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Dec CMV - nice Tanks in Town and....


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Just got my CMV :goodmorning:


Articles again this month and a nice picture of a WLF :whistle: - very nice!


And a great write up of Tank in Town and some good pictures of our Jim with his Sherman 'Sloppy but Safe' not sure who the guy is stood next to Jim on his tank - looks like a young Clint Eastwood :dunno: :dunno: John B was saying that all should get there before H.S.E. get there and shut the event down :cry:


I will be there next year with Jim (and Clint Eastwood ) as I will be crewing up with the guys :-D :-D


Can't wait!

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Just got my copy today as well.


Second month in a row for my Ward La France - nice picture - shot by John Blackman. Lots more of those where that came from - watch this space -


Wards selling for £10,000 (ready to rally) :yay:


Excellent pictures and write up of Tanks in Town as already quoted. I will get the Ward there one year.


Will subscribe beginning of the year as well - deffo.





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The "young" man next to me in the picture is a cleanshaven Martin, the other member of ALLIED FORCES, he shaves his beard off for the trip each year as we like to keep up appearances, so take heed Jack, next year our strict dress code will again be in place.O one more thing, No gay red neckerchiefs please :rofl:

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Hasn't anyone told you you are supposed to put out warnings before Morris Dancers and Folk singers are allowed. :shake: And people call us stange. :dunno: I can think of worse of though. A certain European country, which I am very fond off, seems to have a love affair with bagpipes, many play them, BADLY :sweat: :angry:

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Hasn't anyone told you you are supposed to put out warnings before Morris Dancers and Folk singers are allowed. :shake: And people call us stange. :dunno:






Its called TRADITION,................something a lot of brave folk laid down their lives to uphold :



Phew,........ :sweat: Rant Over......... ;-)

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