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Everything posted by ferretfixer

  1. Richard, Thank You! You have actually saved Me a job! Cheers!
  2. 'Any Item which discharges a Noxious Substance'...................Section 5 Weapon. This was MEANT to cover Flamethrowers, but..................... When I was in the Police, if a perp was arrested for attempted/actual robbery. We used to charge them for being in possession of a Prohibited weapon. If they has an old Squeegy Bottle of Amonia. Because the sentence was greater upon conviction, than for an attempted Robbery! IE: An 'Item which discharged a Noxious Substance'!......... As Mortars have not been included in the unworkable new legislation. I wouldn't shout too loudly about them! The specs are sufficient & perfectly fit for purpose as they are!.....You DONT ant attention drawn to that category as well. We are Potentially going to suffer enough! There is MUCH to be legally challenged over these stupid, Ill thought out. & Unworkable, Discriiminatory Regulations....... As there are VAST sums of money involved in Deactivation, to name but one section of this nonsense. I feel it will be enevitable that a 'Major Player/Stakeholder' with the funds to do so. WILL Challenge this by taking the EU Government to the Euro Court of human Rights. Billions are Potentially involved here!.................... Deacts when Certed, are NO LONGER CLASSFIED AS FIREARMS!!! They are HARMLESS Lumps of Metal then! They actually have MORE value when destroyed as a Firearm & are from then on, HARMLESS! (Brit Spec, & done CORRECTLY to GOVERNMENT APPROVED ORIGINAL SPECS!) if the EU feel 'Threatened' by Harmless lumps of metal. There is no hope for the Human race, is there?.... If enacted, all this Nonsense Legislation, will do absolutely NOTHING, to protect us from Criminal's & Terrorists!!!!! I feel more threatened by The EU & our OWN Government to be perfectly Honest!..............................
  3. And a Drunk Driver behind the wheel of a Motor Vehicle, is actually MUCH more lethal than a deactivated weapon! A kitchen knife is also, and a 3 foot long screwdriver or a Hammer. if you have the INTENT to use them as weapons. A length of cheesewire is suitable for a garrot, the Mercury switches from Gas Heaters are lethal for making Bomb switches. I STILL Fail to see how an Inert replica or an Airsoft Replica can be viewed as 'Lethal'?.........:nut: It would seem to my mind, the most lethal thing around at the moment. Are unfettered, Power abusing & TOTALY Ignorant. SELF SERVING, Nest feathering Members of Parliament!....:mad: Who also conveniently seem to Forget, that they are they to represent the wishes of the VOTING PUBLIC!!! as Public SERVANTS!!!!!! Well, the way forward now is VERY clear indeed! There is a referendum coming up Boys & Girls! If you want to keep your 'Toys', you KNOW how You MUST Vote.......................
  4. He is also Active on Face Book. Try that medium as well. He has his own personal/ Museum related page.
  5. Gwyn, When I get some time free (Difficult!) I will Pop down town & take some snaps of the tank. I will post them here on the Forum. So everyone can enjoy viewing this rare vehicle.
  6. There you go Robin! The above statement is correct about the relay. When I thought about it later, the thermal Relay is inside the BV! The control box I have just examined, & it makes sense. With the Voltage/Current involved at 24V. There would indeed be sparking & consequently a carbon build up. Eventually making the circuit complete, 'difficult/intermittant'. The heavy duty relay, would obviate this. I have such a control box for my own BV, awaiting fitting in my RB44. It was sourced from a Stalwart being broken for spares. With the modification of a slave lead end plug. They are so massive & easy to clean the inside spigot etc. It didn't matter about sparking when using the slave lead in ferrets!
  7. Thanks for that Richard, if clarifies a lot. Yes, now I come to think of it, it WAS a square. I was a kid as said at the time I first saw it. Defo remember the 'Humming' emanating from it! :-D My Aunt live in the same road as the Tank resided then. I guess it has all been torn down & rebuilt since then. Happy days!....:cool2: I still enjoy a Coffee in the summer. outside the café that is behind the Tank these days!
