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Everything posted by fesm_ndt

  1. :blush: times like this I miss my Lightweight Land Rover Long weekend week after next so hopefully can catch up
  2. good point..... Sunday was a very bad day with Monday similar to Sunday so I must be have to give pennance to the vehicle rebuild gods as they are apparently not happy :-D
  3. OOTFD why is this not an official acronym? "One of those f'ing days" - Got to the yard and was told one of the bits in the painting lean to fell over. Result I have to get the tailgate repaired again - Had 3 remaining bolts to install on the gearbox. The 3 offending bolts were through the driving plate into the torque convertor. Following the manual which says line them up and plonk them in. The manual should say line them up perfectly and use a long bolt as a guide because if you dont do this the following will occur. Any attempt to move the driver plate also moves the torque convertor, therefore being a waste of time. Loosening the bell housing bolts and moving back the box in a vain attempt for better access results in much swearing as the torque convertor still rotates with the driver plate. Taking all the bolts out and thinking I'll move the whole box back, spin the bugger and put it back in results in the torque convertor comming out, gearbox dangling from cooling hoses, earthing straps and other assorted junk. So next step was to pull the whole thing out. Offsider split the tailshaft in two so now I am figuring the balance has just gone out the window. Bolt got dropped behind the driver plate :banghead: so had to take the driver plate off, bolt fell out, then bolted it back on. Used above mentioned long bolt idea when reinstalling but hell days not over yet as the new factory bolts dont fit in the driver plate counter bore so soon find out the Audi driver plate has smaller counter bores!. As I new the bolt grade is the same on the clutch bolts which dont have a skirt but are the same size will fit, simple...... no! Socket wont fit so had to grind a socket several times to fit. - had to cut a small notch in a bracket on the floor and the grinder jumped and sliced through a newly installed hose So all in all a frustrating day so I am going to get blind drunk
  4. hve a good one :yay::yay::yay::yay:
  5. Well fixed the injection pump problem fairly simply by buying another 6x6 engine :nut: [ATTACH]36547[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]36549[/ATTACH] Also the last bit of welding on the car. This is where the aircon wiring comes from the cab[ATTACH]36548[/ATTACH]
  6. Well have everyone pitching in so my mad rush has become contagious The idea is the rebuild the 2 rear 6x6 diffs to put in the front and rear on the 4x4 (yep they are same). So do the bench rebuild then swap in. [ATTACH]36437[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]36436[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]36441[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]36439[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]36444[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]36442[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]36443[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]36445[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]36440[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]36438[/ATTACH]
  7. Starting to look like Berlin brigade camo job :embarrassed: Maybe another 2 weeks and will be one colour again [ATTACH]36256[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]36255[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]36254[/ATTACH]
  8. incase you don't get there before 1st of November [ATTACH]36014[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]36022[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]36021[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]36020[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]36019[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]36018[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]36017[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]36016[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]36015[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]36023[/ATTACH]
  9. well this thread is been going way too long without pictures [ATTACH]36004[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]36012[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]36011[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]36010[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]36009[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]36008[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]36007[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]36006[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]36005[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]36013[/ATTACH]
  10. It's not just Eddie we all think the same thing all these threads are must reads for us misguided sould who like to tinker or watch your amazing workmanship I will pre-warn you now if I ever buy a tank I am moving into your village
  11. Hey you, stop....you have to pay congestion tax!
  12. G'Day yep piccies are nice... how good or bad is it?
  13. I got a few boxes to put my spare parts in and they have some interesting labels [ATTACH]35862[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]35860[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]35861[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]35863[/ATTACH] Changed the auto filter (spare box so unsure if it goes or not but clean inside) [ATTACH]35864[/ATTACH] Re-painted the floors [ATTACH]35859[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]35866[/ATTACH] Putting the brake master cylinder back in, so starting to get there as hoping to drive to Thailand in convoy at Christmas. [ATTACH]35865[/ATTACH]
  14. in 2008 after I paid my TV license, I really wanted to ask for a refund
  15. Was perusing this accident in Hungary and liked this piccy http://www.news.com.au/pictures/gallery-e6frflv9-1225935885452?page=8
  16. 40????? I hope Jack is buying you a lot of beer :beer:
  17. Looks good to me...... a pity that icky snow is the background Regarding not being that clever, don't be so harsh on yourself as we have several others amongst the top 10 on the Forbes "OMG what have I done list"
  18. cheap pile of junk......... the plane is over here, not over there!!
  19. Inside my injection pump :shocked: :banghead: [ATTACH]35752[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]35753[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]35754[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]35755[/ATTACH] Gearbox in 'kind of'! [ATTACH]35757[/ATTACH] was a really bad day thursday as: - lost my wallet with cash in it and everything else - a monkey ran under my car on the way home Hopefully next Pinz day will be a bit luckier
  20. I was going to say a Pinzmeister intercooler conversion, but: - I would sound like a closet rivet counter; and - would sound like a shameless plug for a very nice conversion Nice truck though, seen that green before is it standard?
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