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Everything posted by Enigma

  1. A bit unclear Can I only book as a person and not with a vehicle anymore? This is booked full; Don's forget to order your free VEHICLE tickets for the routes ! 0
  2. Great work! Would be great to see it when its finished.
  3. Its coming along nicely by the looks of it. Keep up the good work and who knows I might stop by in the future.
  4. Only 1 minute ago my brother called me to let me know Emrys passed away this morning (he probably got a app from Emrys'son). Emrys was a proud Welshman who also spoke Welsh. He wore the image of the Sospan his unit was allowed to wear on his jacket. The 53rd Welsh division liberated Den Bosch, near to me where we got to know him. He is the left one in the photo with 2 of his veteran friends (Jimmy, Para RIP and Richard, 30 Corps) and companions. When we were in Devon in Nov 2016 we drove to Cardiff just to visit him, that was the last time we saw him. I last called him in November last year. He will be missed.
  5. The black and white photo makes it look like its a real one. well done.
  6. My condoleances on the passing of your father. Thanks for posting those photo's, very interesting.
  7. Another one who doesn't mind getting his hands dirty, you will like this forum.
  8. I clicked on your profile and went to your posts, I hope this helps.; http://hmvf.co.uk/profile/3909-ian-l/?do=content&type=forums_topic&change_section=1
  9. I agree with the previous comment, awesome. You sure have a large skillset to make something like that!
  10. Maybe a good idea to post it in the American Vehicles section.
  11. 1943ht, well done on saving that halftrack. \In about 2003 I nearly bought a M16 haftrack which was in need of restoration. I am glad I didn't because of lack of space and technical skills.
  12. Could be, but wouldn't leand/lease make a difference?
  13. Email sent with my name and town, please don't put it online. You may show it to the council.
  14. May he rest in peace. helping your own and those of the other side is a true testament of humanity.
  15. I like those Fokkers! Oi!, no sniggering in the back of the class. I build a D21 and G1 once.
  16. That looks quite good indeed. Guess the soil helped to preserve it a bit.
  17. Nice find John. It looks quite good from the photo's.
  18. Sounds like a good event. Its a pity I live so far away.
  19. Sorry to hear your Dad passed away, but thanks for sharing. A nice a mix of different tracked vehicles like the Cromwell, Sexton and Centurion. I see something hanging af the back of the jeep, would that be a camonet?
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