  8. I think the other two are for the thermal cut out control?
  9. No, the only 'holes', are the rotating pistol ports on the vehicle. they are solid, either through rust, or paint covering. The Damage as Richard has clarified, is apparently stress related. To Me, it certainly LOOKED like battle Damage! But if it was only used for driver training/ mechanics. Then that would obviate that reason.
  10. Morning Richard, Never moved? Was the restoration work not done in the Workshops then? Was it all done down town in situ? I recall it originally sitting on a concrete slab in a grassed area, near the end of a road. I definatley recall it 'Humming' from the sound caused by the transformer then inside it. But it WAS a long time ago! I was only about 8 or 10 years old. a LONG time ago THAT was! :-D I KNOW that when the workshops closed, there was a Fantastic Apprentice Made Model of this Tank. Given to the Town Council. Who subsequently gave it to the Town Museum, & it resides there today. A Truly Beautiful Item!
  11. Robin, The Battery box on the 1 Tonne. Is sufficiently big enough internaly. To fit a slave socket inside, mounted on one of the sidewalls.. You can then run a slave socket, or as has been suggested. & BV off this socket, if you have modified the lead. With a Male slave socket on one end. you do NOT actually need the control box as fitted to a BV Tracked Vehicle. Or Stalwart. You CAN plug it straight in & use it. BUT.....You must monitor it as it heats up to the correct boiling tempreture. Because, IIRC, the control box as mentioned. Has a Cut out or relay in it. to switch it on & off during use. To prevent the thing boiling dry. & subsequently burn the heating element out! I used to modify BV cables this way in service. To run BV's off the internal Slave sockets in Ferrets! It was a very simple matter, when parked up & waiting around on Exercises. To stand the BV on a rear wing, with the cable run through one of the rear opening viewing hatches. Plugged into the slave socket & make a brew for the Two Crew members. When boiled, all you had to do. Was pull the lead out of the BV. Leaving the lead in the slave socket out the hatch. so the BV could be reused when required as the vehicle was static. Obviously, when having to move off. The lead was removed & stowed alongside the BV in/on the vehicle. NOTE: you NEED the engine running, to heat the BV!!!! As the ferret is so quiet ticking over, it is not annoying to do this! A VERY convienient & easy way to make a brew, or heat food!
  12. This 'Battle' is not over by a long Shot yet! (Excuse the Phrase, no pun intended) The EU in it's written constitution, has to make an Impact assessment before ANY of these PROPSALS are eneacted. I can definitely see other EU member states having to tighten up & modify their respective legislation on Deacts Etc. I have read & re-read these so-called-Proposals. They are NOT clear in most of their Defintions. & confusing & unworkable in most cases. If taken word by word, the 'Processes' they speak of. Cannot be executed. it is NOT clear to Me, if ALL actions in each Category for instance. State if the LMG class for example, have to have welded actions. Certainly, it states 'Belt feed mechanisiems will be welded solid'. Well, that's just ONE sweeping statement! :mad: I would like to see anyone, no matter how skilled. Weld a steel feedmech, to an alliumnium top cover. Like the Mag58/GPMG has for example!! Cannot be done, the top cover in the first instance would melt, & the two totally dissimilar Metals. would NOT fuse together! Also, in a lot of Weapons, when welded with a magazine also welded in. How would you examine the work carried out PROPERLY?......:mad: Having perused a lot of the PROPOSSED Nonsense. Most of it is TRYING to imitate the UKs Deact Proceedures. For example, it talks of welded solid to Current specs, of the SMG & Machine Pistol & Assault rifle Classes of weapon. We already live with & endure that here currently. BUT, there is NO Justification for Handguns & LMG classes Of Deact to be Tightened up more than they already are in the UK standards!!!!! Also the 'Proposed' Deact Cert that will be issued to each of the Potentially 'New' Deact. Is almost a carbon copy of the one the UK issues!..... Again, it could be argued, that to come to a compromise. & show that the 'Wonderful' EU Member states have done 'Something' towards executing their kneejerk, over the top reaction to the Tragedy in France. Then OK, Tighten up THEIR Deact standards to a common level. Such as is currently