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Everything posted by eddy8men

  1. it is with a heavy heart that i have to inform you all that i have sold the cromwell and it is now in eastern europe. it's a shame it didn't stay in the uk but that's just how it goes. i want to thank all the people that have helped and encouraged me along the way and don't worry i will acquire more armour in the near future.:cool2:
  2. the cromwell has the no. 50 sighting telescope not binoculars
  3. i like the t34 infact if i had to have a foreign tank, that would be it. same suspension as the cromwell but fitted with a v12 diesel instead of the v12 petrol. i have often wondered why we never copied the russian engine! anyway good luck with this worthy project but remember those 76mm turrets are like rocking horse sh1t so make sure you don't weigh the other one in before you find it's replacement
  4. quite possibly the best example around and a real shame to see it for sale, let's hope it comes back to the uk
  5. 29 regt rlc was one of my old units. Good times were had in Cirencester
  6. Excellent work and very informative for those of us mucking about trying to get old 19sets working. I changed the old mechanical vibrator on my PSU for a more reliable electronic one or should I say I sent the old unit off to someone more intelligent than myself and they did the work for me for £15. When I get back from holiday I can dig out the contact details for anyone that's interested
  7. thanks john but i had another look at it over the weekend and it definately is the pump, possibly the fuel rack stuck in the closed position or has somehow become disconnected. i got a freind to bring the truck back to my yard and i'll see if i can sort it this afternoon
  8. that would get me noticed on the M6 but i think i'll stick with the foden vince the fuel return valve sticking open sounds like it might be the culprit. i'll have a look this weekend. cheers
  9. cheers vince the thing is i'm getting fuel at the injectors and it looks great and the engine is not even attempting to fire, i can only think it's pump pressure, which means a new pump or service the old one
  10. having a few problems after i unhitched the trailer and left for home the foden broke down just down the road from the ywe event, luckily some helpful guys with a diamond t towed me back to the event. i'm just relieved it didn't do it while on my way from brum with a valentine on the back. (no breakdown cover so it would have been costly) ! anyway i think the bosch inline fuel injection pump is knackered but would appreciate any other opinion as to what might be the cause. it was running great but then a couple of days ago the engine started to surge on tickover and felt rough/lumpy when under full power, then whilst driving it just cut out and wouldn't even attempt to fire up. i cracked off 4 of the 6 injectors and got fuel, which made me think the pump wasn't giving enough pressure to open the injectors. before i try to source a new pump does anyone have any other thoughts. by the way the engine is a perkins tx cheers rick
  11. mike that was my cromwell coming back up from the chalke valley weekend. 580 hp scania tractor unit and fancy trailer guy told me the rig was worth 1/4 million. only trouble was it kept breaking down with a computer fault. much better to stick with the old trucks been flat out tanking for last week or so and haven't had time to post any replies but yes the foden passed it's test and i picked up john's valentine from cannock yesterday (baptism of fire) everything went well and the tank is now at the ywe site. i'll get some pics up next week rick
  12. os hd lt insecure, air leak when brakes applied, wheel nut loose, not enough reflectors on side and brake inbalance of 32% on rear axle. not bad really only the brakes that will be any sort of work, i also got the tacho calibrated today just in case that fails it or causes some other issue
  13. Thanks for trying mate but I've given up and will get someone else to get the tank down to the chalke valley show. I have booked the Foden in for a re test on Monday and if all goes well will be on the road in time for the ywe event
  14. does anyone with a tractor unit feel like a weekend away in salibury with a cromwell
  15. my problem is i don't have an operators license or cpc. so not going to be easy to hire a truck from a big outfit. i'll keep trying though
  16. guys i need some help. i didn't get the mot on the foden today and now need to hire a wagon to get me to the chalke valley weekend (want to set off tomorrow night) and the yorkshire wartime experience, i have the lowloader hire sorted at £500 for 2 weeks but ain't no good without something to pull it. i'm desperate so any help would be appreciated. cheers rick
  17. hi nick not actually booked it yet but i've been told £60 per day is the going rate and i need it for a couple of weeks so might be able to work a bit more discount. i'll let you know when i speak to the fella that rents them rick
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