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Tony B. CMV star.............


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Well Joris, you'll have something to frighten the kids with :whistle: Lee is it the January edition? That don't go into the shops till 21 December. As for the bike, I think I'll talk to them. Its military to! :evil:

Actually writing things like that is great fun. It helps the brain work, I've had some published in the US and short stories for a thing we did at the learning centre at work to encourage litracy, does the ego good. A lot of specialist magazines rely on articles from folks like us, no money in it but it helps your credibility if you want to approach one of the museums etc for research. Not difficult or I couldn't do it. Have a go on your pet hobby horse, I'm sure they will be posted here. :evil:

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Well Joris, you'll have something to frighten the kids with :whistle: Lee is it the January edition? That don't go into the shops till 21 December. As for the bike, I think I'll talk to them. Its military to! :evil:

Actually writing things like that is great fun. It helps the brain work, I've had some published in the US and short stories for a thing we did at the learning centre at work to encourage litracy, does the ego good. A lot of specialist magazines rely on articles from folks like us, no money in it but it helps your credibility if you want to approach one of the museums etc for research. Not difficult or I couldn't do it. Have a go on your pet hobby horse, I'm sure they will be posted here. :evil:




Yup, :-D jan issue............

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Does anyone here need more ego? :-D Honestly Jack, you have the pick of the world here. I want info on Finland , come here, Norway no problem, Chezcoslovakia, Radek is all ready on it. I'm running out of countries. :-D If we all contibuted we could have the military equivalent of Wikapedia.

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would that make it a miliapedia ? no wait isnt that a multi-legged insect ??? :dunno: :coffee2: :-D




It was a plane, in wwii.

ar 232 arado tausendfussler (milipede).

A multi wheeled transport plane first flown, by the luftwaffe in 1941.


Only 22 were built....... :whistle:

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