enacted in the UK now. After all, it was AK's of the Assault Weapon Class that did the damage. NOT any other class or type!!!!!!! So then the 'Wonderful' EU Government could then pat itself on the back. Secure in the knowledge that yet again. The Law Abiding Shooter, Collector. Re-enactor & other enthusiasts. Have been needlessly penalised AGAIN! & the Law Ignoring Criminal & Terrorists will simply carry on doing 'what they do'. With no effect!!!!:mad: yes indeed, my faith in Ignorant, Stupid, Self Serving & Lying MP's. Has been set in concrete, as to my mistrust & now concrete thoughts. as to their Incompetance, Ineptitude, & total Failure To PROPERLY look into the real problems involved. To sum it all up: MPs are the problem, NOT The Law Abiding Populace! Because MPs have actually CAUSED the Problem. If they weren't so Bloody busy giving ZILLIONS of the Tax Payers Money away. The Funding WOULD be available, To provide Effective Border Protection Personel. AND Customs for Effective vehicle searches, More People in Official Capacities to enforce our present Laws. More Military on the ground, to enact hunting down & eliminating the terrorist threat. And preventing them hiding/stock piling & acquiring weaponry! (And as a Bonus, Provide the NHS the CORRECT funding it NEEDS to remain, the envy of the civilised world!) Penalising the Law Abiding & Harmless, will NOT stop the Terrorist & Criminals = PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad:
  13. David, Im only up the road from you. I know the mounts on these vehicles (& most other variants) very well. If you need assistance with them or any Armament related advice, PM Me.
  14. Being a resident in Ashford myself also, I see this Vehicle regularly. When I was a child & lived in another town, I visited an Aunt with my parents. I seem to recall, when this vehicle was a 'cover' for the Electricty transformer. The vehicle was originally positioned in white horse Road? Richard, can you confirm this? It was a few years ago! :nut: Back then, I definitely remember it's external finish was in a poor state indeed! :cry: When it was refurbished to it's present state, by the then Command Workshops. It was restored only externally with fittings & paint. From what I can see, the exhaust pipe & rear access door was manufactured (Very well!) The sponsons are not correct, in that the traversing sections have been made in sections of flat plate & welded together. I believe they should be round? The external Air Jackets of the Lewis Guns in the sponsons, have been reproduced well also. But I had to laugh though. The Foresite blocks that have been welded onto them. Are actually modern 7.62mm GPMG L7A2 versions! :-D the original Battle damage on the Tank has been retained, which is a nice touch. It resides under it's own purpose built open sided, apex roofed building. Which does protect it from rain & snow. it is a Registered War Memorial also, which will ensure it's survival. I suspect the council's statement of refusing anyone inside. Is a blanket excuse for we cant be bothered. & also to balance this statement. It IS in this over the top society today. A genuine concern, that someone may possibly sustain a MINOR injury, either by catching themselves on something inside. or falling/tripping on a 'projection. & result in the possibility of suing the council for compensation! :-\
  15. I have it now on 'Good authority. That this Tunnel is in fact, Father Christmas's Secret Toy Manufacturing Facility....:cool2: It is absolutely true, 'cos a bloke down the Pub Told me so!...... well, He does work for 'Elf & Safety!.....:-D
  16. quite correct Richard. However, each individual member state also has it's own standards in other catagories. For example, just over the water. Live handguns can STILL be owned & shot legally on a Certificate. this is prohibited in the UK, even though WE are an EU member state!!!!!! :mad: Teresa May, the Home Secretary has openly stated on a previous occasion. That she would like to see other EU Member States adopt the same standards of deactivation, as we have here in the UK. Because WE have the tightest regulations in this area, in the EU!!!!!:cry: So it is REALLY up to ALL EU member states to get Czech Republic to change IT's standards to come in line with others. NOT for US to tighten up even further in the UK. On a subject that is NOT a problem here!!!!:mad: It was the 'Expansion Guns' that emanated from Czech Republic that were responsible for the Incidents in France. NOT Legally DEACTIVATED Weapons!......
