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Fort Nelson WW2 weekend

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Guest catweazle (Banned Member)


PW spotted the man from the PRS.


Russia sniper having his felts felt.Boots made from felt for silent movement.

He gave a talk and a performance using the actual words of a Russian sniper.It was brilliant.


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Guest catweazle (Banned Member)

Because we attended this performance we gained access to an area not open to the public.






Whats that ring for in the loo.:shake:

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Guest catweazle (Banned Member)
Looks familiar......


Establishment is the land based test site formally know as ARE, ASWE( Admiralty Surface Weapons Establishment) now QinetiQ and a few other names in between......

Cheers could see it from the boat,looks weird on top of the hills if your in gosport looks like a ship.Supose i might get a knock on the door wanting to know why i photographed a military establishment now.Did i ever tell you about the day they came to arrest me for taking pics of cash in transit vans.:-D

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.Did i ever tell you about the day they came to arrest me for taking pics of cash in transit vans.:-D


No but why am I not surprised, look forward to hearing the saga and your unlikely sounding explanation to plod.:-D

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Guest catweazle (Banned Member)
No but why am I not surprised, look forward to hearing the saga and your unlikely sounding explanation to plod.:-D

Well i wont go into it it needs telling face to face really,i was collecting evidence for illegal parking.I had to make an official complaint about the visiting officers to which i received an apolagy.But the company still illegaly parks in dangerous places and they use Blackmail to get away with it.IE if we get a lot of tickets we wont deliver cash to London.So i am looking for a van to paint up as cash collection as it seems you can do whot you like,Whot makes matters worse is the police sometimes follow them in case of attack ,which we are paying for,they park on the Zig zags of a Zebra crossing.Sometimes they have there own video van following they park 50 yds behind two wheels on the pavement,i swear one day i will ram them in the landrover ,and then fight them in court for illegal parking ,parking in such a way as to cause a danger to the public.These are whot are qouted when we do it.we are fighting two tickets at the moment for a vehicle that was outside my premise waiting to be dragged in because of transmission problems,parking with one or more wheels on the pavement,its a ruddy crossover that was put in by the councill that i payed for.Its been thrown out of apeall as they say its a footpath not constructed for the carrage of vehicles,they built the ruddy thing for me to do just that,you can guess what we said so its under investigation again.They say it was parked i say it was in Transit.Of course if the idiot who put the tickets on the car had walked 10ft into the office he could of asked whot was happening,but then again he would have to speak english to do that.:argh::-D

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All the extra buracrats the govenment has employed have to justify their positions, carry on the way they're going and they'll shut this country down,then perhaps they'll be satisfied.

Last one out turn off the lights.:argh:

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Guest catweazle (Banned Member)
All the extra buracrats the govenment has employed have to justify their positions, carry on the way they're going and they'll shut this country down,then perhaps they'll be satisfied.

Last one out turn off the lights.:argh:

Do you mean the new friendly lights that old people have trouble seeing with,my optician tells me lots of them end up in hospital because of the poor light they give out.:(

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Just realised why we have had these pathetic low power bulbs thrust upon us......................it is to save power for all these electric car charging points to be put in. Just imagine it........a motorway service area, everyone plugged in, having a long lunch and hoping the batteries are up before they can continue their journey. :(

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Guest catweazle (Banned Member)

Look upon the good side all these dead batteries can be used to build cheap housing igloo style for poor people.Because one things for sure they wont have a clue what to do with them.Aparently this bio fuel is moor polluting than the old stuff.

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Look upon the good side all these dead batteries can be used to build cheap housing igloo style for poor people.Because one things for sure they wont have a clue what to do with them.Aparently this bio fuel is moor polluting than the old stuff.



As I'm sure you must be aware the lunatics took over the asylum a while ago.

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Guest catweazle (Banned Member)
I assume its to shackle prisoners to.

I thought looking at the brickwork it may have had a cannon and its been bricked up since.

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Guest catweazle (Banned Member)
OOH LOVELY and I know who the first target's going to be:rofl::rofl::rofl:


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