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Trandum 2005

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I thought I'd leave some more photos here. If you follow the link you'll see photos from 2004.http://www.geocities.com/weaponscarrier51/trandum2004bilder


These are taken at Trandum, which is the norwegian armys old training site for the cavalery. Most of the training these days takes place at Rena leir, but some activities are still at Trandum. Since this is still army property it's only a couple of times we can drive there. This thanks to HMK Romerrike. On the property there's also some memories from the war. Some areas are off limit to vehicles since there are graves of people killed by the germans. Also there's the remains of something I believe to be a test tunnel for artillery & tanks. To get their aim straight! ;-)

Some german built barracks as well. This is not very far from Oslo.


I'll post some photos from the meeting in 2005.


See next post...



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These photos were taken the 15th of may 2005. The day before my father and I went to fetch his WC51. We parked it at Trandum that night and went home to get mine which we arrived with the next day. I'll post a couple of photos here first to show you the norwegian pattern camouflage the car had, and then show you what the weather was like... :?


width=640 height=480http://img223.imageshack.us/img223/6603/img0004zy5.jpg[/img]

My Dads new car with winter outfit and camo.


width=640 height=480http://img136.imageshack.us/img136/6153/img0084mt8.jpg[/img]

Several US vehicles at HQ. Please note the green grass.


width=640 height=480http://img228.imageshack.us/img228/5352/img0080xf7.jpg[/img]

This is a photo I think turned out really good. Taken going home from Trandum 2005.


width=640 height=480http://img147.imageshack.us/img147/6571/img0111tu1.jpg[/img]

Since I hadn't gotten enough of driving I took my fathers car out for a test drive. Took into the mountains nearby. This is may the 16th!!


width=640 height=480http://img223.imageshack.us/img223/2770/img0114qd7.jpg[/img]

The same test drive, also may 16th.

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Hi Rick!


They have all been out of the army for several years. And I believe that the camo scheme on my dad's Dodge nevere were in use in the army. I believe it was painted like this afterwards by a group belonging to the "home guard"/ reserve army. I don't know why they used their own vehicles though.




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Hi jack!


Good you enjoy the photos.

As for jerry cans. I know two norwegian companies that have those for sale.

First one is http://www.forsvarsbrukt.no/shopexd.asp?id=138

which is army surplus store. kr 60 each can or about 5 pounds

the second http://www.olav-teigen.no/nettbutikk.htm sell them for kr 75,- each can.

I bought about 20 cans from a garage nearby for kr 60 each and they are now stowed in my trailer.

width=600 height=480http://img451.imageshack.us/img451/2382/tilhengerie7.png[/img]




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