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robin craig

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Everything posted by robin craig

  1. Dear Ian, Welcome. I too own a 101 and wonder if yours might be similar to mine as to how the data plate looks. Is there any way you might sometime be able to photograph the military data plate in the cab and post it here? Many thanks Robin Canada
  2. Dear Simon, I have found Castrol straight 30 weight oil readily available this side of the pond. I think the best way to find some of the harder to find materials you may need through the industrial / heavy duty parts suppliers not the main street type retailers. You do actually make a point that I missed the first time I read it, the EP designation is of a style used by the British military and not one normally recognised in civvy street as astutely pointed out. There is a listing here somewhere of equivalents in civilian terms. I will look up the other oils you asked about and get back to you, apologies for the delays. Robin
  3. Understood, Look forward to receiving them Thanks in advance R
  4. Welcome, look forward to seeing your vehicles in pictures later R
  5. I'm trying to make up a number plate for the trailer. I understand it should be done as a strip vertically like this:- 49 KC 33 What is the spacings and what is the font and should this be a pressed plate or painted? Does the plate have rounded corners? Does it have an edge the same colour as the script? There was some work by a gent by the name of John Masterangelo on the subject but I do not have any of his works. What can you tell me? Thanks R
  6. Nick, The codes to make it would be great please. Technically im not back to work until Monday so wont be anywhere near your BV 206, still got problems? R
  7. I am sure the state of Oregon were likely very thankful for the fact that they managed to get it running again and get it gone. For any civvy cop outfit the thought of having to get that moved would be a nightmare of publicity they would not want. I am sure the fact that buddy was an employee of the owner was more than enough for them to assure that he was not getting a Christmas bonus this year and would receive plenty of long term punishment. I think by adding these posts to this existing thread has not drawn much attention versus starting a new thread. R
  8. Nick, what brand and specific colour are you using for the silver interior finish of the Shocking Sadcan? Is it an off the shelf product or did you have some elves in a secret location make it for you? Could you post a shot of the can itself if is off the shelf? Thanks R
  9. I think he got away really light from the cops for pulling the same stunt twice on the road and causing that damage. R
  10. Welcome to the forum. The best way to contribute is to start a thread on your vehicle and show othrs what you are doing and what yours is like. You will find it will become a very rapid two way street for info. R
  11. It looks like the new owner may have a bit more "character" on the Chieftain that when it left Withams yard. According to this report :- http://www.oregonlive.com/pacific-northwest-news/index.ssf/2013/12/it_takes_more_than_an_owners_m.html If you look at the video of the one at Withams it had the same markings of the mud flaps. Sad to see someone have trouble with a new vehicle R
  12. I see someone has already registered it as a water craft ie boat. Welcome in R
  13. I can see why you had to replace frame elements with new material when you see how thin the old was getting. Impressive to see the younger generation working using hand to eye coordination skills and graft, so rare these days. Kind of curious, why was TIG welding chosen as the process of choice, would not the original have been an early form of stick or arc welding? Keep it going, kind of extravagant to allow them a day off for the new year! R
  14. This company has very some very slick items of kit including what appears to be a Volvo ex military wrecker. No drama, quiet confidence. R
  15. Silly me, should have read the book before asking about the serial numbers, will go check the axles Thanks R
  16. Nick, What a shocking discovery! I would refit it and complete the install before heading over to Vanier. Would make a great idea to have it active if travel over the Ottawa river. Brilliant R
  17. Wally, yes, Ben is a friend and lives in the US of A and is heavily into the 1 tonne prototypes and has a powered trailer. I am in the process of getting a hold of him. I agree with Chris that it looks like a replacement plate and yet I agree with others that scruffy original ones have been around and genuine. I did not point out all the flaws like the word "control" as I wanted pther to make up their own minds. So, on other series trucks there were on military vehicles, 3 places to check a VIN or serial number. Are the 1 tonnes the same? Is there stamping on the chassis frame rail on the front right? Ivor, I have been generousy given membership to the club but am having extreme problems logging in and or getting anyone to answer my emails. Yes it appears to be an early vehicle. Richard you will note that I titled the thread 1 tonne. Great replies from all concerned, glad to have you all weigh in with your contributions, thank you all for the efforts and look forward to much more over time. R
