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robin craig

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Everything posted by robin craig

  1. Ive just rejoined the 101" club after buying that truck. I think there is a Ferret club to join somewhere Now I also should also join the EMLRA Next I should join the Series 3 club Next I should join the LRCC Is there a Sankey trailer club? and if there is a domestic harmony club could someone sign me up for that one too? R:angel:
  2. So I have been doing a massive "self sell" job in the last 24 hours and a few mates have egged me on and my lady has kind of resigned herself to the fact that it will be coming home, at some time. I will finalise a deal later this week and drag it home shortly therafter, maybe all in one trip. At work I'm just prepping our recycled winch for our float trailer usage and I need a test for it so maybe this will be it. I will see if I can get the post hole auger on the back of the tractor asap and sink some posts quickly before spring thaw takes a hold. A quick and dirty pole barn structure will give some shelter compared to where it is now. I have used tin sheeting in stock. I have figured out how the roof of the Carawagon works and have resigned myself that as per the threads it will be a restoration / original debate vehicle. I can make the roof I am confident of that. I will be pestering a few of you for some info, so watch your in boxes. measurements and pictures will be the main needs. Does anyone have a current email address for Wayne Davies? I am going to pay over the odds for it but what else am I going to do before I die? Save it all for the kids? Heck no! After two ex wives there is not much cash around anyway. I gave up smoking a year ago and use that as an excuse all the time. Oh well, here we go . . . Robin
  3. In case you have not noticed, this is one number up from Clive Elliot's truck. Robin
  4. Well, that really did not last very long did it? I am surprised that anyone got it right so very quickly, gosh golly gee whiz! Mr Snort is very correct, what were the giveaway clues for you sir? Here is the proof Robin
  5. First Dibs please Tony, Do you do terms, like on the never never? Will you come round to collect each week like the man from Littlewoods? R
  6. Welcome along Tim, others will say it, but photos do add a lot Robin
  7. Dear All, My level of rotteness is only matched by how stupid and giddy I have become since yesterday, at least that is what my lady says. I don't even have a garage built alongside our house yet and I already have vehicles to fill it! That was so unfair to post the original photo, you were doomed from the start. Here is the opposite view. I will have to give written adjustments in the way of clues from here on as I ran out of picture space on my phone so only have the data plates as the last shots and they would give the game away. Disregard the hood sticks, they are a complete red herring. Look very very hard and ask yes or no questions and I will reply on here. Im going to sit back now, a very close look is required. Robin
  8. Well, first of all let me assure those who have clicked in here expecting to find another toy on a plinth, you are out of luck. I continue to be amazed as to how strange the truth of life can be in comparison to fiction. I think in the morning I am going out to buy a lottery ticket, for two reasons, first is that I can not believe how in the last few months I have stumbled upon vehicles in places very close to me, and secondly so I can afford to finance this one that really interests me, despite it being a bona fide basket case in many respects. When you consider this vehicle was one of less than 50, made in Great Britain, served in Germany, was sold off in Belgium, and was shipped over to Canada, where I happen to live now, its amazing. I well know what this vehicle is, but I am intentionally going to tantalise a few people here. Some might argue that the series 3 were the worst of the military Land Rovers with a lot of the quality just not being there. I agree for the most part. In the end all that rhetoric doesnt mean the vehicle isnt worth saving, it just means there is a bit more work involved. The current owner (a real gent) knows what it is but we could not agree on a price today, we were up to four figures, I have to figure out how to leverage a bit more cash out of thin air. Time will tell if I am successful. Anyhow, here goes. I will post one image tonight and let you have a look at this side. It does not reveal much, in fact it has some red herrings. I have contacted Clive Elliott privately and asked him not to comment as I am fairly sure he is able to identify the vehicle very quickly and ruin the fun. It doesn't look very special does it? Regards Robin
  9. Of all the 430 family the 434 is my favourite. As yet we have yet to get one at work but I live in hope. Having operated the Stolly with the 350 degree rotation crane and the Bedford with crane (CALM) I do have to say I like working vehicles. Oh how I lust for the 434 R
  10. interesting, will there be enough meat left after you thin it out Martin? Or is it a one time use gig? Robin
  11. Dear Frank, yes the numbers stay with the vehicle for the duration of its service life. Connecting the number to the vehicle can be an issue. I do not know about th Chieftain but other armoured vehicles have a cast aluminum (north american spelling) plate inside the vehicle which gives the mark and model of the vehicle and its proper army registration number. Some vehicles get those plates thieved from them over time and proving that the number painted on the vehicle is its actual one can be iffy. As Lee states above if you send the details in they will send you some potted history. Nice tank;) R
  12. Dear Lee and Andy I have pm'd Mr Pemberton lets see if he opens it. No email to send one to. Andy, I will have to check. In the meantime, if we can not scare one up then this is my intended repair. Forgive the kitchen table drawings, but they work for me. Step 1 shows the existing stripped thread Step 2 shows the remains of the thread removed, likely by a file, nice and slow and accurate. Step 3 sees a pipe fitting such as the one in the other picture placed over the old piece and cross drilled and pinned and then silver soldered in place. The cross pin is to give the shear strength in rotation and the silver solder for sealing and strength also. Does anyone have any comments on this? R
