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Carriers at W & P 2014


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Greetings folks,


I have been chatting along with a few others on MLU about arranging a carrier only event in the Arena at W & P 2014 and had a lot of very positive feedback.

As the most numerous armoured vehicles ever made I really want to make this work and we are so far up to 11 vehicles.


Any "carriers" are welcome, universal, bren, T16, Lloyd, Windsor, Carden Loyd VI, MG carrier in fact I think we could include the Renault Chenilette if anyone brought one over - I have only ever seen one working !


It would be a first at War and Peace and to represent as many different producing countries in the D DAY anniversary year would be good too, Canada, Australia, N Zealand, UK, USA.


Oh and have a great Christmas everyone.


Andy Mitchell

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It's starting to come together. We're at 12 carriers, Scout, MK1*,MK2* and T16.


There's feelers out for Loyd and LP types too.



Met a guy at Malpas show from Stoke area with an LP . Can't remember his name tho, . Got his card somewhere. Think he said he wasn't on HMVF tho

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ian's the guy that sold me 3 tanks and the old 24 stud engine from his lp2a is currently being rebuilt and will be fitted into my carrier in the new year.



Yeah, said he knew you mate, bit of a chat with him but he was swamped by photo grabbers all weekend. Nice guy.

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