  17. Rob, Do you have a photo or illustration of the type of jack you need info on? It might help? Also just my own thoughts here on this subject. I have never seen (Or TBH looked for one!) an example. But thinking logically, would a normal readily available land rover jack have been used? I don't know for sure, just a thought That occurred to Me. It would make sense logistically, supply wise? :cool2:
  18. I spoke on the phone personally with the London Proofmaster yesterday afternoon. (Friday) & he said a meeting had been held, with 'interested' parties & stake holders Etc. Basicly, this was so objections & input could be fed into the Government Reps concerned. They are now aware of just some of the unworkable, unfair & penalising potential proposals. Which, even if implemented, will have no effect on Criminals & terrorists. Only Law Abiding collectors, historians, reenactors, dealers,Shooters & enthusiasts will be hurt & affected. The Proposals will introduce problems on such a momentous scale across the board. That these Ill thought out 'suggestions' will cause havoc & unemployment. In such momentous areas. The affected countries will NOT be able to cope with it all!!!! NO EFFECT WHAT SO EVER, will be executed against Terrorist activities or supply of weapons. From former Eastern Bloc sources & Countries! The Tragedy enacted in France, was NOT implemineted by ANY weapons from EU Member countries as we know them! Their deactivation standards prevented that. The Weapons used in the Killings emanated from Czechlaslovakia. There were MINOR modified Blank Firing Weapons. LIVE Guns modified to fire blanks. These class of Firearms have long been prohibited in the UK & member states. ONLY available as Legally & correctly Deactivated HARMLESS Specimins! Why should WE be penalised for something that did NOT originate from the UK. & needs to be addressed against the guilty country who supplied the Weapons concerned!!!
  19. Boot's, Assault. This is a now known common defect with these Boot's, sadly! :cry: I was issued them in my Second Career when moving from the Reg Army, To the Then TA. (Now the Reserve Forces) :nut: They were comfortable & a huge leap forward from the Old DMS Boots! However, it has transpired, that for some reason. If you do NOT wear them very regularly, the soles deteriorate rapidly & disintegrate!!! :-X I had this happen a few years back. When I climbed back into uniform. To take a Ferret to a Fund Raising Event. VERY disconcerting to be walking about in Public, & finding 'Bit's' of rubber all over the place! :nut: I later discovered, that the manufacturers had moved the machinery around in their factory production lines for some reason? And this had disturbed the callibration of the various components that went into moulding the soles. Why the machines weren't checked prior to commencing production again. remains a mystery!...............
  20. It WONT cost you anything to sign it. It WILL affect ALL of Us if it goes through unmodified. And it COULD affect the outcome of the Hobby we ALL Love! So PLEASE, will you get as many People as you can, to ALL sign this petition! It cant hurt, can it? But it could very well Keep a large part of our Hobby intact!................ Mlitary vehicles have 'Military Style weapons' in them. So they TOO, will be banned!! Do YOU want to surrender YOUR Tank's Etc?...................:mad:
  21. Big Dog. You have stated here, almost word perfect, what I have posted on the EU Proposal Commision website page! Make NO Mistake People! If this goes through, it WILL definitely affect ALL of us, Wether you collect Deactivated Weapons or not!!!!!! The Bottom will drop out of the Mil Vehicle market, as nearly all of us have Deacts to fit in our vehciles! PLEASE!!!!! ALL of YOU sign the petition against these UNFAIR & DISCRIMINATORY Proposals against Law Abiding Collectors & enthusiasts. It will cost you NOTHING to do this, & could just make the difference we all need! make NO MISTAKE! This will ripple across the Militaria field of collecting, with Disasterous results, if not amended/ rejected! If you have an item of Military interest in whatever form you own. then you NEED to sign this petition! Handgun Crime figures have risen since the Ban on Handguns. Something we told the Government at the time, they ignored the warning! What a surprise! I SCREAM at my TV when the news comes on a states an Armed hold up with a Handgun was executed! 'Your Lying!!!!! It could POSSIBLY have Happened!...Because YOU have banned handguns'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (All done in a VERY Angry & Pasionate Tone!!!) :mad: This is a typical Ill thought out discriminatory set of unworkable proposed legislation. that will ONLY serve to penalise US. And have no effect whatsoever on Criminals! Why?... because Criminals ignore the Law!!!!!!!
