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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. The quoted unladen weights for these sorts trailers seems to vary from 6926 lb to 7616 lb. UNPF could be referring to UN Peacekeeping Force based in Nicosia, Cyprus or on more recent times it could refer to UN Peace Forces based in Zagreb. This formed in 1995 as an umbrella organisation for particular regions as UNPREDEP, UNCRO & UNPROFOR.
  2. My Pig runs at 180 pretty much all the time, although when its a hot day in slow moving traffic it might creep to a little under 200.
  3. Seem to have become bi-service & now the NSN is obsolete.
  4. Yes Joris but why is he picking his nose? Or is it someone else's finger? :shake:
  5. This last winter I tackled a blowing on my manifold to down pipe junction on the Pig & a persisting problem on the Shorland. The Shorland junction had to be regularly dismantled then jointing compound applied then after 20 miles it would start blowing again. I have since fitted a new down pipe in the realisation that the jointing compound will not seal a defect. From several threads on a Land Rover forum I followed what seemed to be the most sensible advice. Don't bother with jointing compounds as they will not seal defects. Use generous amounts of copper grease. This will allow optimum mating of the flanges, the grease will burn off leaving a copper residue which may leave have some micro sealing benefit & the joint will be easy to dismantle. I always find my tubes & tubs of jointing compound have always hardened up on me & copper grease is cheap & at hand. So I did the same to the Pig, but neither vehicle has travelled very far to test the validity of the seal.
  6. My avatar is Orange William. A British anti-tank guided weapon instigated in 1956, able to destroy a heavy tank at 6,000 yds three times greater than its rival. It did not fail technically, it failed on grounds of cost & so we bought a cheaper foreign weapon. House of Lords 25th March 1958 "Development is continuing on an advanced anti-tank guided weapon which, we are told, should remove the heavy tank from the battlefield." House of Commons 5th May 1958 "A limited number of anti-tank guided weapons of an interim type have been ordered for evaluation and troop trials. Work is proceeding on the development of a more advanced anti-tank guided weapon." House of Commons 11th November 1959 "The successful development of the missile known as Malkara makes it possible to effect the earlier deployment of an air-portable anti-tank guided weapon than would have been the case with Orange William. We have decided that the improvements which the latter offered do not justify the expense and effort needed to bring it to fruition. This specific project was accordingly cancelled."
  7. Does anyone with a WW2 screened ignition system still have a supply that feeds a Widerstand that then feeds the Entstörer? I wonder has anyone taken either of the these apart & noted their construction or measured the resistance of either item please?
  8. 82850T comes up as Fender, vehicular from Vickers Defence Systems. 2510-99-821-0243 Unfortunately I have no Domestic Management Code to direct the lines of enquiry further.
  9. Is there not a FV part no. stamped on it that can be then linked to a parts list?
  10. Someone else has been doing some plane burying. http://www.militaryphotos.net/forums/showthread.php?15995-Buried-Iraqi-Jets
  11. So what size is that then Martyn? 4" or 6" square or bigger?
  12. Yes well done I think I'll have to stick to pre-war war manuals ie before 1914
  13. It is indeed. What have I done? Given it all away too quickly?
  14. Ok Bernard part of the title of the manual it comes from is (Overseas in War) 1938 You would expect to see several of these on the left in maybe their various colours but none of those on the right. When you see these on the right (black & white only) you wouldn't see any of those on the left.
  15. Normally I don't have much interest in aeroplanes, but I can really share the fascination & anticipation of what might be unearthed. I look forward to a lengthy & sensible documentary about this project. To see a squadron of these aircraft in flight will be an experience unknown to most of us & something we thought we would never see. Despite the obvious nostalgia & glamour of them in flight, I hope the documentary will carefully take us through the early stages of unearthing the various precious items that I hope have been preserved well, complete with their stores Vocabulary labels predominantly "26AJ". Going OT now but it makes a welcome break from the endless & sometimes tasteless romanticism of the Titanic disaster. Largely fuelled by that film that Hoywoodised whole tragedy that stimulates people to feel they have to travel to the wreck site to perform a marriage ceremony. I find that sort of thing disrespectful, warped & nauseating.
  16. Actually there were two others before this one.
  17. Wayne there were 12 or so variants of DZS4A with different advance curves. In addition some variation in part no depending on length of leads. But one variant had double the gap of the rest! I would work on a best guess basis by comparing the weights & springs with known examples.
  18. Pete ah yes I see how that fits in although I'm afraid I can't explain A.F.W. A1 is obvious enough but it does have a specific meaning & it does show that format of categorising was still functional. This is all that I have for the "A" category: Able to march, see to shoot, hear well and stand active service conditions. Subcategories: Al Fit for dispatching overseas, as regards physical and mental health, and training A2 As Al, except for training A3 Returned Expeditionary Force men, ready except for physical condition A4 Men under 19 who would be Al or A2 when aged 19
  19. Pete, is it possible to have a scan but omitting the details of identity? It is much more difficult trying to interpret entries out of context from the original document. I don't know whether the entry might be one of many & over a period of time or a blanket designation that covers the soldier for all his service. It's been suggested it might be something to do with an Army Form & being wounded. I'm not sure about that, but AFW followed by a number could refer to Army Form W***. In Army Forms "W" covers matters relating to war. Here we are dealing with a medical context, Army Forms relating to medical matters are in section "I" thus AFI***. But if there are no numbers this is not the explanation. It may relate to the soldier's health & capabilities. At the start of WW1 there was a classification of "A" to "E". The highest level "A" meant fit for service at home & abroad. AFW may have been a development from that. Rising to a high degree of complication with PULHEEMS - A Joint Service System of Medical Classification in 1951 which was to classify the medical & mental status of individuals & their suitability for work in various parts of the world. So AFW may be part of a system between these two extremes of classification. If the entry is in the context of an entry for a week or so I'm tempted to think it would be a purely medical abbreviation of something along the lines of say Acute Febrile Weakness.
  20. I searched for Shorland & Humber Pig, but got no pictures. The captions suggest quite interesting pictures are available. I just wonder if they throw in a few teasers/tasters to show what sort of thing is available if you sign up to some sort of subscription licence?
  21. How do you get a picture? I have found lots of interesting collections of my favourite vehicles but just get the IWM logo where a picture should be.
  22. Yes I sometimes I get caught out by finding something that interests me then find that bloke got there already. Best of luck with the search. I just googled the bare bones of the answer & got over 14 million hits. Mind you the ones I read didn't give the answer
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