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Stalwart to the rescue


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The floods in Yorkshire may not be making the headlines any more but there's still plenty of water about.


To prove there's 'life in the old dog' my Stalwart shifted 6 tons of pig food this afternoon (Wednesday 6.1.16)IMG_0027.jpg


to a flood bound farm.






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In the mid 1990's H M Government had c.600 Stalwarts for disposal, which they did. Would it not have been prudent to reserve say 100 of the best ones and allocate them to areas that would be liable to flooding ?

Or is that too simple for the authorities ?

Any way, well done to use your Stalwart for moving Pig food but with a little common sense local councils could have moved people probably not even having the Stalwarts to swim, just deep ford.

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In the mid 1990's H M Government had c.600 Stalwarts for disposal, which they did. Would it not have been prudent to reserve say 100 of the best ones and allocate them to areas that would be liable to flooding ?

Or is that too simple for the authorities



Ah, but this was the vision of Britain as Global Warming took hold!


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