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Replacing lawsons GMC clutch - part 1........


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"hope you guys like working in the cold, as I will be over in the morning to drop Lawsons box out so that we can replace the clutch...."


This was the phone call from Kev last night - so they went my Saturday rest :computerterror2:


I would just like to add that I was just the flipping tea boy today and wasn't allowed by Kev to get my hands dirty :whistle: something about 'management' :-D


I will let Lawson fill in the blanks but here are some pictures to kick off with.........

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Great photos Jack but not a bit of HMVF apparel in sight :dunno:



Yeah tell me about it Lee - what loyalty :computerterror2: but Lawson had his HMVF underwear on and kev had his HMVF slippers on!


As Operations Photographer, I had my overalls on Lee :-D

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Well to start off with a big thanks to kevin for his help on this project as without his help i would not have a clue where to start..... :dunno:


Well firstly IT WAS REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY COLD.... :shake: :shake: :shake: :shake:


But we are really tough men and waited for the coldest day of the year to start this project on purpose... and with that sorted we took cab floor out striped all the linkages off the box...then took the propsafts off (tipper prop , winch prop , main drive prop) and other things..then it started to rain....then refreeze again...great just as we planned it..

Well the box is ready to be removed tommorrow and if its cold enough i may just wear my under pants only....You see if you get cold enough when you slip with that spanner and cut your hand open on that other bolt or sticking out bit of metal that was in the way its does not hurt as you cant feel it....So take note of this project peoples and learn from us ok :-D


Thanks to jack for the cuppa teas and cakes and pics...More to come....

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Jack I m with you , I wasn't saying anything bad about lack of HVMF coverall's really .


They will get their use soon I m sure , I was meaning the other ones that will never get near a dirty grease covered underside of a vehicle that wear out fits that are always clean...too clean and dare I say it on a family friendly site like this .....starched and pressed! :shake:.


Even the best mechanic's need other helpers to fetch tools , lend a helping hand from time to time and to organize things and see that no ones doing something dangerous .

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OK, gear box out and down!


Kev arrived in the morning and Laws arrived sometime in the afternoon :whistle: ....reckons he had been shopping for a lead light - a 12" pizza doesn't really look like a lead light to me :whistle:


This was pretty much an easy operation once you have cleared all of the levers, pipes, props and bits and pieces out of the way. Anyway, Lawson and I had already made the decision that if we screwed anything up that we would simply blame Kev :naughty: :naughty:


So with that Lawson held the strop in his hands whilst in the cab while Kev and I were underneath ready for when the last bolt was taken out. Then the last bolt was taken out Lawson was starting to cuss that he was holding the whole weight of the box with one hand...he then went quite - he was concentrating. Mean while Kev also had hold of it whilst I was trying not to get my hands dirty, so there it was, the box on the ground, Laws with friction burns and with Kev swearing saying that he wished he had asked my kids to help as it would of been a lot easier.


The clucth was completely knackered.......


width=640 height=480http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s15/hmvf/Picture035.jpg[/img]

width=640 height=480http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s15/hmvf/Picture036.jpg[/img]

width=640 height=480http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s15/hmvf/Picture039-1.jpg[/img]

width=640 height=480http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s15/hmvf/Picture040.jpg[/img]

width=640 height=480http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s15/hmvf/Picture041.jpg[/img]

width=640 height=480http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s15/hmvf/Picture047-1.jpg[/img]

width=640 height=480http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s15/hmvf/Picture044.jpg[/img]

width=640 height=480http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s15/hmvf/Picture048.jpg[/img]

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We will be looking forward to seeing the comparison with the replacement parts . At least he did try all the adjustments before going for the big overhaul ! Which now is clearly needed. :schocked: :shake: show how bad things can be and it was still moving although with problems.

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Well done you guys, so real trucks have spark plugs and real men change a clutch in -10 C conditions and in the rain...............


I am soooo not worthy :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow:



I would have to have a heater outside .....


Good going have you got it all back in and running ?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi all well the gear box is now back in and the clutch seems to be working a treat ...all be it that the ajusting nut has to be turned right the way to the top of the tread??? I dont no if thats how it should be..But If its back any futher back and the clutch will not fully disengage...I had to hire a engine host to lift the gearbox back into place and with the help of Kevin the master technician and Jack and me underneath trying to guide the box back in...it finally slide back into place....that was yesterday...Today i have been putting propshafts back on and linkages...Myself and Jack have been for a good test run tonight to see if it was all ok out on the road and all seemed well....so all that left is to bunk off work tommorrow and put the cab floor back in and sort out where the left over nuts and bolts are supposed to go... :dunno:

PS ...If anyone knows about weather the ajusting nut for the clutch should be right to the top please advise....Last of all a big Thanks To Kevin And Jack for All there hard work on this project.....Lawson

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a Job Well done and you all should be having a scalding hot cup of tea or since its the season a nice HOT Chocolate while you rest and recover before the next bit of work helping someone else with their repairs ;-) :-D < its so cold even these smileys are wearing hats !

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