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Aviation archaeology info wanted.

Rick W

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John is right, We tryed to get permission to dig on the old Andover Airfield in search for a P38. It took months of investigation work mostly talking to locals to find the fire dump. When I approached the authority's we ran into a wall of silence. Even a printed letter in Flypast drew a blank. Now many years on a certain super market beginning with T have be granted permission to build a massive depot on the site. These to have run into problems, mostly when the ground workers started bigging test hole found the place to be strewn with UXBs and more. Having read the article in the local rag I think maybe its just as well we were turned down :shake:

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We have thought about approaching the chain store to seek permission to have a dig around on the fire dump. The problem with this is we will need to get some JCBs on site as well as a BDU. This link will give you some idea of the shear size of this place and some of the RAF and USAAF SQDs that were based there.


Thankfully for us the where abouts of the fire dump still remains under wraps. You never know, maybe one day we will try and get a team together and have another crack of the whip.

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I have been involved in Aviation Archaeology since the early 1980's, in those days it was quite easy to get permission from the MoD, and we dug many sites in Kent with friends and in our local area of Oxfordshire.

Things have got more complicated, it is true, but the MoD will only recognise dedicated groups on thier lists, and so are very reluctant to give into individuals.


The whole 'searching' for a site has changed over the years, 20 years ago we were able to speek to eye witnesses who were old chaps working on the land during the war, now they have mostly gone and we are having to rely on children of the time with oftain woolly memories.

Still it is all good interesting stuff, not knowing what youwill find, if anything!



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