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Hi to members of this HMVF forum from Tamworth Staffs


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Hi every one, well where do I start, My first love for years has been Stationary Engines and still is but I have just bought what I consider to be the ultimate in Stationary engines, It's a Ruston 5HR 1931 22HP stationary engine in near perfect condition, and wrapped around this beast of an engine was a Green Goddess 1957 SYH 295 with 4100 miles on the clock. I live in Tamworth Staffs and collected the Goddess from Penzance Cornwall on Saturday 4th February 2012. (yesterday).

This was a 300 mile journey each way and trust my luck when I got near home 4 inches of snow to finish the drive of a lifetime, I was frightened to death driving such a noisy slow heavy vehicle, but enjoyed every minuet. It cost £200 in petrol and around 8hours to get home. The Engine on the back I am very familiar with but the Goddess I know very little about, so this is where I hope the members her might be able to help me.

The chap who converted the fire engine to what it now is made a fantastic job of it and to the untrained eye when it is on the road it still looks like a fire engine, then with the sides folded down it is a wonderful Stationary engine display.

I desperately need somewhere to store it under cover long term near Tamworth, I do have a short term solution but for now it is on my drive and the neighbours have all one by one been round to look at it and declared I must be mad but they wish they had one :D

Well that's my intro for now

All the best


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Hi Cedric and welcome to the forum.


I lived in Tamworth for ten years until I moved up the M42 to Coalville. When I lived there I had undercover storage for my Diamond Ts on a farm close to the Bellfry golf course. If you are interested in the info to give them a try send me a PM and I will give you the details.




Regards... Steve.

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Welcome to the forum and good luck with your new acquisition, try to tell us more about your trip home, I am sure that you must have experienced some interesting moments ????? And good luck with your search for long term storage.


Hi Big Ray.

My trip home started with the chap selling me the set up saying "you will find it horrible to start with but you will soon get used to it", famous last words, It was a wave then into first gear when I found the clutch bite instead of gently pulling away it was a case of were off with a jump, then came the first gear change to second, well I missed that and we came to a halt again so back to first and this time gave the engine a good rev so I had enough time to find second. The next step was to turn right at the busy A60, must have waited for about 15minuets before the road was clear enough for me to pull out and off we go. 5miles down the road I pulled into a garage to fill up with petrol, got some strange looks and a few nice comments off other customers, after standing with the nozzle in the fuel tank for around 5 minuets with no petrol being delivered the chap in the kiosk came out to me and said "are you sure you want petrol and not Diesel" after assuring him I wanted petrol he switched the pump on. next problem was manoeuvring out the petrol station, getting in was OK but out required a tight turn, I nearly had to pull the sockets out my arms trying to get the wheels locked over, but we made it without demolishing the station. Right so we are now on the road travelling at around 35MPH till we get to a hill, not very steep but down to second gear and nice que forming behind, finally got to the Motorway and it was pouring down with rain, the little wipers were going like mad but no clearing the rain and the cab was leaking from all over the place, my wife Janet was running round the cab trying to block some of the holes with bits of tissue and wipe the misting up off the inside of the windscreen at the same time, after a while the rain slowed down so I hit the floor with accelerator and managed to do the clock, 50mph after first going through two terrifying speed wobbles, first at 40mph then at 45mph when the lorry shook violently from side to side and the steering wheel took a lot of holding, at 50 all seemed OK till I took my foot off the pedal then we got a loud vibration, might have been exhaust.

We had to stop again for petrol on the motorway and a break then off on the second part off the journey, going along nicely till we got to M42 and hit the snow, the strange thing was when all the other cars and lorry's were slowing down due to slippery handling the goddess didn't feel any different so I pulled into the middle lane and sat there at 35mph and sailed past everyone, when I got to my home the snow had built up and manoeuvring was getting difficult so I slipped her into 4wheel drive and it went into my drive easy.

When Janet and I finally got in the house we found both our voices were a little croak due to all the shouting at each other over the engine and transmission noise.

After all this we still love our new toy and can't wait to start exhibiting in April.

would like to try and get rid of the speed wobble though.


Sorry to be so long winded but you did ask :red:


All the best


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Hi Cedric,


You are an artfull storyteller, I have a big smile on my face now after reading your story! Reminds me a lot of my maiden trip in my Dodge WC51. Though I did not have the courage to bring the wife!!!


That leaves me to welcome you to the forum!

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Thats brilliant!


What rallies will you be doing in her?


Not sure yet but will definatly be at the 1000 engine rally and probably some of the Shakespear Ralies, mostly round the midlands for the time being.

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Thanks for the details of your journey home. Being EX-AFS that truck should have done very low mileage, so I am surprised that you suffered so much wheel wobble, check the steering from the box right through to the trackrod ends, check that tyre pressures are correct. Finally, if that all o.k. change the rear wheels to the front, first one, then try it, if still the same change the second one. The violent shudder when you took your foot of the acclerator, check the props for being loose on the flanges or worn U/J` s, check centre bearings for excessive play........... You should enjoy driving that truck, I drove them when they were new in the 1950s in Germany, I served in a REME Tank Workshops, all the trucks that we had were of WW11 vintage. The RL was the first truck that we received with a synchromesh gearbox, it was a dream to drive....... Have fun.

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I forgot to mention, I do remind people in our group that the bargrip tyres are designed for better traction off road, its all a compromise, this inevitabely means that the grip will not be quite as good as normal tread road going tyres. That means in wet / ice / snow conditions make allowances for breaking and cornering....... and you will still have fun.

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  • 6 months later...
Hi Just wodering if you had any joy with the storage, we are also looking for a place to store two Jimmys, we are also in Tamworth.


Thats a realy cutey you have there




Hi Claire, I do have storage at the moment, not exactly ideal but the right price and in the dry, would like somewhere to be able to do some servicing and repairs, having said that the owner said I can work in the barn where it is stored but I don't fancy it with all the caravans and motor homes around. if you want to PM me I will give you his number and perhaps he can fit you in for the time being, it is just round the back of the Belfry so not too far, or PM your phone number and I will give you a ring,

All the best


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