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Everything posted by ferretfixer

  1. I worked for a company in the UK in the past. who manufactured Weapons for the M.O.D & Overseas customers. We had at that time, a LOT of WWII Surplus weapons & Spares in the factory. We had a barrel for a 4.2" Mortar, Upon making enquireis, it transpired that the Imperial War Museum did NOT have a 4.2" in it's collection. So we donated the barrel to them. I dont know if they ever sourced a Bipod & carriage/Trailer for it though. It would make a very nice display in the land warfare centre at Duxford. Should they ever do so!
  2. did the spotting rifle mounted on top of the barrel come with it? I am looking for one for myself.
  3. Update: Well, I have recieved a communication to the effect that my request for Funding for the required music lessons. HAVE now been granted! :thanx:I now have to get the confirmation paperwork & then apply to my 'Teacher' for booking lesson days. I will keep you ALL posted as to what happens. (Like I get a blowout in one of my cheeks, or something!) At last, SOMETHING is going MY way for a change!..............:laugh: Cheers All! Mike.
  4. Or alternatively. To replicate the 'Enfield Finish', strip off ALL the external paint so the surfaces are smooth. SPRAY paint the whole thing with SATIN Black finish Paint. Then bake in the oven for 20 mins on a NOT too hot setting. Hot enough to make handling very uncomfortable. But NOT TOO hot to bubble the finish! Works a treat! :angel:
  5. At least you can comply with his plea. 'For his Request to remain UNanswered'!..............:angel:
  6. ferretfixer


    Ill bet she works in a Church as well!................ Bless her! :trustme:.................
  7. Sadly, SOME People dont think of potential consequences. BEFORE they act! A Potential 'Incident' involving a variant of one of our cherished Hobby Items. Could incur disasterous results if the aforementioned vehicle were involved were held to be a 'Problem'! The vast majority of vehicle owners are Law Abiding citizens. & I feel sure would come down on the side of common sense if anything like this raised it's head & they were aware of it at the time! However, it only takes the misguided actions of one person to potentialy cause a 'difficculty' to ruin things for the rest of the collecting community. Sadly in THIS Country, the actions of the Minority affect the Future of the Majority! Thankfully, certain 'Resources' are overstretched & snowed under with a Massive workload with higher priorities to attend to. So that in present times, an action like this can be viewed with low priority as a potential threat! There are far GREATER things going on in this country that need attending to of a VERY High Priority in the present climate. But if things ever settle down, people in certain places with time on thier hands may view things VERY differently from what they do now!.............. Me must ALL Remember as I have stated on a previous post on this forum. We are ALL Ambassidors of our chosen Hobby. We must be aware of our own, as well as others actions. When deploying our vehicles on Public Roads Etc. Attention paid to all points invloving the Road Traffic act & driving courteously as well. Dispite the fact that another driver may be a bit reckless towards you. Two wrongs dont make a right. Be the Bigger (& Better) driver, & let it go. It's hard to swallow sometimes, I know. I have been on the end of idiotic behavoiur from other road users at times too. BUT, Keep clam & behave with dignity, courtesy & Quiet Pride when you are using your beloved vehicle on the pubic Highways. We might not all agree on point of Law. But in general, the Law is the Law. & we must ALL abide by it, right or wrong. You can argue about it later in the courts or with legal representitives as you choose. Law is a set of rules. We might not agree with certain points of it. BUT, we MUST abide by them. Or Chaos will reign supreme! Where would we be with no rules?...FRANCE!...Where would we be with TOO Many rules?....GERMANY!...........(With thanks to al Murray (Comedian))
  8. I have seen the ones opposite the Yacht club at queenborough. & actually been on one of them. I often wondered what they were for as a kid! When you think of the time they were built. & are STILL in use today. Thats quite a feat of engineering! (& cost effective!) Hollow Hull CONCRETE, & it FLOATS on WATER! mind Boggling, isnt it?.......:nut:
  9. Yes, I wondered about the trailer also. Is it a collapsable type/ air portable/ dropable variant!
  10. Having done a couple of 'Tours' at B.A.T.U.S myself in the past, I wouldnt touch one of these vehicles! They will be Shag*d out with the amount of work they have done over there! The Training area on which they deploy is a VERY Harsh enviroment, with dust like grinding paste getting into EVERYTHING! Also, the Constant Battering they get driving over VERY rough terrain does little to help this! I recall, it was the first time in my life I have ever seen Series three LWB Landrovers with MULTIPLE Welding lines & Patches to their chassis! They split here & there due to the stresses imposed by these conditions! Nope, Wouldnt Touch ONE of 'Em myself!.................
