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Another new member


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Hello everyone.


I was told about this site from a likeish minded friend, and thought I would add my bit.


The names Steve and I hail from Ulverston, South Cumbria.


After school, I joined the Royal Artillery and stayed for 8 years. I was initially trained up on 25 Pounders (sequence of lay - E.L.X.L.E. - elevation, line, crosslevel, fine for line, fine for elevation (this has never left me), and went on to 5.5" howitzers - which were very simarlar in usage to the 25 lb er, only a bit bigger and a lot heavier. From here I was posted to a Light Air defence Regiment where I was trained up on the

40 / 20 Bofors, it was quite a bit of kit this despite its then age. I also passed my HGV in a Gun Tractor - an AEC Militant - 32 mph flat out, ratchet handbrake, true crash box, no power steering etc etc. I also rode the then MOD bike - the BSA B40. Also used was the then new 1 Ton Landrover (fitted with the Rover V8) and blah blah blah.

I endured two tours of N.I. preceeded by 6 months in Cyprus, would you believe in training for N.I. I left the Army just as the guns were being superceded by objects such as Rapier, and which, when put to the test in the Falklands didnt bloody work eh !


I run a 1940 BSA M20, but have 6 other civilian bikes that I use very often, especially a rather nice 1949 BSA B33 Plunger. I have Steam Loco experience, specifically fireman duties (lots too), and off course boiler maintainace etc. Because of this, I was asked to look after the boiler and engines of The Gondola - which is a steam pinnace (type), owned by the National trust on Coniston lake, around 12 miles away, a very enjoyable period this was.


I have always had an eye for things Military whether it be vehicles or any other item, and will be interested to hear from like minded people.


Anyway, if I can help anyone I will.

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Hi Steve,


A very big welcome as we have to get a northern contingent organised against all these southerners (sorry guys)!

You wouldn't believe how many of them come from Essex, Kent, Sussex and the home counties.


You are another very useful and informative member.


Personally I am from the other side of the Pennines, but we do share the same TV stations!!

have a great time,


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Hi Steve, welcome to the friendly forum, you seem to have had an interesting career and I'm sure some of us will be picking your brains soon.

Helping each other spiced with a little good humoured p--s taking is what this place is all about. Enjoy.

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