  18. Dear Wally, Thank you for the reply. That gives my truck some Northern heritage, which for a "sad southern git", as my best mate calls me, is amusing. Do you care to answer the FFR / GS question I posed in the opening post? R
  19. Thanks to all. Tony I will be in touch. New thread on the truck and trailer started here http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?42222-71-FL-84-Land-Rover-1-tonne-FC-LHD-Sankey-wide-track-trailer-49-KC-33-FV-2381 R
  20. Just to pit this one to bed. We suffered from a classic "POST" or Previous Owner Stupid Trick. Someone prior to our ownership, along the lines, had fitted the rod for a right hand drive truck onto our left hand drive. We were more than fortunate that Al Duffy know as Duffy on here had his 90 in the same shop and the same mechanic was working on ours. A comparison on his 90 which is RHD showed that his rod was the same as what was fitted to ours. We obtained a replacement locally through the Land Rover civvy dealership system as it is a stocked item and isnt outrageously expensive when factoring in duty / exchange / air freight from the UK Matter resolved. Truck safteid and registered and plated for the road. Thanks to all, sorry for the delay in closing this one out R
  21. Tony that is an excellent "get home" fix, positively brilliant. We ended up pulling the in tank pump out and rebuilding the whole contraption using an off the shelf Delphi pump and a matching strainer for it and mounted it back in the tank. The OVLR FAQ provided much info orginally posted by the legend of 101s over here, David Lowe from Toronto. David foiund many fixes and work arounds that are cheap and readily available on this side of the pond. I am told by luminaries in the mechanical word that early immersed ie in the tank pumps were notorious for their unrelaible nature. Technololgy has come a long way and he feels that what we have fitted will exceed OEM quality and longevity and price. Thanks to everyone, vehicle running and now sold. R
  22. Sandy, How did you make out? I don't see anyone answering you here. R
  23. According to information gathered and collated by Ben Smith and Dixon Kenner and tabulated and regurgitated here http://www.lrfaq.org/Series/FAQ.S.chassis_numbering.964.html the truck was despatched to HILTON. Where was that? R
  24. Many thanks, will investigate what we used, ho hum . . . R
  25. Dear All, This is to document the mucking about with this vehicle during my ownership, as with anything, we are only temporary custodians. Let us start at the begining. The vehicle was imported to Canada by Nigel Gray who had sourced it in the UK. The vehicle came to the Kingston area of Ontario and knocked around here for a few years. Nigel never had a garage to store it in. At the time he was an employee of a large corporation. After a few years Nigel got made redundant and faced a work shortage. He and I had met and he approached me for casual labour work. We employed him for a long summer. It was during this time that he made the bold move and joined the Canadian Navy even though he was in his forties. The 101 then became a mill stone around his neck and I took pity on it and afforded it shelter where and when I could on the property at work, shuffling it around from one draughty barn to another and occasionally shunting it outside as the needs occurred. All the time we managed to keep it running and mobile. We moved house and built our own new house and the 101 followed us around as the elephant in the corner. Nigel paid for storage locally when work gave it the heave ho. It was during this time that we tried to sell it for Nigel but there was zero interest. Eventually, Nigel came to the decision to cut his ties and scrap it. I implored him to allow us time to raise funds to buy it and save it. Having just built a new house it was a tough sell domestically but I am blessed with a very patient partner in my Jan, she is a gem, and she nodded the required approval. A payment plan was agreed by Jan with Nigel and I skulked off to gloat and rub my hands with glee. You see I had owned one of the rare Luxembourg 101s and was forced to sell it as my marriage and life imploded years ago. A plan was hatched to get the Union Jack Collection for whom I work to sell an unused Sankey trailer that it had acquired through my efforts over 5 years ago but was not doing anything with. To me it would be the perfect pairing. The wide track was a KC ie 1984 manufacture date so it is wholly plausible that it could have been towed by the 101. A very generous owner of the collection granted the chance to own it this Christmas, at what cost I am unsure but that will be cleared up in time, anyway, its is ours now, so we will start the ownership and care of it and get things going with some bearings and seal work and brake work. Function first, cosmetics second. Now, let me show you something that is causing me some consternation. The data plate for the vehicle shows it marked as a General service truck and also FFR. I thought this was impossible, can anyone explain? You will note that this truck is serialised as 96400025A, wondering if that makes it the 25 truck off the production line? The other picture shows a list of what I need to get done before spring so I can safety it (MOT) and get it road legal. The shots of the vehicle are from a few years ago. I'm wondering if anyone here recalls the truck in private ownership in the UK where the sand paint job was done or even more unlikely has a picture of it in service.
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