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FV432 - DLB No.1 Mk1


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Does anyone know where I can get a wiring diagram for a DLB No.1 Mk1 FV494570 including MOD mod 4, and if there is an EMER covering the electrical systems using this Distribution Link Box?

I've got the set from andym, but they don't cover this, and we're having real trouble getting to grips with the electrical systems.





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Does anyone know where I can get a wiring diagram for a DLB No.1 Mk1 FV494570 including MOD mod 4, and if there is an EMER covering the electrical systems using this Distribution Link Box?

I've got the set from andym, but they don't cover this, and we're having real trouble getting to grips with the electrical systems.






I'm confused - are you sure you've got the full set of manuals? There's definitely a diagram in the relevant AESP. This is the official MOD redacted version:






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You're not the only one!

I found that as well, but it is different to the one fitted in our 432. The FV numbers are the same, and it is marked up with No.1 Mk1, but there are differences in the wiring.

This DL box is turning into Pandoras Box...

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Sounds like someone has been fiddling! If you mean the later S152 starter they still have a built-in solenoid so the wiring should be unchanged. What's the problem with the fuel solenoid - someone not converting properly from the older two-wire type to the later three-wire with separate hold-on coil?



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The fuel solenoid was fiddled with by someone who didn't find out how it works. Also there's been a lot of damaged cables. The solenoid is back on and correctly set, electrically checked and all cabling checked, but it still won't work. Same with the fuel pump. Feed it with 24v and it has worked for over 30min non stop, but through the DLB nothing.......

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  • 3 weeks later...


A little progress today. My friend has got the fuel solenoid to open and hold, the starter motor to spin and the fuel pump to pump. All this by feeding the relevant cables that connect through the DLB. When we try it through the DLB nuffink.

So the DLB in fried. The one we have on at the moment is a DLB No1 Mk1 Mod6. We have got a No1 Mk1 Mod7 which seems to use the same connections in the same order, but we are still a little worried as to whether we can just use the Mod7 or not, or does there need to be some adaptions to the wiring harnesses?


Any help would be most appreciated

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As far as I'm aware all the DLBs that have the 25A starter circuit breaker fitted are interchangeable. The fitment of that breaker required modifying the FIP solenoid wiring on the power pack.


As I suggested, have you checked that the DLB1 to DLB2 paralleling link is intact? All the circuits you mention pass through it - see attached.


FIP Solenoid Circuit.jpg



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The Mod 6 doesn't have the 25amp breaker or the relay that sits on top of the TB's on the lid. Have you got any info on this modification?






Ah - that may explain what's going on. I've never seen a DLB without the breaker, yours must be ancient! Here's the circuit diagram for the old version:


Old FIP Circuit.jpg


How many wires does your FIP solenoid have - two or three?



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I wonder if you've ended up with some sort of half-way house between the two versions of wiring. The easiest thing to investigate is the fuel pump as that doesn't go through the relay circuit. Provided you've got 24V on 12F from the engine switch and 24V also comes out of 2G, it should find its way via the paralleling link to 23A and the pump should run.



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Ah - that may explain what's going on. I've never seen a DLB without the breaker, yours must be ancient! Here's the circuit diagram for the old version:




How many wires does your FIP solenoid have - two or three?




3: 1 common, 1 to pull, and 1 to hold in place.

From what you've said it sound like the pack we've got has had the modification to run with the DLB No1 Mk1 Mod7. And somehow the DLB we have in the 432 is 'bodge'd' to work. If we swap for the DLB Mod7 we should be fine (hopefully).



I wonder if you've ended up with some sort of half-way house between the two versions of wiring. The easiest thing to investigate is the fuel pump as that doesn't go through the relay circuit. Provided you've got 24V on 12F from the engine switch and 24V also comes out of 2G, it should find its way via the paralleling link to 23A and the pump should run.





There's no power coming out of the box to feed the FIP solenoid, the fuel pump, or the starter motor.

Power is going in at the right connections, but it isn't coming out. Wonder if someone has fried it trying dick about with it.

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I'm also wondering if your Mod 6 has been bodged. Any chance that someone took your breaker and relay out, knackering the DLB in the process? Here's a rather worse for wear DLB showing the starter relay in the lid, this is another Mod 6.




It should be a pretty straight forward process to trace the fuel pump wiring through the DLB. Let me know how you get on!



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