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CVRT Track Issues

mick garner

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Hello all,

Thought I'd put a few questions to the collective knowledge of HMVF as we've been having some problems with our Spartan since replacing the tracks. The tracks we put on were not new but had far less wear than the ones taken off.

With the old tracks the vehicle drove fine, no horrible knocks or bangs etc.

Since having the 'new' track on the vehicle makes horrible bangs and jolts that physically shake the vehicle, particularly when taken over 30mph. The transmission feels as if it is under stress, and generally the vehicle doesn't feel safe to be driving along the road in!

So far I have checked the usual, I have laid the track out on the ground and any suspect links that weren't sitting 'flat' were replaced. It has 83 track links per side, the idler arms etc. aren't bent, the idler hub bearings are okay, the alignment of all roadwheels/idlers/sprockets is fine, so surely all should be well?




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So far I have checked the usual, I have laid the track out on the ground and any suspect links that weren't sitting 'flat' were replaced.


Hi Mick,

The above part of your message raises suspicions to me. You say if the links were not laying flat you replaced them. There should be a small rise on each link when at rest. The rubber bushing for the hex track pin is so arranged as to have a wrapping action as the track goes around the sprocket or rear idler. Maybe this "new" track was removed because the bushes are shot?


regards, Richard

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I see what you're saying there Richard, however it's evident that the 'new' track has better bushings than previously, I only say 'flat' as I suspect in a rush to put them on we may have got the pin one flat out in the hex, causing a 'bump' if that makes sense.

I think our next course of action will be to measure lengths of ten links and try to swap them around to get exactly the same length either side. Bearing in mind it ran fine with the old track that was truly knackered I find it very strange that suddenly we should have problems now.

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Dear Mick,


Are you getting the same sound on both sides?


I agree with Richard about it not laying flat and it should curl up naturally.


You say you suspect that you have a track pin in wrong, I find that hard to imagine but the truth can be stranger than fiction.


Where in relation to front and back do you split the track and what tools do you use?


Has all of the drive train ie road wheels etc been maintained recently?


How are you measuring track tension?


Don't be obsessed by the number of links, track tension adjusted properly is more important.


The CVR(T) has a "slap" to the undrside of the sponson that is possibly what you are hearing dependant on terrain conditions.


Some photos would be worth taking and posting up.



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Aide Memoire



51.1 Track on vehicle correctly tensioned


51.1.1 Pitch - must not exceed 1187.5 mm (46.75 ins) over 10 links *

51.1.2 Pins- must be concentric with all five lugs

51.1.3 Bush Walking - pin end must protrude between 8 and 22mm from end of lug

51.1.4 Cracked castings - check within condemnation limits

51.1.5 Rubber Pads - checked for excessive wear or damage


*This measurement should be made on that part of the track under the roadwheels with the vehicle standing on level ground


extract from AESP 2350-T-220-522



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I get frustrated easily, pictures would help here.


The drive sprockets can be swapped around to wear on the other side.


It is a fairly common practice that if you change the track then the sprocket likely should be changed also, this applies to bulldozers and other things that crawl that I work with.



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Hello folks,

Mick's son here. Thanks for the responses. The vehicle has not moved out of the shed for a few months now but I intend to give the tracks a go this weekend as I've been playing with other toys recently. I'm in much the same boat as you Robin as I work as a construction plant engineer so I'm sick to death of tracks when I get home! :D

In short, I have replaced almost everything on the tracks, all sprockets and carriers are as new. The roadwheels are all good, I replaced a rear idler last time we had a play with it as there was an abnormal amount of play in the hub. All oil levels have been checked and each hub checked for play/tightness. The alignment seems to be good, measuring from the hull all measurements to centre are within 5mm of each other.

The track itself does indeed curl 'up', perhaps Dad didn't make himself clear in that I rolled the track out flat right the way along its length and looked for any abnormal 'bumps' along the run. Any I found I replaced the links with others we have for peace of mind.

My plan of action is to measure the length of both and whilst everything is off just reaffirm that all is okay. We know the usual clatters and bangs of CVR(T) awfully well by now and trust me having been on the road these are not the norm.

I'll let you know how I get on.


Just to add this is where I usually break the track, at the front between sprocket/first roadwheel.


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I am convinced that the issue is very simple.


I recall a whack whack sound after doing a track job only to find that the tea break had caused the broken process curse to appear in the form of a pin walking inwards as the nut had not been put on in the sectional build up. Doh!


Luckily that was caught before only pride was injured.


Await further news



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