transfer box to transmit the power to the wheels. Furthermore, resale value won't be good unless it is a successful transplant and right person at the right time. We have some scraps in South Africa!:cool2: Cheers, Monty.
  3. Engine running or not? Cheers, Monty.
  4. Hi Oily, After some fussing today, it turns out that the thread is metric, a M30 x 1.25. I wanted to buy a bottom tap to just clean the threads but I can't locate such a tap here yet. I will have to make another plan. May be just locate such a bolt and modify it as a tap? Any suggestions are highly appreciated. Cheers, Monty.
  5. Hi Paulob, Checking on the reference I posted on the Saracen rebuild thread http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?16817-Saracen-Build-up/page18, your Saracen's number does show up. Regards, Monty.
  6. Hi guys, I am again in need of some help, this time I am looking for the thread size of the plugs that locks in the suspension upper and lower pins. They are also used as drain plugs in the belly drains and for the bevel box drains. It around 30mm in diameter on the threaded section but when measuring the thread pitch, it is closer to 20 teeth per inch rather than the metric measurement. The R/H lower pin boss seems to have sustained some damage to the threads before and I would like to clean them up before inserting (read forcing!) and damaging the plug threads (brass!) Thanks, Monty.
  7. Some of God's strangest creatures! Welcome and good luck with her ( Err, ....the truck,that is!)
  8. Thanks Oily, I am looking forward to seeing the video, just don't cause any more damage to your Saracen on my behalf! Regards, Monty.
  9. Richard, I will have to study the little bit of info I have intensly and then FOCUS, FOCUS, FOCUS! Else it is going to be expensive. I also picked up some info and tips on Wilson ENV pre-select boxes that seems worthwhile, is there any correlation or identical maybe? Monty.
  10. Hi Bob, At the time I was looking for manuals as I knew (still do by the looks of this incident!) squat about the Saracen or any of the specs, mechanicals and the rest. When I was an apprentice, I had some sort of a manual which I used, but stupid me, I lost it somehow!
  11. Hi Richard, They do say; "assumptions is the Mother of all F-ups!" Clearly this is one of those!. Thanks for coming to my rescue. I have been taking off in third gear and thought the motor lacked power when being unable to pickup revs against a small incline! Not bad for third gear. I will tackle that little button at the first opportunity. Cheers, Monty.
  12. Hi guys, I need some help, in none of the manuals that I have is there a clear description/picture showing the gear positions. I have taken pics of the different positions and I will post remarks with each of them as to what I think they are. This is first gear. Second gear, This is third gear and neutral should be between the second and third in the slot springloaded to the right. This will be fourth gear This according to my reasoning should be fifth gear Of these two positions I have got no clue at all and guessed it should be "Low range first"... And this be a higher speed in "low range"?? I am depending on the boffins like Oily, Paulob, especially Richard for enlightenment........ Monty.
  13. Hi Gordon, I will spend more time there next time I visit and fish for more info from the owner. There are a couple of vehicles I would like to discuss with him ( that Scammell Pioneer begging for attention for instance:cool2::cool2::cool2:) Haven't had the chance yet. Funds are a problem because of having too much hay on my fork, but then, what the heck! Cheers, Monty.
  14. Hi Richard, Your experience shows! I woundn't have known any different. We did drive the Saracen, a total distance of about 80m in reverse and turned it around without any damage to any buildings but with a couple of close shaves! The thing is as wide as a barn and as difficult to drive. I am not saying anything about "false neutrals"!! I really need to study the driving method, I catch myself using the gear change pedal as a clutch everytime. Old habits die hard!! Come on Oily, where is that driving lesson video, please man? Cheers, Monty.
  15. Gents, From Oily's pics, http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?16897-becoming-a-saracenier/page8 I see some more mods to this SA Mark 3 on the distributor shield. It appears that a heat shield covers the entire manifold. There also was a loose plate inside the body that I couldn't figure out where it fitted. Only now it became apparent that it sits behind the exhaust, shielding the cabin from exhaust heat. I have serviced all the boxes and is going to attempt to move the vehicle under its own power. I need to turn it around. Engine starts and runs fine, brake pressure is up, alternator is charging 27V, the oil pressure is beautiful and all warning lights are off. My heart is racing like I am going on my first date!! Just waiting for some accomplices to direct me, I don't want to ruin the house or the boundary wall! Till later. Monty.
  16. Hi guys, It always has been like that, one see trash, another see gold! I am not sure about the definition of "classic" or what is collectable and what not. Never had the luxury to say "been there, done that, got the T-shirt" with most of these old vehicles. Tony, another for you. Degsy, Dodge don't do it for you, would any of these qualify?
  17. No, not yet, it one of many Dodges on this yard. It does intrigue me!
  18. Hi guys, I have asked in another thread already but got no answer. I would like more detail and info on this Dodge, please. It is American. afterall. It seemed to have been a staff vehicle of some sort. Monty.
  19. Hi Bob, The wheel circumferences on each side should be as close as possible. This would mean that you need to remove all wheels and make up two sets with the closest dimensions. Futhermore, your tyre pressures are also important. Assembly of the tracta's and especially the reduction hubs are critical, they do self destruct! It almost like driving a vehicle with 3 locked diffs! Cheers, Monty.
  20. Hi Paul, Any chance of posting a pic of the heatshield or of the catalogue page? Oily promised a pic of his but my guess is that he is busy. I don't have that particular catalogue and there is no heat shield on my Saracen's manifold, I would have to manufacture one. What material are they made off? Regards. Monty.
  21. What is the colour of adrenaline?! As they say when you come in for a landing with a glider and you see the runway through the fence, the colour of adrenaline is the colour in your pants! Cheers, Monty
  22. Thanks Oily, One can always depend on you!:saluting: Cheers, Monty.
  23. Hi guys, I am smelling of gearbox oil! Miscaculation! 13 gearboxes takes alot of oil and I am short of some. While filling the Left Front bevel box, I saw the manifold and distictly remembered Richard's warning about frying the dizzy. I have got no illustration on how the deflector plate should sit, some help, please??:help: Cheers, Monty.
  24. Hi guys, That R/H wheel station is together again, although I am short of a plug on the lower pin to prevent it moving out. I am planning to remove the one on the R/H toolbox drain, not critical at all and put it to good use on the suspension. I now need to service all the gearboxes and hubs. Thanks due to Oily's gearbox thread on his problems with it, it prevented me from putting the wrong oil into that transferbox (Phew, close shave!). This is due to me lending my ears out to so-called South African boffins that "worked" on Saracens in the past. Thanks for saving the day again, Richard!! I also spoke to my brother-in-laws son over the past weekend. He is a diesel-mech by trade and he will assist in charging the accumulators. Hopefully tomorrow night I will be smelling gearbox oil! Till then, Monty.
  25. Hi Oily, Not good news at all, but then, this is what is having an old MV as a priced possession! Have you opened the gearbox yet? I'm hoping that you don't have too much damage to the brake bands. Good luck, Monty.
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