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Ferret side hatch safety



Well....this is a "I know better" story that I'd thought I'd share.


I'm very pleased that I am able to use my right index finger to type this message this morning, after almost losing it on Saturday night here in the CWC Hangar.


The story, after a long two days of moving vehicles to a local Bunker show, we (my good Friend Robin Craig and I) had just parked the Mk 2/3 Ferret away, and I was dismounting. I always have a method of getting up and down from armor, always use the same way each time to avoid accidents, and teach my drivers to develop the same method. In this case, my normal way is to mount and dismount from the rear right side, forward the exhaust, always with 3 points of contact...


Saturday, The Ferret was the last to go in, and fatigue had set in, it was late and I cut a corner, getting out of the turret, and moving foward. I braced my right hand on the open right side port to use it to slide down when the lock released...I'm not sure how I avoided amputation, as I felt the hatch pinch my finger between the hull, but I managed to get clear, and Robin and both new instantly how close I was to a bad injury, I'm very glad he was there to see that happen, as it was a strong wake up call about how we need to be vigilant at all times, even when the last engine is turned off for the day.


So, yes, this is a "be safe out there" message from someone who knows how lucky he was !






CWC Canada

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I was closing one of the rear visors on 00EA85 made the mistake and went "fingers down" on the handle. I "nipped" the tips of three of the four fingers I had on that handle. Nothing serious but it hurt like heck. Never made that mistake again and I'm thankful that I got off so lightly....


I've owned several M151s over the years and the first thing I would think after sliding behind the steering wheel is "If you're not careful, this thing can hurt/kill you". Have to think of a similar mantra for the ferret I guess.


Anyway Nick, glad to hear that you're ok and not seriously hurt.



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I did a similar thing a couple of weeks ago with the front right hatch. I had my young son and two of his mates as witnesses. Three blood blisters on three finger tips. Three young boys who stood there bemused as to why I had sprinted into the house clutching my fingers, to frightened to see what damage I had done. Fortunately for me, they were still there (the fingers that is). Its a damn scary experience.


Regards, Tim

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A couple of tricks that I learnt with these hatches was to go outside and force them up by pulling with both hands to ensure they are locked open and when closing them do this from the outside using your foot if wearing safety boots.

To this day I still have all of my fingers attached:)

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A couple of tricks that I learnt with these hatches was to go outside and force them up by pulling with both hands to ensure they are locked open


Do that myself.



I read of a ferret owner making "straps" that he attached to the pull levers on the hatches and closes them that way. Gives the strap a tug while safely keeping all hands/fingers away from slaming metal.


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