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Sketch of a doodle bug engine prototype


A very ingenious suggestion Bernard but its not that.


In case anyone thinks this is some idle doodle (sorry) this a sketch at the end of a report that at one time was classed as secret.

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AFTER the last one first thought one of them bottles they give you if you are male and in hospital but is it a type of radio a



Although it looks rather like an open ended one Wally :embarrassed:


Indeed some of those thermionic devices do look rather like this, its not that either

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Some sort of scale would be useful, would it fit in a matchbox or a football HMVF tank playing field?


What system units would you like Bernard? The British standard media scales are: a potato, double-decker bus, olympic swimming pool, premier league football pitch, Wales, South America or the Moon.


At a guess I think its somewhere between the double-decker & the olympic swimming pool. I'll go below, I've got a little diagram & come back with it.

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Yes that media scale is rather annoying isn't it....


So broken lines usually denote some thing hidden or below the level of the continuous lines, dare I suggest a marine or submarine object?


The dotted lines are the real crux of the drawing really & it is marine Bernard.

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Could it be some sort of disguise to disorient an ardent enemy pilot? Clutching at straws really...


It's always worth having a go, but its not that.


This rather modest sketch is from a very detailed research file commissioned in Feb 1941. The implications of it were absolutely crucial on the ability of the Royal Navy to defend the UK. It includes many graphs & calculations, in fact I should really give it to a museum. I say that in case anyone thinks this stuff was just be googled up.

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I have not been keeping up with this thread so might suggest something already said. It is some sort of sensor or device to hide the object from radar or sonar, of which I think could be a submarine.


Richard nope its not a cloaking device.

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