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Correction to British WWII Vehicles

abn deuce

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French caption

Photo prise d'un étage d'une maison rue de Bayeux à Creully.

De nombreux véhicules dont une ambulance Humber au premier plan, des civils et des militaires, un drapeau français sur une façade à gauche.

Creully a été libérée le 6 juin par les canadiens débarqués à Juno mais des troupes britanniques débarquées à Gold y font leur jonction.

En bas à droite un panneau FDS avec une Croix-Rouge, Field Dressing Station poste de soins de campagne canadien



Photo catch d' a stage d' a house street of Bayeux with Creully. Many vehicles of which a Humber ambulance in the foreground, civilians and soldiers, a French flag on a frontage on the left. Creully was released on June 6 by unloaded Canadian with Juno but of the unloaded British troops with Gold make their junction there. In bottom on the right a panel FDS with the Red Cross, Field Dressing Station posts care of countryside Canadian

Edited by abn deuce
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There looks to be more British vehicles in that photo, front right foreground is a Dennis tipper truck, and to the left is a Humber heavy utility 4x4. Further back, the large group of trucks, I can see several Fordson WOT6 trucks, along with a CMP 3ton truck, a jeep and possibly another Humber. In the centre coming towards camera is an Austin K2 ambulance.



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OK rough translation says


Photo taken from a house of the street of Bayeux with Creully. Many vehicles of which a Humber and ambulance in the foreground, the civilians and soldiers, a French flag on a frontage on the left. Creully was released on June 6 by the Canadians from Juno but the unloaded British troops from Gold make their junction there. In bottom on the right a panel FDS with the Red Cross, Field Dressing Station posts of the countryside Canadian.

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I have just enlarged the photo slightly and noticed a vehicle behind the "FDS" sign, it looks to be a BBC vehicle, a Humber 4x4 ambulance body type which were adapted for reporting and broadcasting from the war zone. This is significant, because the BBC set up the first radio link back to UK from Creully Castle.


Look at this link;




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