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New but Old, Story of my life..........

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Evening/Morning depending on when you read this,


The names Lee/Cabbage Mechanic and I am Landrover 110 Preservation Expert or at least my Landy likes to think I am. I don't own it, it owns me. Had it for some years now and been through several preservation attempts but alas all failed. Now I am undertaking a preservation task that would rival the Mary Rose herself.


So stripped Landy, Cut off entire rear section of chassis and rewelded a new Puma half chassis to my 300tdi front half. Many things inbetween have been undertaken but now finishing off with a Nato Green paintjob to go with my Sankey Field Kitchen trailer (Hence the Cabbage Mechanic) which is to be used as part of an events catering business.


Popped by for a little help on one part of the 110 Preservation order.


DSC_0065.jpg Work in progress >>>>>>>>>>

Edited by CabbMech
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  • 3 weeks later...

Thought I would drop by with a little update. Managed to get everything sorted ref. Track Rod and ends and on the final push of my rebuild. I know its not quite authentic but I am trying to keep with the military theme whilst adding a little me at the same time.




Need to find a bigger camo net though as the one I have is too small. Sadly being made redundant pays rubbish.


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