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Hummvees on e-bay


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I recently saw two hummvees on the 'bay' with a best offer sale (£27000.00 or thereabouts)


Hummvee fastback link

Hummvee softtop link

a couple of questions,


Was I the only one here to spot them? as there was no refrence to them here, most of you are pretty keen on spotting stuff and I was surprised, or and this leads me on to point two...


As I've seen no other refrences to hummvees are they frowned upon for some reason or is it that they don't get anyones juices flowing here ?(personally I think they look mighty fine) :oops:


Finally and completely hypothetically, does that sort of price sound ok? I hed previously spotted some on milweb at £45000.00 (or similar) allbeit with all the kit, that did seem a little steep, but I suppose anything's worth what someone's prepared to pay. :dunno:


I'd be intrested to hear your thoughts. :-)

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Problems with the Hummer are:

- they're so big

- the engines are so big

- they're so expensive


For that kind of cash you're talking ww2 armour, several CVRTs, a garage full of GMCs etc. £25000 is too much for 1 toy, especially when they're not that special. If you've got that kind of cash you could buy a tank, they probably get about the same mpg.



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  • 1 year later...

I like Hummers too but they are way too expensive for what you get! Buy a Chevy Blazer for the same price as a set of Hummer tyres and get the same gorgeous V8 Diesel sound for a FRACTION OF THE COST! You will also stay nice and dry, be able to hold a conversation and even listen to the radio in your MV!

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