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Run Away, Someones Coming.


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Just finished this book,..a cracking read.

as the title spells, its about one mans experience whilst serving as a driver in the Royal Army Service Corps., for one day short of 5 years; (1943 - 1948)


Amoungst his experiences, in France, belgium, Holland and finally, Germany,

he met and married his german girlfriend/wife, drove vehicles which varied from

Bedford MWc (water tanker), ((not liked as no windscreen/doors etc, and he had to drive it in a blizzard))

Bedford OY, ((nice and warm, to drive))

Austin K2/y (katy, ambulance)....((enjoyed driving due to ungoverned engine, 70mph+ :-o, not liked were the canvas coverings that passed as doors, or the 'lean' effect when cornering))

Humber FWD ambulance. (( enjoyed, speedy and comfortable))

Foden DG6/12. ((' a pig of a truck to drive' ))- nuff said :whistle:

Mack NR14. (( 'superb truck to drive, ...even willing to forgive lack of steering lock and full doors'))



* the (('s relate to the authors comments on each vehicle;


Whilst serving, amoungst other tasks,

he was charged with transporting cement from Tourai in Belgium back to Calais.

timber hauling in the area around St.Hubert (approx 10miles west of bastogne), - and being told to load kit,extra fuel and get gone, when the germans attacked.

driving K2 austin ambualnce's out of Iserlohn, germany for 218 ambulance car company, when he heard he was to be a father.


I really enjoyed this book. A few details below.


Author. Robert Houghton

ISBN. 0-9547505-0-0





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