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robin craig

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Everything posted by robin craig

  1. I agree with Bob and David, Brilliant selection of vehicles. I am sure the child next to the Guy could have been anyone of us, that was more my era of lorry. What was it about those Gardiners that made them so popular as generator sets? They were always thrashing at full revs all day long. R
  2. He will likely tell you that he has ground to a halt as I have his battery box lid but in reality I think he is a touch busy these days R
  3. No way, that is the Mk1/1A horse and cart, updated harness and two wheels on the cart, Mk1 only had one wheel and proved very tippy. What a newbie error;) R
  4. Matt, You might want to update your profile so the rest of us see where you are at on the globe. You might have the guru of Land Rovers living next door and able to help but because we cant see where you live . . . . A power pack in my mind would be a complete engine with ancillaries and gearbox that comes out in one, an FV432 (or variant) or a Ferret or other big armour share this feature as it is a swap out and back in in the field made easy. For your delight here is a Ferret "powerpack" R
  5. Welcome to the forum. Congratulations on saving a 434, hope you enjoy it R
  6. It was good to meet you on Saturday, that is a real project you have on your hands there. I am always amazed at the stories of how people or museums acquire the vehicles. I was enthralled by either you or Dave telling the tale, perhaps you would be so good as to repeat it here for everyone else as I am sure to get details wrong. Keep up the good work Robin
  7. Most of us here have an area of main interest or knowledge. Many people give their knowledge freely and we become familiar with certain folks because of the amount of back and forth that there is. Man of you will recognise the forum name Sirhc who is in fact better known as Chris McMillan. Recently during an email exchange it was revealed that he would be coming to the US of A for a work trip. After some suggestion Chris decided to make a slight detour and make the trip a few miles north and also visit Canada. Al Duffy and myself both being well involved with CVR(T)s arranged to meet him and try as best as the dismal autumn weather would allow to show him around this past Saturday. I collected Chris from his hotel and drove him out to Oshawa and the home of the Ontario Regiment Museum and the Ferret Club. Saturdays are a work day for the volunteers there and he was made (i hope) to feel welcome by those whom he met. I trailed along behind trying to get pictures of him but Chris moves quite quickly and the space is limited inside. Chris was shown through an M577 command vehicle by Frank Von Rosensteil who was in the process of kitting it out with radios. Dave Mountenay, a long time member of the museum and former regiment member showed Chris through the AVGP Cougar which is the 6 X 6 vehicle fitted with the Scorpion turret and the 76mm gun. Dave then took us on a tour of a number of the buildings in which the museum shoe horns its vehicles to get them out of the weather and the elements during the winter. I have shown some pictures as best as I can of his visit. It was a delight to finally meet Chris after a good number of years of email traffic. Al Duffy sadly was delayed because of a family commitment but eventually we made it over later in the afternoon to his house and saw his CVR(T) collection which includes Strikers and Sabre and Scorpion and soon to be augmented with a Spartan to name but a few vehicles. After a long supper out and a beer I returned Chris to his hotel at the end of the day. It was a real pleasure to entertain a fellow forum member and show him around for a few brief hours. The pictures show:- Dave Mountenay explaining the intricacies of the Detroit Diesel 6V53 engine for an AVGP or Lynx in its shipping can. Chris talking with new HMVF member Malcolm as he works on the Sexton Chris posing in front of the Lynx Chris posing in front of the M135 Cdn otherwise known as a deuce and a half truck Come back soon Chris! Robin
  8. I was discussing this predicament with a visiting UK HMVF member (more on that later) yesterday and we decided that the decision to sit on our second Ferret as a spares resource may just be the smartest move out there judging by your post. And by the way, dont throw out what you consider to be a knackered unit because right now if you see the lengths that the people looking after First Wold War trucks are doing to make parts then your knackered unit is well within "restoreable" quality margins. Trust me, as the availability dwindles the more keen you will be to rebuild such an item. R
  9. Frankly, as I am an information vacuum I would buy both. I tend to spend those personal moments in the reflecting room aka technical library aka smallest room in the house poring over a good manual until i'm familiar with it. It is then and only then does it go down to the library proper and onto a shelf. Then when the need arises I have half a clue where the information might be. Dont forget that the Sabre turret info wont be in there per say. R
