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robin craig

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Everything posted by robin craig

  1. We were tidying up in the workshop before Christmas. This bag had these strange fasteners in it. We think they were related to the 2.5Na diesel Land Rover engine / gearbox job we did this year. Can anyone help with what part might be ready to fall off that is missing these? Thanks R
  2. I put this subject up as a thread of its own on MLU over here http://www.mapleleafup.net/forums/showthread.php?p=189794&posted=1#post189794 It some interesting replies from mild to wild. It has come back round full circle with some of the same players being involved. Last confirmed sighting was in 1991 by a US National Guard member. Described as being on the impact area of the TOW / Anti tank ranges at CFB Petawawa, Ontario. Hope someone goes looking for it, beyond my interest area really. R
  3. Some interesting gifts everyone has received. It should be no surprise that I too wanted to share what has come my way I was given a 3 point hitch back blade for use on our tractor at home, we have 500 feet plus of driveway and keeping it clear of snow is a chore that this will help. It is able to be rotated manually 360 degrees, so if you want you can use it as a dozer in reverse direction. In an MV related area, I finally wore down a certain local person who has a wide track trailer. I have been pestering him for over a year to allow me to buy his surplus trailer. It was "gifted" to me but I will try to make that gift a sale as the non financial cost may be more than I want to pay. The wide track trailers are hard to come by, no, a real rarity, over here. There were some released from BATUS, of which this is one by way of a dealer in Quebec, I have the jockey wheel leg for it but am missing a few minor parts. I have all the light lenses. To buy one of these in the UK and ship it out here is a whole process and expense beyond me at the moment. It will compliment another project that I have on the go currently. R
  4. Petawawa is located in Eastern Ontario against the Ottawa River which forms the boundary to Quebec. There has been much talk of German kit being there over the years. I think the Canadian War Museum led a jaunt up there according to legend. May I use that picture on MLU to spark some conjecture please? Note to Rick, it is Canucks R
  5. It has been two whole days and no one has started it, so I will, at my own peril. What did Santa bring you this year? Photos a must of anything vaguely mechanical, let alone MV related. Pictures of Old Spice or Channel No5 not needed! R
  6. Dear All, Does anyone have a real one kicking around that they can photograph? I have seen some line drawings in manuals but they are postage stamp sized. It looks as if I have to make a couple. This is the recovery kit item that allows a BV206 to be towed using the horns at the front either side of the pin hitch. Thanks R
  7. Like that but not quite mate. The spare is on a tubular carrier and not directly against the tailgate. Have a look at the images on Witham's site R
  8. There is an ex MOD LR Wolf 90 LP 35 AA currengtly on the Withams auction site (link here http://www.mod-sales.com/auction/vehicle/related/61195/Land_Rover_Wolf_90_Soft_Top.htm ) It has a side hinged tailgate and what looks like what I know as a Pivlock spare wheel mount on the back instead of on the side. Can anyone comment on this difference from the norm? R
  9. In response to a post by Sirhc in another thread on this. Yes Chris we are affected. We live in a small island community of about 500 and our local government has it's base on another island. We have only one township staff member here and he runs the snow plow and has done many hours keeping the roads open. I went back to work yesterday (I am supposedly off for Christmas) so my co worker and I could safely go around cutting trees back as a pair to gain access for our tenants who rent from us and for the other inhabitants on the roads. We used a tractor with a bucket on the loader to shove the debris off the roadways after cutting with a polesaw at a distance. It is like working on a booby trap, each cut you make the tree reacts and one gets quite jittery doing the work. Bracnhes snap for no reason around you. The danger of getting hit is high. I am a member of our Fire department (100% volunteer staffed) and Im carrying a chainsaw on my work truck so I have a hope of getting to the station if the pager goes off. Its a mess. R
  10. A very large area of eastern Canada and the upper north east of the USA has been hit by an ice storm over the weekend. Yesterday Monday 23rd Dec was the first day without the freezing rain for us. I don't have pictures to show as I am waiting for my lady to load them. Many hundreds of thousands of people are without power and will remain so over the holidays and longer. Also along with power has been the phones. Over here they string both above ground. For those of you who don't understand an ice storm, let me explain. It starts with below freezing temperatures, somewhere from zero to typically say minus 10 degrees C. Add moisture falling as rain and not as snow and it freezes on contact to any and every surface, trees cars roads you name it. Trees bend over and touch power lines and ground them out or rip them off the poles if they fall. Mobility is screwed as any slight hill becomes impassable if sanding / salting wasn't non stop during the storm. Until we get a thaw or strong sunshine to melt the ice we will continue to loose power over and over again as more trees bend and fail. As the temperatures drop as they are expected to do they will also become more brittle and break. Our rural community has lost power countless times since Saturday. If you are not hearing from loved ones on this side of the pond this may be the reason. Google for more results R
  11. That must have been very satisfying to hear that run. Glad you have found time to get it going, wont be long before it moves I would think. Maybe by year's end? Happy Christmas Chris! R
  12. Arjan, Any of the tags are important. For the most part the series Land Rovers have their serial number, often referred to now as a VIN in at least 3 places so if the one on the seat box is gone the identity of the vehicle can be checked. Personally I like to start on the chassis rail on the right side outer forward of the front axle where it is stamped into the chassis. If the chassis has been replaced it will be missing im am thinking. The engine bay has in the area of the brake master cylinder a plate withe the serial number. After that some of the trucks have a civilian style serial number plate and a military one as well. I have a friend with a Dutch lightweight, do you need pictures? A replacement, I would think, could be made. My 2 cents worth. R
  13. Did anyone else notice the licence plate on the Abbot? R
  14. Silly me, and there I was thinking that it was some kind of strange Christmas light set. R
  15. I would be fairly sure that if they don't sell to an enthusiast they will get scrapped as have many CVR(T)s over the last few years. It is a crying shame but the disposal game is all about numbers and if scrap price is all it will make that is where it is headed. R
  16. Sorry, didnt look that far, my bad as the youngsters say. R
  17. I'm not sure why Blanchards have listed it as an FFR but that from initial looks it appears perhaps to be a CL instead for which the bumpers front and rear are appropriate. Blanchards are fairly approachable and open and fair people to deal with. I would give them a call and tell them what you want. No relation / connection to Blanchards Robin
  18. Can anyone explain the chiselled stone or pour concrete piece on the left and right of the memorial with the inscription AM No 5 with the broad arrow please? Grand photos. R
  19. I cant bear the tension, it is just like the night before Christmas under the tree all over again, "open the box" i hear the crowd roar, "open the box"! Visual ID is most likely from the experts around here R
  20. Oh wow, EOD you say? Have you read "Fetch Felix"? Lots of scope for that usage I suppose you will add a wheelbarrow on the front and accompany it with a Transit van? R
  21. I am obviously being dense, as I am apt to be, from time to time, as is my nature. Why on earth was it sold to ABRO is the one nagging question? To me that sounds like ABRO was going to do something with it, like tart it up and flog it on to some 3rd party (nation) buyer. I had thought that ABRO was exclusively a repair / overhaul organisation all be it with some overseas contract work from what I recall. Anyone? R
  22. The book is the Ferret Scout Car in Canadian Service by Colin MacGregor Stevens. Nice little book. R
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