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Everything posted by Enigma

  1. I checked and the pics are indeed back. But I do agree they must have lost a lot of goodwill and money after all of this.
  2. Nice find! It does have a elegant look to it.
  3. Ah, mudsurfing, the sport of Champions...
  4. Ignition problems can get very tricky at times. Hope its sorted now so you can enjoy it to the fullest.
  5. The dataplate is indeed Dutch. Saying its overhauled basically. Brand is Polynorm. https://www.google.com/search?ei=eS7_WuSaAYGXsAeG_YGICA&q=polynorm+trailer&oq=polynorm+trailer&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0l3.3519.5315.0.5683.
  6. Stunning. The project is progressing fast by the looks of it.
  7. Love the looks of that truck. Have fun!
  8. After seeing the photo's of the steep drive I kinda remember that when I visited some years ago. Must be re-assuring to go downhill knowing the brakes work.
  9. Today we remember the victims of war, soldiers and civilians. I will attend several commemorations, including a ceremony this afternoon for 4 fallen lads of the 43rd Division Recconnaissance regiment. A friend has kindly donated a bouquet to be placed at the monument. We will remember them.
  10. Hate it when a sucker doesn't suck.....OK, I'll get me coat. Your solution is a good one. Goes to show how a bit of creative thinking and tinkering solves a lot of these issues. It looks like it was designed back in Ww2.
  11. It's been a while sice I checked this thread. A lot of work being finished since last time I was here. As usual well done guys!!
  12. You are right. Why spend more money than nessecary. But the result will be soo good in the end. I am sure you will get a lot of people interested in buying it.
  13. Stunning result. I especially like your approach of using of the shelve kinda items and alter them to fit.
  14. So can us non British also pay in cash at the gate?
  15. That's a very different way to show a model kit. But it works.
  16. Good to hear. Hopefully its in good condition.
  17. That's going to be one heavy model when completed.
  18. We only had a light dusting of snow here.
  19. Stuart Tanks sold Post war for 5$....including spare engine and tracks. Now where is my time machine.
  20. Wow, those Finnish pilots sure shot down a lot of enemy's.
  21. Looks a lot like the Dutch Fokker D21 which were delivered to Finland before the war.
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