  13. For the eagle eyed you will have spotted the damaged threads on the left side. Does anyone have one of these not attached to a vehicle for sale? Bannisters do not have one. What about a suggested repair for the thread? I am thinking take the whole thing apart and silver solder on a new threaded piece if I can match he thread and pitch. Any suggestions? R
  14. There have been a whole series of episodes of about 14 minutes a piece covering the exercise from end to end. There is so much footage of MVs and kit and uniforms it will make a number of people very happy. There are some interesting anomalies in kit and vehicles fitment etc etc. Makes for good rainy day or sick day watching. An absolute must for anyone trying to portray a 1980s era British MV on exercise. Im not good at all the technical thingys, so here is the link, perhaps a moderator will tidy it up. R
  15. It is actually a 432 rear plate, but no matter, it is too wide, so I will go with Wally's dimensions and make a plate up. The lower part of the registration plate mount has some nasty bends and damage so I think I am going to drill out the plug / spot welds and straighten it on the bench and the weld it back on, seems the only sane way. R
  16. Dear Doug, Thank you for your detective work, thank you indeed. I will go and compare notes with Richard Bannister and see what we can come up with. How much do you want for your Fox fuel tap with the rest of the vehicle still bolted to it? What shape is it in? R
  17. Wally, many thanks for taking the time to get that for me, I really appreciate it. Robin
  18. Well, I have never seen one like this before, I have seen some later vehicles from Dinky and Corgi released in a gold colour but this is mounted and looking very spiffing. I was in a local goodwill type store today and had to do a double take. The toy has been cleverly modified with a nut secured underneath by some kind of weld or braze and a nice plaque made up and even the securing screw is gold. I am not sure if it is a plated finish or paint but I just can't bear to scratch at it to find out. Not sure if I will keep it or pass it on to a Champ owner if anyone is interested. Just could not bear to think that some little oik with no idea of what a Champ was would destroy it. A very different version of No 674 Dink toy. I hope no one read this thinking it was a life size vehicle . . .. Robin
  19. Dear Mr Gummidge, welcome to the world of Ferret ownership. I am very interested to hear your experiences in uniform and would love to see what pictures you have. The Britforleb vehicles and times need much more exposure. Welcome Robin
  20. A long time ago I owned one of the Luxembourg 101's. I had a very close escape one day when I was cut off by a drunk driver and rolled the truck but walked away from the accident. That truck needed another wheel to make it mobile after the accident. I was loaned that wheel by a third party. Over the years I held onto the truck but a few years ago I sold it to my best mate. It was recently that I was shocked to recall that loan and put steps into place to secure another wheel to replace the one loaned to me. In addition, this 101 also needs a spare wheel. For those of you in the dark the 101s have a unique wheel with six studs and they are rare, very rare. The sand channels on Ferrets are also rare, but within the last year I bought a pair only to find out that Canada did not use them on their Ferrets. Recently when I found a pair of 101 wheels for sale on ebay I proposed that a good friend should buy those wheels and ship them back to Canada and I would give him the sand channels. I am happy to say that he took up the challenge and reported to me that he has won the wheels and they will come back in a month or so. I am very happy to be able to close the door on that loan and complete my 101. R
  21. I was chatting with a friend the other week and he said he had something for me as a gift. Yesterday I was up in his area and dropped by and collected this trophy which I am sure will go a long way to helping out the 101 engine performance. He had a Rover V8 a number of years ago but since moved it on and never got this fitted so he wanted me to have it. Cant wait to get it fitted in the spring. My only concern is my truck is 24 volt and this was made for 12 volt, will it work? R
  22. Dear All. We are trying to find two things in the following order:- 1 What is the part number for the part shown below, this is the tap that selects the fuel supply down under the floor plates inside the Fox 2 who has a spare one? Both myself and Richard Bannister have looked in our parts books and neither of us can find a part number. Using a loupe I have carefully examined the tap and have found engraved markings as follows:- "ASSY 8096006 C 1SSD" and "S.N.F.R.T.R104/S" I have shared these numbers with Richard and they don't jive with anything he has. I have attached a photo of the offending item with a toy for a scale reference. Any help gratefully received Robin
  23. Well, Did some prep work on the new to me trailer a week ago, dragged it into the shop and went at the wheel bearings and the brakes, all seemed fine. Washed the bearings out and re packed with new grease and installed. Kind of ran out of time that night. Lacking any replies on the trailer plate as asked in the last post I am thinking that the rear licence plate for an Abbot SPG that is sitting under my desk will become the rear plate for the trailer and I will paint the details onto it and await Santa buying me a real one at a later date. I have some other good news, I think, but I had better wait until an auction ends first! Looking forward to having the pair running and legal later this year. Hardly seems possible as I sit here on the 6th of March with the temperature currently minus 24 degrees C and snow and ice everywhere, will spring ever come? Robin
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