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So, what is everyome up to at the moment...?


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Just wanted to touch base with everyone, to see what everyone is up to.


So post away - what is good in life at the moment? What is cr*p, what have you recently sold or bought? Have you just got a new job or have you just left one?


What in the world is making you smile and what in the world is really p*ssing you off!


.....come on, get it off your chest! :whistle:


For me, can't wait for the clocks to go forward, it has been a very long and wet winter and before I forget - traffic wardens are really starting to p*ss me off!

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Now I am on a roll...........


I hate the world of celebrities where the hell do these people come from - I just hope that they don't get amongst us humans and start to bred!!!!


Oh I don't know, there's a few of the lady ones I wouldn't mind breeding with ;-).

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I hate drivers who use a slip road to join motorways at 40mph instead of accelerating to a speed similar to the traffic flow, and who slow down to 40mph on the motorway a mile before a slip road. I always thought slip roads were to allow traffic to merge and exit at similar speeds!


Then there's those who cut across lanes on roundabouts, instead of following the lanes.....


People who don't indicate.....


People who overtake you and then slow down!



I love our office girls, they're hot!!


and on that note, nuff said!




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Right now - feverishly trying to rebuild a Landrover for the Plains event!!


This was the last thing bought of substance - all else has been diverse part either for the Landie or the Stalwart - nothing sold.


Whats peeing me off - the Ford motor co. in general and it's German representatives in particular I'm losing my job the Germany - supposed to be handing my work over to the German IT sections but so far have had a deafening silence from them whilst getting much grief of the lug-hole from the bosses here for not having done so!!

Oh - and the little scrotes who live round here and who've been making our lives a misery for the past 4 years. 18 months to go and we can think about moving out when the daughter goes to uni. Don't want to scare you Jack - but the missus wants to head down your way


Whats making me smile - seeing the Landie coming together slowly :-)

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I'm sorting out a few jobs on the landy to get it ready for the summer.


What's really getting me wound up is picking up the paper everyday and reading about asylum seekers breaking the law!. They come here for a better life and commit crime, it really really wind's me up!!!!.


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Day before yesterday finally managed to get to Bannisters to pick up the dual power valve, so Saladin brakes are the next job on the list.


Also dropped by a chap near Beltring to pick up an engine deck WITH doors for the Ferret, I have a feeling I will be calling again as he appears to have most of what I might require.


Found out a little more about the mods on the Ferret as it would appear to have been modded for mine blasts at some stage with extra ribbing to vertical welded seams, an extension of the hull plate over the petrol tank and bracings to the top of the engine bay. So all in all a pretty good day.


Will be travelling "up country" today to pick up a NEW petrol tank for the Ferret as well as an Air cleaner. So the gathering of bits has started :roll:


Major concentration is going to be on the Saladin at the moment as it has to be ready for our show in May as well as the Horseguards event in June, so work will be cut out for the next few weeks. Just have to hope the weather is kind :|

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Going through the process of moving house. Im sure estate agents are specially bred people designed to make your life a living stressfull nightmare! On a plus note the new house has a big garage/workshop and a manshed! All wired up! On another plus note we had a work experience lad in for a couple of days this week, and his days were spent very productively painting the Morris chassis, he actually did a fair job, so next week is a lesson in degreasing the underside of the gearbox! ;-)

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Working during the week,.....................saving for events, (well, trying too, :whistle:) driving and working on the bedford at weekends;............tesco's shopping,......now that IS FUN.............. :evil: (narrow parking spaces and slightly restricted steering lock,... :roll:)


Hopfully see some of you about, this year;............still gutted obout not being able to make the salisbury trip. :cry:



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Female drivers, dancing with the stars, iceskating with the stars, pimp my ride with stars, stars licking each others arse.

Did I mention female drivers?



The Command Car.

The weather.

No girlfriend nagging (no sex is a downside).

Maybe another repro helmet sold. (sold several the past few months.

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Jack in the first few posts you sound like Victor Meldrew! ha ha.

MV's forgotten for a little while, doing the brakes on the Series 3, doing up sons bedroom, and slowly me and the boy are getting stuck into the little Bonser industrial truck.

Quite busy really!


The list of things that annoy me is so endless it would take me days to write it up :-D

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And what's wrong with a touch of the Victor Meldrews?? :-D

Still trying to get the bedroom decorated when I want to be playing with my toys.....(be quite nice to sleep in my proper bed too !) Just discovered the Mog needs two brake cylinders...also Frank Atkinson's aren't in to Mister Telephone on a Saturday & I finished work too late to catch them last night .It's too wet outside to even think of heading down to the shed.And I won't be able go to The Plains to see the rest of you guys either . On the plus side ...............Nearly finished decorating the bedroom & soon I'll be back in a proper bed ........The Mog only needs two brake cylinders replaced.........And it hasn't rained for a least a day and a half....... :whistle:

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Spent the day nitromorsing the hood on the dodge... now stripped primered & repainted... Layout , print & cut up stencils tommorrow & set to finishing off...

