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Greetings Ladies and Gentlemen,


allow me to introduce myself: My name is Jens, I was born in 1964, have served in the German army and have worked as a civilian contractor for the US Army about two decades ago, including a stay in sunny Saudi Arabia and Kuwait during the unpleasantries back then.


I have a live-long interest in military technology, especially vehicles of various types, my favourite 4x4 is the Austin Champ, 6x6 the Stalwart family and the Centurion ranks among my favourite MBTs. Since I will never have the opportunity to own a full-sized one, I model in 1/87 aka H0 scale and I have an extensive library (but I seemingly managed to misplace my edition of "Quarter Ton" :cry:).


I also attend a few modelling shows in Germany which let me get close and personal to actual military vehicles, namely the show at the Panzermuseum in Munster and the annual modelling show for the benefit of German Child Cancer Aid (which my modelling buddies and I support through collecting donations) at Holzminden, where usually a variety of current and historical military vehicles is shown.


I will probably be more of a lurker around here but there is always the possibility that my meagre knowledge may contribute to something or that I may have a question that needs an answer.


Thanks for having me here and warmest regards




Welcome Jens, I served in a tank workshops (REME) in Hamm Westphalia 1956 / 58 we had Champs and Centurians..... I think that you would have enjoyed that. I really enjoyed my time in Germany, I have been back a couple of times with my wife...... I promised her that I would take her to Germany, like me she was very impressed.


Thanks for the hearty welcome and I do think that I would have enjoyed certain events live - how far are they with time travel, anyway?


At least we have our memories, photos and war stories, although I did never take enough photos, always thinking "well, that stuff is still going to be there tomorrow". :banghead:





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