  22. The Brown shirts were the better variant to wear. Much more comfortable & smarter in my View. With the central pleat down each breast pocket. They were made from wool, so much nicer in use! The green KF Shirts however, were made from man made aftificial fibre material. They shrank badly each wash. They were a bit uncomfortable to wear, as they were hard on your skin! On excercise's in the field, they made you feel dirty & uncomfortable. (Even though you perhaps WERE Dirty at times anyway!) I like a VAST amount of my contemporaries. Disliked them intensely!!!! When I was attached to the Para's, after the usual weekly Monday Morning Battalion Muster Parade. The first thing we did afterwards. Was get changed into a Jungle green Airtex type shirt. Known as the O.G Shirt FAR more comfortable & superior in wear! The Airborne were a bit more lax & understanding in this area of clothing regulations! & We were grateful for that! Also, the Trousers Lightweight, were changed for the full cotton O.G Trousers as well. IF, you were lucky enough to source a pair or two! again, MUCH better in the field. As the O.Gs were a wider cut to the leg width. Which meant you could change your trousers without having to remove your boots first. Unlike the lightweights, which would not allow you to do this! A very important consideration in the field, being able to keep your boots on, enabling you to 'leg it' if needs be. in a fast Tactical situation!.......:-D
  23. The so called 'Expansion Gun's' are basicaly live Weapons! All that has been done to these termed firearms is; Two pins are fitted in the barrel, to create back pressure. Which will cycle the action!!!1 Remove those pins & you Really do have a Lethal Barrelled weapon!!!!!! TOTALY Unacceptable to the UKs deactivation standards!!!!! :shocked: This is my statement sent to the website for the new EU Potential Rulings: The UK has the tightest & most stringent Rules & standards on Deactivation. In the whole of the EU. Penalising Collectors & Enthusiasts with this ill thought out bunch of proposals. Is wrong & discriminatory! It will do NOTHING to prevent Armed Crime. Because Criminal ignore the law completely. And the ONLY People who will be affected by these potential rulings will be. The Law Abiding Shooter & Collector, AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!! :mad: The UK has currently, the most stringent standards on Deactivated Weapons in the EU! Banning these will do NOTHING to stop terrorists & armed Criminals.THOSE People ignore ALL Laws, & continue their activities unfettered! These proposals are unfair & discriminatory. Towards Law abiding Citizens, collectors & Enthusiasts. Who DO obey the Law, & are absolutely NO threat to society at all! A lot of Deactivated Weapons are worth many thousands of Pounds on their own. A LOT of collectors own hundereds of them. I wish to know how a Deactivated & rendered permenantly declassified as a Firearm. & basicly a lump of metal. Can harm any populace? How would you find the MILLIONS of Pounds required to compensate owners? How would you deal with the HUNDEREDs of Armoured Vehicle with deactivated Military weapons mounted in them? Our over stretched Police Force can barely cope with 'Normal' Crime in the UK! How can they be expected to enforce stupid, unfair & unworkable laws that only serve to penalise the Law abiding enthusiast? Have you stopped to think about how many businesses will be closed in this Field> All the manufacturers of accessories allied to Deactivated & shooting weapons. Many hundereds of thousands or People will be made redundant in the shooting & Collecting trade. WHO is going to pay unemployment allowances to all these people. Most of whom will never work again!!! These proposals are ILL THOUGHT OUT Knee jerk reaction. With NO thought of the impact it will have on the Law Abiding! Criminals ignore the Law! All this will serve to do. Is penalise the Law abiding & have NO EFFECT WHATSOEVER ON THE CRIMINAL FRATERNTIY!....
  24. As we say in the Corps. 'Adapt, & Overcome'..................
  25. Have you seen what Hexamine dose to the Bottom of a Mess Tin. Or other metal cooking vessel!!!..........:shocked: It's a Bugg*r to Remove!!!!!........:mad:
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