Oh & just got home & went to the cashpoint to get some money for tommorrow (avid car-booter!) only to find a nice crispy tenner on the floor... yay! :-D

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Oh I don't know, there's a few of the lady ones I wouldn't mind breeding with ;-).



Just beens sitting here working out some crud or other and five page three girls walked in to see someone opposite me Combined height: five foot nine. Tabloid heaven for some, but i've been working in this mad house for twenty odd years and maybe I'm a bit jaded with it all. Bring on the summer when the housemartins come back and the light returns. The Iltis needs doing...


I hate the whole concept of celebrity. Can't see any point to any of it. I sit in the newsroom where all kinds of concern is aired over who is mating with who and who's doing which brand of narcotic or light beer in abundance. Frequently we have "actress smokes cigarette" shock news moments. It's as if Orwell's wicked fantasy has been take over by Tracey Beaker. I also really hate TV. There was the mighty BBC last night. Celebs singing for their supper on one side. Dogs barking for theirs on the other. Great. I want my money back.


Had a good walk in Laindon country park yesterday, up past the little Plotlands museum and out to a stunning view of beautiful rolling English countryside in sunny Essex - it's not all Jade Goodey and shot gun killings. It was a little moment of magic. Back home for some brie and water biscuits with a bottle of Grolsch. Heaven. Followed by home made shortbread made by my son stryker. Good lad.


over to you...





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Don't worry Snapper you could be working for a p*ss-poor tinpot local paper...

Cat up a tree stories and other mundane drivel. A major news story occurs on our doorstep (railcrash) & we're a week behind everyone else as it happened just after we went to print & we're weekly...


Waddaya gonna do...


I'll tell you what... smile take your wages and waste company money by reading this instead of working ha-ha :-D

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Or you could be working for a Global manufacturer who's about to lay you off and give the work to Germany on the basis they are more cost effective at 2.5 times the salary rate; expect you to hand the work knowledge over and the <censoreds> won't talk to you!!

And the bloody management blame YOU for not co-operating with THEM!!!


Deep joy - NOT!!!!!!!!!! >:( >:(


Roll on June 30th!!!!

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Cheer up guys, soon be War and Peace show, waiting for hours for a shower with your feet in luke warm mud then off for a dump with no paper left. try to cheer yourself up with a cuppa only to find the queue is a mile long at the water tap. Oh cr-p, time for the Valium washed down with gin. It's only being so cheerful that keeps us going :-D :-D


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Enjoyed at the weekend- playing with fire, big hammers, mud, large trucks and winches, taking the canvas roof off to enjoy big truck with winch in sun (moving Nicks new WLF), meeting HMVF guys.


Not looking forward to- Building engines for CVRTs before Beltring, going to work this morning.

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Cheer up guys, soon be War and Peace show, waiting for hours for a shower with your feet in luke warm mud then off for a dump with no paper left. try to cheer yourself up with a cuppa only to find the queue is a mile long at the water tap. Oh cr-p, time for the Valium washed down with gin. It's only being so cheerful that keeps us going :-D :-D




Oh YES!!!!! Roll on July - rather be at W&P with friends than sitting here - even if it's pouring with rain!!!! :-) :-) :-) :-)

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my working life is so so awful at the moment i haven't got the time or inclination to do anything else. so i really must apologise for my lack of input lately.

Our company (UPS) took over Lynx ages ago & as we were the best centre in the country for 3 years they decided to integrate us as a flagship cause the other 3or4 they done so far are worse than cr~p.

so 3 weeks ago we moved from our building to theirs 7 miles away. it isn't big enough to run all the routes out of so they have kept our building open for the lynx owner drivers & have moved all the employed drivers to the lynx site. what they didn't explain was that not only would i be doing all my own work for my (new) centre but i would still have to do all the work for the old centre as well. to make life even more complete some of the lynx owner drivers are not as work concientious as our guys. the amount of damaged packages has more than doubled & 1 customer said the guy just 'dropped' the parcel at his feet damaging a hot foil machine worth around 1200.00. the cod import side of things is so bad it has now gone beyond worrying about. they have missed collecting more money in 2 weeks than we did for the whole of last year and the cherry on the cake is all the high value stuff we deal with which has to be logged & the drivers have to sign to say they have recieved them. so i get them in a pile, i scan & sign to say i have got them then the drivers some in & they have to ocme see me to collect their stuff & sign the sheet again. this was fine when i just had 100 - 150 but now it is 300 + which isn't easy on your own.

i must confess to having a hissy fit & locking myself in the loo & not coming out till the early shift had finished at 7am. I have been doing almost double my normal working hours and at 1 point was so tired i thought i was halucinating.

the one saving grace is that it can't go on like this forever. day by day we are just chipping away at the old block as best we can.

:argh: :banghead: :argh: :banghead: :cofee: :computerterror2: :blush: :banghead:

hopefully back to normal before too much longer

a very dejected Berni

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