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Bodge Deep

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Everything posted by Bodge Deep

  1. So are you now an expert on Sharks and Nazis as Ricky Gervaise would have us beleive :whistle:
  2. Yeah with the army issue fire extinguisher (in the foregrtound on the floor) what could possibly go wrong :-D
  3. Interesting use of water cans for fuel... thats why my coffee always tastes odd :-D Also highlights the fact that not all Airborne troops ditched their chin cups the moment they hit the ground (driver still has, and is wearing his) Good pic
  4. Welcome sir your office is ready... Six of the best for Beckett minor sir he wiffled all the tuck at prep... not to be a snitch you understand sir
  5. A standard military issue miniature merry-go-round pictured in it stowed/transport configuration... go on, I'm right aren't i? :naughty:
  6. there's a guy not too far from me (nrthwest) with a kettenkrad...i'll ask him when i see him
  7. JEEP Just Empty Every Pocket! DODGE Drips Oil Drops Grease Everywhere :-)
  8. Oh well, if you're gonna be silly & not tell us...
  9. No, seriously how did you do it :whistle:
  10. A Very nice looking peice of kit. Interesting track design too, looks as though it should have pads or something between each link
  11. A guy i knew hit a horse in his volvo years ago... completely destroyed the car... and the horse sadly... didn't do him much good either :shake:
  12. Both use the same engine T214 6cyl sidevalve The only consideration between the two really is the length difference. I was adamant I wanted a wc52 when i started looking but wound up with a 51... as it transpired the storage facility i was using was so tight that a winch model wouldn't fit in anyway... unless i left the doors open :-D There'll be most the specs you could need here http://ww2dodge.com/wiki/Overview
  13. Get it bought you know y'want to Any repercussions will only be temporary & I'll buy a jimmy and we can live on beans and stale toast out of the backs of our trucks trying to remember what a normal life was like :whistle:
  14. I think worthings do them but they're a slightly improved version of the PW Norwegian ones and don't resemble anything wartime... as there weren't any! Get wet is the order of the day :police: I've still go my Norwegian ones but to be honest your peripheral vision is so impared when driving with them on as to be dangerous that I'd only use them if i were about to drown
  15. yes screw tops are us pattern... Unless you have a spout to attach to the can they are bl**dy awful to pour... goes everywhere...except where you're trying to pour it!!!
  16. 20l i think as i always peek at jerry cans at car boot sales in case theyre wartime ones. If they have 20l on them they're modern ones
  17. Nah keep the Jimmy... Anyway the hairy horse is postwar (certainly dosent look 65) Are you thinking of launching into heavy recovery Jack? ... remember GMC's tow on their back wheels... just thought you might like to know :whistle:
  18. Yeah i spotted that, I think it bent the drag link rather than snapping it as it made it out of the other side without being too far out of whack. I must confess that as he charged at the water full tilt i thought that might happen... its a hell of a lot of pressure on those tyres suddenly put on the steering
  19. Now if was paranoid *ahem* I would put forward the opinion that the wording is deliberatley sooooo vague and open to interpretation so that it can be 'flexed' in whatever direction that the powers that be deem appropriate, to serve whatever particular axe they are grinding at the time... whilst that option is most definately NOT open to us & gawd help us if we do :police:
  20. Got mine from Jeep parts & got the letters to stamp them from a sunday market one of those cheap tool stalls
  21. Just bought 'By Tank Into Normandy' at lunchtime should keep me quiet for a bit...
  22. I've seen the repro brass ones, but I've yet to see a WC with original brass ones on... My original ones were all aluminium. The VC series may have had them & some of the earlier Jeeps had them. I suspect the repro brass ones are more for an aesthetic appeal :whistle:
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