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Ferret Brake lights


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Just got ferret back from painting Ferret ready for sunny show season ahead (will post Picts when light) Brake light is sticking on. Any ideas why? Where is the brake lig htn switch? I guess it's a pressure switch somewhere. In the system, but where is it situated & can it be freed off or is it likely to be a replacement job?

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I recently bought a Saracen and the brake lights were stuck on. I bought a new brake light switch but before I could fit it the existing switch 'unstuck' itself and now all is well. Motto, it might be worth trying the brakes for a while.

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we had same problem, caused by the little hole in the bottom of the master cylinder blocked with rust and debris. suck out most of the brake fluid to reveal the hole and clean it out. it then allows the fluid to return. an idea to tell you if the system is remaining pressurized and subsequently the brake lights are on is to open a bleed screw and release pressure and lights may go off. as you've identified the swith is pressure operated


regards mick

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The actual pedal can become tight on its pivot, so may not be fully returning, also ensure clearance on push rod that operates the M/cyl. Have seen problems where reservoirs are filled to high and with a blocked breather cap, this can also allow a slight pressure to rise in the system.

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Had similar issue on mine, where the brake lights would come on after leaving overnight. I think it was either Clive or Richard suggested the master cylinder which indeed it was. Easy enough to swap out and problem solved.

I think it was something like this: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/LOCKHEED-MASTER-AUSTIN-K2-DENNIS-PAX-MORRIS-1940s-/150723034809?pt=UK_Cars_Parts_Vehicles_Other_Commercial_Vehicles_ET&hash=item2317cafeb9#ht_758wt_754&clk_rvr_id=487228181151#ht_779wt_948

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In 1980 I commanded 33BA81, a Mark 1 equipped as an Armoured Recce Regiment rebroadcast station, the oldest vehicle in barracks by number plate. During the course of Ex Spearpoint / Crusader 80, I was able to perform the only rebroadcast of my career, of an umpire net.


It amounted to, "Corporal Alien, find a good site for comms in this grid square and rebro the umpire command net back to us here to save us having to move the whole of Command Troop for a couple of hours."


So we bimbled off and stopped on a track in the middle of a field on a forward slope, ideal for comms both up and down and we didn't give a toss about cam because we were umpires.


Twiddled a few knobs on a pair of brand spanking new VRC353s, give Zero a nickname to encourage them to change frequency as agreed in advance, didn't bother with authentication (they all knew my voice, it was an umpire net and it had all been agreed in advance anyway) and announced, "Hello all stations this is 4 Hotel 6 this is an automatic rebroadcast net. Out."


Then I whipped out the book I was reading, sat with bum on edge of coaming and boots on the commander's seat and graciously accepted the cuppa that Jock my driver had whistled up while I was performing mumbo-jumbo on the radios. Headset on, half listening to the Umpire Command Net but otherwise just grabbing a few rays.


Became aware that the squelch circuits were getting rather active on both sets. Did a quick retune on each. No avail. Radios died. Damn. Jock discovered that the brake lights were stuck on and had sucked the life out of the batteries. Damn damn. No way to raise help. Attempted to push start the Ferret down the slope. (Don't laugh: it had worked once before in UNFICYP in 1977.) No joy. Damn damn damn. Tried the crank handle. No joy. Then as if by magic Zero Alpha's Sultan pulled up alongside completely out of the blue. Accepted a roasting for losing the net, then a let-off when I explained the circumstances.


Accepted a slave start and we were up and away in seconds. Zero Alpha continued on its way to the new location, whilst I paid a visit to our LAD in some central base somewhere which escapes me now, but I think Bazz may remember where they were cos I am sure it was at this moment that we discussed the cards issued to 2 US Armored Division which advised them against drinking, gambling or chasing women with the Brits cos we'd embarrass them with our superior skills at each.


Istr being told we needed a new master cylinder but it would be a day or two before one was available, so we simply removed the bulbs and carried on.

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