  10. Frankly, as I am an information vacuum I would buy both. I tend to spend those personal moments in the reflecting room aka technical library aka smallest room in the house poring over a good manual until i'm familiar with it. It is then and only then does it go down to the library proper and onto a shelf. Then when the need arises I have half a clue where the information might be. Dont forget that the Sabre turret info wont be in there per say. R
  11. So, Sexton, down the road from me, I see now. I'm thinking you have a real name or are all of you working on the behemoth using one log in name? I guess I will be meeting you this Saturday then, I think I'm slated to accompany a well known forum member visiting from the UK. R
  12. I'm not saying I'm old but it seems that there has been a gradual change in our hobby. Years ago the more complex and obtuse the machine the more people wanted it and bought them and used them. Nowadays the ranks of the Stalwart owners are dwindling and less and less machines survive. The venerable push me pull you Combat Engineer Tractor is not something that gets bought much and barely makes scrap price if they change hands. Nowadays everyone wants something with a big gun on it. Perhaps there was a time that vehicles were plentiful and the supply has dwindled. Perhaps fuel costs and trucking to events has killed it. Perhaps i'm just loosing it R
  13. Mike, I had not made that connection. It sure looked like they don't do smaller winches anymore. Me wonders what the parts stock of the smaller winches is. R
  14. I have always thought that the lightweight stripped down to bare chassis with the plastic seat lawn chair as used in NI towing a fish fryer trailer rigged with all the lifting chains is such a neat set up and one that begs to be recreated. Far better than any male member weapon add on extensions. Road legality excluded of course. My 2 cents worth R
  15. A Land Rover canvas is by some considered to be a wear item and they just don't bother. R
  16. I can see this might easily disintegrate into an originality thread but here goes anyway. Nic, have you considered that the name you seek to understand may have been applied post release from MoD? Was it a display vehicle at Budge? We both know that vehicle came from AF Budge and its fairly easy to see the markings that have been put on since it was tidied up. Baz who worked at Budge is still around so he could be asked. R
  17. I have received the answer to my prayers in the form of pdf versions of an original parts and operators manual both in English with good diagrams etc. Should anyone else here want the manuals all they have to do is ask, they came to me for free so no reason not to share. My thanks go to the nice people at MILMAC in Sweden. Now to try and read what the email says . . . . R
  18. Dear Sexton, as the others have said, welcome aboard. Could you do yourself and others a favour and fill out your online profile a bit more so we can see where in the world you are? If you notice the headboard of the post it shows up on the right in the green area. It will pay you back in spades eventually R
  19. Mike, you didn't win a beer, but that doesnt mean I won't send you that Acmat brochure I have, when it surfaces again. I would describe what you found as a sales brochure. I'm after a more detailed technical document ie a parts manual and an operators manual. That is the goal at the moment. R
  20. Dear Mike, the insomniatic night have led me there but sadly nothing I need. Just went out to the car where my trophy lay and the model number is a 6008. I'm off to play with google R
  21. I'm being dense i'm sure, but somehow I can not find a source of the parts or operators manual for the Sepson winch as fitted to the Hagglunds Bv206. Any pointers please? R
  22. After an absence of a number of issues the British military magazine called KIT is available to us members of the public. Someone submitted a freedom of information request and an edited version is now available. It would appear that the blacked out areas contained the real names of person occupying positions within MoD and their contact info. I think this is an OPSEC issue. The magazine is very informative but not inclusive but does give leads on troubles with kit and that includes anything and everything. Here is the page showing all the latest issues released, issues 79 through 84 https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/request-for-issues-of-kit-magazine Robin
  23. Griff, risk is all relative, the gent concerned lives this side of the pond, threats are different over here. R
  24. Frankly with today's climate I am getting well away from anything firearm or derivative in a mount. I prefer making a silhouette in two dimensions from woood and bulking it up and then put a cover over it. Looks like a gun underneath but no risk. R
  25. The Panhard rod arrived and was fitted today and wooh hoo we have clearance and all is now correct. We have found a few more items on the truck that convince us this was smashed up and bodgermefied back together and I really do not think it was the MOD. R
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