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Sniper One

Tony B

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Right so review Sniper one for the forum, a great honour. Second thoughts, Eh, can I do it justice? Dan Mills was Sniper platoon Seargent in Y Company of the PWWR based at Cimic house during 2004. It is the story of what I'm sure will become one of the British Militarys historic actions. The scene is the city Al Amarah, in the Iraq state of Mysan, on the banks of the River Tigris. In 2004 this area was British responsibility. As part of that responsibility troops were stationed in the city, originally on peace keeping operations, during this time the situation deteriorated to open warfare. The author comes across as an intelligent astute man, he has been there done it and is entitled to the Tee shirt, he has nothing to prove to anyone.


The book is a first hand account of the 6 months of 2004 that changed the way the Iraq was viewed. He writes a straight clear account of a major protacted action, the good the bad and the funny. The style is that of a soldier telling what happned, if you don't like some of the language, well tough. It is an insight of war from the view of those at ground level. I sincerly hope there are more books from this man.


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