  11. Very Saddened to hear this Buddy. It's a Poor reflection on SOME of the community in which we reside! I hope you manage to recover even some of your stuff. I know from Expirience how your feeling, I had a similar expirience one Beltring! I wish you luck with the way forward!
  12. IF, you have a little time on your hands. Why not carve a shape of one from wood? You dont have to go into full detail. JUST detail the grip/rear frame area & screw a pair of genuine pistol grip scales to it. Paint the rear grip area black. & leave the midlle down the the front in a natural wood colur. That way you are not breaking any Laws! You can buy grip scales on Ebay. I have just sold a Genuine pair myself there! There are quite afew available from abroad. Grips are NOT considered essential Firearm componants & therefore there are no restrictions!
  13. Try contacting Brian Baxter at the R.E.M.E Museum at Arborfield. They hold records there for all the workshops that existed. Good luck.
  14. Mike, your in Luck! I just bought a load of Wallets, from Two Blond Ukraninen Girls at a bargain price!.............
  15. Looks like a Hitler youth Armband. That combined with the MP 40 & the VERY relaxed pose of these two soldiers. SUGGESTS a posed picture in the lull between fighting in a safe area? These may well have been souveniers picked up in the local area where they were then positioned at that time?
  16. Bob spoke to the WRONG person then! There are TWO Tesco's in Ashford. If he had contacted me, I would have passed the Legions fund raise'rs details on & they could have liased Direct. Shame really, Bob missed out. Our Fund raiser is a VERY attractive Girlie!..........................Cheers Martin!
  17. One thing I ALWAYS kept in mind when I was serving was: 'If it's me or Him. It sure as Hell isnt' going to be ME!'. Rules Pretty much went out the window when Bullets are being aimed at you & you have to move DAMM Fast to get to a safe position!. When it comes to survival & the Adrenilin is pumping like hell! The Genva convention & 'Rules' as such. Funnily never were the uppermost Priority at the time!.........................:shocked:
  18. Nothing Heard Martin, Now it's too late anyway. Thanks for your assistance.4 Mike.
  19. What a Tragic Waste of life, very sad indeed. And in a Peactime Envioment too. My Personal Thoughts go out to his Family. Very Sorry to Hear this.
  20. Hi Richard, Thanks anyway. I know what it's like being boxed in! I had to move 5 vehicles a few weeks ago, just to get one out. Of course, it was the one that was RIGHT at the Back!.... Hopefully??? One or two owners here may be willing to Help out this Military charity? Please!..............:shocked:
  22. Hi Guys, anyone available to provide a little 'dressing' with a couple of vehicles. For next SATURDAYS Poppy collecting day at Tesco's in Ashford (Kent) Please? I have been approached by the very keen Girlie who is Fundraiser for that Branch to provide a couple of vehciles to compliment the fund raising display & draw the Public in. Sorry it's short notice, but i have only just heard myself! Thanks in advance, Mike.
  23. Thanks for that. Well, Playing the 'Squeeling Pig' seems to me a much more challenging task! You have THREE things to do at once! Blowing constantly, Squeezing with your elbow & playing the 'Pipe section' with your fingers. Coodination is the order of the day there! I think I have got the 'Easier'?? task! Lol! Good Luck to you as well. Cheers!
  24. The reason that LARGE sizes of Military clothing is scarce is simple. Our Armed Forces are WELL trained, & Fitness is a VERY Big part of Service life. For Health & Combat readiness. To that end, If you do PT / Road runs approx three times a week. You will have 'Leaner' & fit Personell, ready for any given situation. Lots of physical excercise = Healthy & fit trim Bodies. It is not until you get to Warrant Officer level in the mess. That you can pretty much do what you like, & choose to do PT or not. The More Professional Warrant Officers will lead from the front & run with the guys as an Example. But a LOT dont, & to that end, the old waistline expands a bit & that is why 'Special Order' is also rare. If you cant pass your BFT & CFT Runs each six months. then as far as the MOD is concerned. Your not fit for role & can end up discharged these days! The exception to the rules always can be found though. If a Person is for example an outstnding Bugler or something Exemplary doing whatever they can do. & it brings credit on the Regiment. Then the CO can decree how he will be 'Passed' on paper for the benifit of a good result for that particular regiment. This is Rare, but it DOES happen!..........
  25. NOTHING is worthless! :shocked: Everything has SOME value, If you own an SLR. Even if this item was never issued, it is STILL an interesting peice of Field Equipment for the collection! They are not around like they used to be, probably because of the fact that a Huge amount were destroyed.
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