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Anybody Know 'Singe'


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Hi Everyone,

I was at the Oddessy this year, was not impressed but thats another story... :whistle:

While I was there, met up with a chap who called himself 'Singe' as in burnt!!

He owns a Daimler Dingo and dresses in WW2 British army kit, he is acting as his grandfather who served with 8 Corps, as did my father! So, now you get the picture, :-D He packed up and cleared off over night and never got a chance to find out where he actually came from. :banghead:

Would just like to get in touch with him as next year at W&P me and the Mrs are dressing up in WW2 uniforms, me as my Dad and Annika as my Mum (REME & RAF Aux.) :wave:


If anyone knows of him could they let me know please, he was a good ol boy in my book! :tup:


Fred & Annika

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