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Plans, dream and ambitions for 2007...?


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So, 2006 is nearly to a close and life being life we have all had some good times and of course some bad but a new year is upon us so it is a good time to start to plan out what 2007 is going to bring us all. What want to do more off and for some of us, what we are going to do less off :whistle:


We can all start with a blank piece of paper, learn from the past year experiences - so how are you going to fill yours out?

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My plans;


Get my re-enacting gear together (British Infantry, Leicestershire Regiment, NW Europe 1944-45)


Get my BSA M20 (finally, my own mv!), restore it, get a trailer for it and take it to as many re-enacting events with me as possible


Make a fair amount of cash and spend the rest of the year until September travelling the country and doing things i've always wanted to do until I go to Uni

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I would just like to get SOMETHING done next year - between work , band & family stuff 2006 became something of a lost year for me . Didn't get to many shows and definitely didn't get to play with the toys much . Hope to get the Mog home - preferably without it falling apart - get the brakes sorted on the SnowTrac & get them & me out and about meeting some of you guys wherever you might be .

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Getting the Morris up and running before Easter in time for some shows this year!

Getting another MV(maybe something smaller for everyday).

Getting my other half to realise the appeal of big green machines.

Getting her to donate some of her money to my cause!



Just tell her she can take more shoes and clothing in a big green vehicle when going somewhere.

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ok, here goes....


Read more.

relax more.

Drink more less.

Get back to Normandy.

Write some more.

Learn some more.

Get another business up and running.

Expand the current two.

Improve HMVF.

Buy a WC52.

Buy a Thompson SMG.

Having more time to spend with friends.

Take the goodlady away again.

Make sure I call my Mum more often.

Stop telling my Father to stop smoking.

Get to do a convoy in Brittainy with M8 Greyhound.

Meet everyone from HMVF

Knock off 1/2 - 1 stone of lard.


........thats it for now - I think!

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A change of job to something a bit more rewarding would be nice. On the MV front Mrs Spood and myself hope to do some bigger shows further afield this year, things have been a bit quiet for a couple of years, probably a bit hopeful to think about another vehicle but who knows. It is also my intention to learn to fly a r/c aircraft. Most importantly I would like to stay healthy

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To get my 6-rad project running before the end of the school year. It doesn't have to be finished, but at least usable. My eldest wants to be taken to school in it. :evil:

She goes up to senior school in September, by which time I doubt she'll want her old man visible at all. :embarassed:

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Hopefully get my licence sorted so I can go on some decent trips. DVLA have only had it since June so with any luck I'll have it back in the next 6 months :dunno:

Get my mortgage paid off by the end of the year with any luck, and then find some decent storage and maybe get a jimmy.

That's my hopes for the year.

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